Stealth Suit or Domino to Rank 3?

I'll be completing act 6 this week and will need to pick a class for the t5 selector. Although I'm still more than 25% away from forming a t5cc, my top 2 6stars are Stealth Suit and Domino both unduped, so it would make sense to target one of their classes.
I currently have 25% more skill than mutant.
Edit: I'm @ 6.4.6, Stealth Suit 1 shot the hydra adaptoid.
I currently have 25% more skill than mutant.
Edit: I'm @ 6.4.6, Stealth Suit 1 shot the hydra adaptoid.
Stealth Suit or Domino to Rank 3? 90 votes
I just never got into Stealth suit spidey. I tried. I really did. Meanwhile, Domino is always somewhere in my rotation.
Don’t let the Domino hate trend blind you from facts 😉
Both dont really need to be awakend but it helps them with damage which makes them general great R3s.
I dont think you can go wrong with your choice. If stealthy is your only slow champion you might want to go with him.
I enjoy playing both and they always shine here and there.