Hear us kabam, it's time.

I'd like to preface this with, please let's conform to the forum rules and make this a constructive conversation. It's a conversation worth having, and moderators do see these posts and have every incentive to hear us and appease us but we lack the viewpoint they do in what we ask for and long term vision of what they can fix, address, or announce. Granted I'm pretty sure we have pushed them to anti-depressants at this point.
I've been playing for almost 2 years, I'm having less fun and in effect spending less money on this game then I ever have.
What is making this game lack the fun it once did? Again, please be constructive, I'm not looking to shut this thread down but give kabam a genuine perspective and maybe hopefully possibly hear a constructive response based on this feedback.
This game has always had bugs...I still spent money....this game has occasionally nerfed characters ... I still spent money....I've read countless posts of rants and tirades I agreed with but did nothing...and I still spent money....
Why is it now that the game has just become (granted my opinion) mundane, unexciting, unrewarding, and not worth the 'squeeze' so to speak?
Where did kabam jump the shark? What's happened to a game I love, However consistently flawed, to have the last few weeks change two years of player activity? If your on these forums, let's face it, your hooked.
No question.
I'm just voicing my opinion as a long term customer and fan, that this game has lost so much luster, so much excitement, and I want to know how this happened? Am I The only one feeling this way?
I've been playing for almost 2 years, I'm having less fun and in effect spending less money on this game then I ever have.
What is making this game lack the fun it once did? Again, please be constructive, I'm not looking to shut this thread down but give kabam a genuine perspective and maybe hopefully possibly hear a constructive response based on this feedback.
This game has always had bugs...I still spent money....this game has occasionally nerfed characters ... I still spent money....I've read countless posts of rants and tirades I agreed with but did nothing...and I still spent money....
Why is it now that the game has just become (granted my opinion) mundane, unexciting, unrewarding, and not worth the 'squeeze' so to speak?
Where did kabam jump the shark? What's happened to a game I love, However consistently flawed, to have the last few weeks change two years of player activity? If your on these forums, let's face it, your hooked.
No question.
I'm just voicing my opinion as a long term customer and fan, that this game has lost so much luster, so much excitement, and I want to know how this happened? Am I The only one feeling this way?
The very fact that progression is built around building up your team, but to get that team you are literally at the mercy of "random" chance. The rewards go to the top 1% and as can be seen by the frankly stupid scores needed for characters in arenas the only way to actually get any characters of worth is via the arenas. Turning it into a grind. Arenas were always the funnest. Now they are 24hr x 3day slog in the hopes of making the cut.
The second issue has been kabam/netmarble's unwillingness to lift the rate of progression to match the speed in which they are raising the spend curve.
Thirdly, V12 effectively killed any motivation I had left to help finance this game and the recent info release of 6*s and then no-skill alliance wars have just made things worse.
Lastly, the game breaking bugs are just too common and too severe for me to justify spending anymore (save for a gifting event or added value cheap unit deals).
I'll continue to play this game because I love it but my distrust of the companies behind it has reached its limit and I will not reward them regularly for poor performance.
Instead of making rediculous bugs (even ‘accidentally’) add vanity items to spend u it’s on. Add customizable outfits for existing characters, add different L3 special animation options, add special farty smokes to things.. I don’t care. There’s so many options to make this game more fun/customizable without making it reduculously buggy and hard (because of the bugs).
Increase customer satisfaction and you’ll increase revenue.
The cost of these "specials" are ridiculous! Not worth spending the money. Lower the prices and make it worth while for us to open our wallets!
For me though the biggest thing is all the bugs! How long has parry been broke? You still need to do a perfect block to parry so how is it AI champions can parry, block and back up all at the same time still?? I could go on with examples but we all know about them. Kabam, please just fix these things. If we all did not like the game, we would not keep complaining about it getting fixed and made more interesting!
I'll not try some content in the near future while it's happening, because I know it will not end well.
As someone else said, arenas are becoming an unfunny task and a race just for jobless and it's excluding me. This week is first time I didn't arena and I'm thinking I won.
I don't know whether or not this fell is generalized but I think this thread is good idea for the feed back if they want fix something.
Add to that bugs, fight control problems and content that is outpacing the abilities of even the best champs and it starts to become pretty pointless. I’ve moved to a retirement alliance and most of our members hardly play anymore. These are all guys who have been playing since 2014.
This morning I did a run in AW. The new special bug hit my SL in the first fight, costing half his health. Second fight SW auto-charged into an L1, taking a big chunk of her health. Bottom line, I logged on to play and ended up mad and frustrated by issues out of my control. That happens most days now. No fun.
Now? to heck with those champs as we gotta maximize muh diversity and only place the highest of PI champs.
#BringBackDefenderKillPoints before majority of top tier players/spenders leave the game.
Then on top of muh Diversity Parades .... the actual gameplay is now a mess and we await more fixes that could bring even more bugs... only time will tell.
You answered your own questions. You kept spending money, and I'm willing to bet you still are. Until people like you take a stand EVERYTIME the game is broken and stop playing/spending, it will always be like this. You have no one to blame but yourselves.
There's lots to do, just not on a phone or computer. Play sports, volunteer somewhere, get a job, etc...
and thats what they rely on....idiots to keep playing and spending on a broken game. its indirectly your own fault its like this. Just think if everyone quit playing and spending when the game is broke. I bet it wouldnt be broke much.
Agreed. Until the big spenders get off of their high horses made of cash and level with the rest of us rather than constantly worrying about just having better stuff in the game, we're, as a community, powerless.
Jesus Christ man, get a hobby.
1. Creating blatant money grab decisions - (e.g. Collector AI in 5.2 and Bane nodes).
2. Bugs on the AI that give us major disadvantages.
3. Implementing fundamental changes to the game that impact the investment we made in certain characters (e.g. AWD characters that have far less utility now) without compensation.
If youre not spending then it doesnt refer to you. But if youre still playing it does. Think about it, if people arent playing, the game isnt making money. Whose fault is it if people continue to whine and complain about a broken game but continue to play and/or spend? Thats when its falls on the players.
1. The "notorious" 12.0 update really destroyed our best champs and we had to start over again to upgrade other heroes. (Some of us if not all really enjoyed Dr. Strange before he was turned into a stage magician)
2. The introduction of 6* was really premature, while 5* and their rank up material have not become more available as we had been promised
3. The new AW format. Do we really need to explain again and again that it is boring and broken?
4. Bugs and glitches seem to have taken control of the game in the past few months. Problems appearing is a natural thing in a game, but when the game becomes close to unplayable due to various bugs, then maybe it's time to consider fixing them
I think it is time for someone to listen to us for once and realize that it is both in the players base and company's best interest to do so.
I just can't figure out why they constantly make things worse with every update they must be making a pile of cash with players spending on revives.....
The announcement of a hot fix is hilarious when kabam have had endless updates to try cure something...
So to oversimplify, do I say screw you cornflakes and the company who makes them and tell the children to eat oatmeal? Sure...but should I not also have the option where I say to the cornflake company, hey your really screwing up a family tradition here, and I know it's just cornflakes but I'd really like my tradition back....
I'm confused whose side your on? I posted this as an avenue to create community and feedback in the hopes I could just.. as corny as it is...just get my cornflakes back...
Should we not have an opinion or give feedback and instead just throw in the towel? Or should we collectively and constructively hold the cornflake line so to speak?
As far as players working as a community and mobilize on our issues - it is so difficult to do. Eventually we will vote with our time - which is something that we all spend on this game.
Aww man. I want cornflakes now.... and I need to make it my family tradition.
I'm not blaming them for playing the game, I'm blaming them for continuing to play the game and complain about the issues. I gave a possible solution th=o the problem. STOP PLAYING!. When people stop playing and spending, things will happen fast. Just look at the nfl. Look how fast the ratings and money are down because people stopped watching and spending. In a few months, its gonna be even worse unless they decide to do something. Same with this game. If nobody keeps showing up and spending, things will get better real quick.
*Increase in 5* shard availability! (coming soon)
*Increase in 5* Signature Resources! (coming soon)
*Increase in T2Alphas! (coming soon)
*Increased availability of all rank up resources! (coming soon)
*T5Basics made available! (coming soon)
*$99 random 5* class awakening gems! (coming soon)
*Bug fixes! (coming soon)
*Slow death of the MCOC player base! (coming soon)
I recently put up a combined total of close to 40mil in arena to dupe my 4 star falcon and xbones multiple times. They were both already awakened but I wanted the 5 star shards so I could hopeful get someone lol worthy. Instead I pull spidergwen.
Why are the games design team so resistant to making all the bottom tier champs viable. Is this diversity thing really supposed to lessen the sting of another trash champ? It's just gut punch after gut punch when I open these 5 star crystals and I don't know how much longer I can keep trying...