We should quit game it does give any loyalty to players.

Why am I always given bad pulls @Kabam Miike
It's 4 year I am playing game and pulls are always bad no matter what is the rewards.
I don't have any god level champ in 13 of 6 stars so far
Just have nick omega and capmarvel in 5 star NO Domino void capiw corvus blade hyperion dr doom ghost others whatever good like gully who are beyond god.
Omega nick and capmarvel was needed dupe never got again , litteraly waited for 2 yrs for omega to get duped. then somehow with lots of difficulty(no perfect champ to counter ) I explore act 5 and got generic awkaen gem to use on them and some from cyber monday deal.
My average play time each day will be more than 3 hours and yet there is disappointment ,
This game is so unfaithful you leave the game and comeback then they will give u rewards but if you stay with them they are gonna suck every inch of you
*Just look at the example
with lots of effort i played game and reached all milestones got 16 of those crsytals and rewards is just 700 units while others are getting **** more in just 9 crystals ealsy*
I have opened like 20 of monster crystal too and got all 3 stars with 1 5 star modok ,useless. What a cavilier gonna do with 3 star champ or useless 5 star champ. When u are making content champ specific like cavilier difficulty introduced give us champ too you genious.
I guess it's not you @Kabam Miike but me who expected that the effort will be rewarded shoud have quit this game.
It's 4 year I am playing game and pulls are always bad no matter what is the rewards.
I don't have any god level champ in 13 of 6 stars so far
Just have nick omega and capmarvel in 5 star NO Domino void capiw corvus blade hyperion dr doom ghost others whatever good like gully who are beyond god.
Omega nick and capmarvel was needed dupe never got again , litteraly waited for 2 yrs for omega to get duped. then somehow with lots of difficulty(no perfect champ to counter ) I explore act 5 and got generic awkaen gem to use on them and some from cyber monday deal.
My average play time each day will be more than 3 hours and yet there is disappointment ,
This game is so unfaithful you leave the game and comeback then they will give u rewards but if you stay with them they are gonna suck every inch of you
*Just look at the example

with lots of effort i played game and reached all milestones got 16 of those crsytals and rewards is just 700 units while others are getting **** more in just 9 crystals ealsy*
I have opened like 20 of monster crystal too and got all 3 stars with 1 5 star modok ,useless. What a cavilier gonna do with 3 star champ or useless 5 star champ. When u are making content champ specific like cavilier difficulty introduced give us champ too you genious.
I guess it's not you @Kabam Miike but me who expected that the effort will be rewarded shoud have quit this game.
But now after a year of becoming cav and still no better champs to go further is making me stop. 3 of my alliance member have taken break already.
After quitting, I returned to the game refreshed. Got my parries, intercepts, quake, etc. waaay better because I don’t get frustrated now and just accept whatever I pull or what I can’t complete.
But yeah taking a break would be the best idea.
You do realize other fun games exist without the lootbox style of play.
Its kabams entire buisness model. Dont expect them to change everything for you because you got back luck.
Its not profitable to give everyone what they want the first time silly.
Make them thirst for it ,& hopefully spend money to gamble for it and to buy ranks for immediate gratification.
You play the game you take the pain brother.
Also and 16 6* you are still growing just play for fun ... stuff happens it's a part of the game enjoy what u have
But now after a year of becoming cav and still no better champs to go further is making me stop. 3 of my alliance member have taken break already.
I'm playing since 2016 took some breaks here there but the longest break I took was in early 2018 (was fed up with bad pulls) came back in April this year and BOOM Ghost, Corvus, HT, Void, CMM, and so many greats too.
OP, if you go play Fifa or something, you're going to comeback in a week grateful for these units.
i beat the 6.2.6 champion today and got a 5* rhino from a dual and a 6* groot
Top that