Reasoning behind Gambit nerf?

Honestly I feel like 400% doesn't break the game, and we were given a champion spotlight. Why was he nerfed after that? Why do you show us things and then subsequently nerf them for seemingly no reason. I just don't understand. I was very happy about the gambit update. Had you either not shown us 400% in the spotlight, or better yet, left it alone, I still would be. But I feel bad because you gimped gambits damage, when he isn't even friggen magneto!
Also, the stun stacking thing is not very impressive. It’s quite underwhelming and doesn’t seem to do enough. The -40% combat rating would be very nice if you could keep the increased stun duration without sacrificing his damage. The -40% heal rate is underwhelming as it takes way too much effort to reverse healing. And even if you accomplish this, it’s uptime is ridiculously low, and basically not worth it. And having to wait for his s3 to get 2 guaranteed stacks of stun is probably the most impractical aspect of his kit. 2 stuns on his s1 would be much better, and I don’t see how it would break anything. Please revisit that aspect of his kit.
no point in taking gambit up anymore when there are so many other better mutants
also why did you edit the champion spotlight so late???
Should have left well enough alone and kept it 40% instead of being what looks like as deceptive again nerfing a fresh out of the now "buffed" champ immediately.
Bad move all around.
Gambit 400% special damage = Arena fedder
Falcon = ########## it's what he deserve lol
This is from a video by Swedeah L where this part showed his raw damage with no boost or synergies and get last year he was doing about 95k damage.
Explain to me how is 180% prowess (sig 40) doing more damage than 300% prowess at any sig?
Even if there are synergies and boost we arent seeing. I've still seen Youtube videos from today of Horseman Gambit doing less or the same damage which didn't exist a year ago.
Yes he's better overall but how is his damage worse or the same now?