Cyber Weekend T5cc Selector Concern

KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
With the increased frequency of T5cc selector deals like today, I am all but certain that next week's deals will also be selectors. My concern is that we still have not gotten word when we’ll be able to open those selectors at our discretion as opposed to being forced to open them right away. In all likelihood people who’ve been looking forward to, or saving for next week will be forced to select their class before getting to open most of their 6* and then be sorely disappointed when not a single champ matches the class that they’d selected similar to the frustration many abyss explorers have felt. Just wanted to see if anyone was having similar concerns or if we could get some clarity on this.


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,627 ★★★★★
    The first time I got these was in the glory store way back... albeit for t3cc, but still I didn't know I had to pick right away. It would've been nice to know that so I could've figured out which ones I wanted.

    The selector crystals should go into inventory.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Here's the new math for everyone. Since selector crystals are now available when opening, you must know your cc count on the spot regardless of tier. Cant back oaut, can't check, yeah, great system. As for DNA3000 comment, while there is probably no time to change it, I can't imagine that there is any imperative from the company to even try. God forbid you get more than one...
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,959 ★★★★★
    All of the selectors in the entire game you’re made to select what you want immediately. They’re not going to change this now. Why can’t you just buy the deals with shards first and then buy the selector?
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Camby01 said:

    Here's the new math for everyone. Since selector crystals are now available when opening, you must know your cc count on the spot regardless of tier. Cant back oaut, can't check, yeah, great system. As for DNA3000 comment, while there is probably no time to change it, I can't imagine that there is any imperative from the company to even try. God forbid you get more than one...

    Just tap on respective class icons to see how much you have
  • GatorSlam_MrvKnGatorSlam_MrvKn Member Posts: 211
    Camby01 said:

    Here's the new math for everyone. Since selector crystals are now available when opening, you must know your cc count on the spot regardless of tier. Cant back oaut, can't check, yeah, great system. As for DNA3000 comment, while there is probably no time to change it, I can't imagine that there is any imperative from the company to even try. God forbid you get more than one...

    You can take a minute to write down how much of each cc you have, before buying the deals.
    Just a thought.
    Or for the lazy people, take a screenshot.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    If they putt the selesctors on the deals you are already lucky enough lol .. i bet there wouldn't be any and if there will be kax 15% of a catalyst
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 893 ★★★
    Honestly, one way kabam can do this successfully is by implementing crystals instead of selectors. By crystals I mean the nexus ones where you spin and six results come out and you can choose whichever one you want. This doesn't seem like that bad of an idea and there's no doubt Kabam can implement this because there are already nexus crystals with 5-6 champs, they just need to change the champs into catalyst fragments.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Selectors always prompt you to open them so plan ahead.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Am I missing something? How do you buy selectors not knowing what class you want before you buy it.
  • GatorSlam_MrvKnGatorSlam_MrvKn Member Posts: 211
    Osfan8 said:

    Am I missing something? How do you buy selectors not knowing what class you want before you buy it.

    Maybe because I am lazy 🤷‍♂️
    And want instant rewards without trying
    Then get mad because I didn’t get what I want.
    Oh wait, that’s a cry baby. My bad
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    You’ll know if there’s a selector before you buy it. Don’t you know what class you want? It’s 6 days away and I know I’ll be choosing mutant and cosmic.

    If you’re trying to wait on choosing till after you open 6* crystals then buy the smaller deals and open as many 6*s as possible before you buy the deals with selectors.
  • edited November 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,988 ★★★★★
    We don't know if they're including Selectors in the Sale. There's a good possibility, but we don't have confirmation yet. As for the question, the Selectors will have to be chosen at the time of purchase, just like the others, most probably.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    With the increased frequency of T5cc selector deals like today, I am all but certain that next week's deals will also be selectors. My concern is that we still have not gotten word when we’ll be able to open those selectors at our discretion as opposed to being forced to open them right away. In all likelihood people who’ve been looking forward to, or saving for next week will be forced to select their class before getting to open most of their 6* and then be sorely disappointed when not a single champ matches the class that they’d selected similar to the frustration many abyss explorers have felt. Just wanted to see if anyone was having similar concerns or if we could get some clarity on this.

    If what you want is clarity, then I think it is extremely unlikely that Kabam would change the way selectors work just one week before one of their greatest sales weekends of the year. If you wanted selectors to work differently than they do now, I believe the time for that tech to be added to the game has probably passed now.

    More likely, if they ever decide to change how selectors work, they would (if they aren't completely crazy) test the new mechanics on something less important first. Like maybe the low tier catalyst selectors in the Black ISO store, where if something goes awry people won't flip out over it.
    The selectors should be in crystals, a la class awakening gems. 100% chance to drop a 10% t5cc selector. You open the crystals to redeem.
  • This content has been removed.
  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    edited November 2020

    Let's be honest, though. Who is going to spend money on a Selector that doesn't know what they want?

    I assume that many people, like myself, have little to no rank up options they are comfortable with while having a more or less balanced amount of T5cc amongst the different classes. For example, I’ve got 1 fully formed science T5cc and every other class is at 40% give or a take a few fragments. Ideally, opening a few 6* nexus crystals will give me atleast one decent option to r3 and that is what would dictate what class to select.

    I understand that that is how it is and that it’s unlikely to change. It’s just a little bit confusing and frustrating that there seems to be solutions to every problem that hurts Kabam but when it’s player friendly all of a sudden the technology doesn’t exist even though we’ve seen selectors come in through mail or abyss nexus crystals which give options of 10 very complex champs as opposed to 6 simple classes. But I’m to believe these ingenious designers and engineers can’t come up with some way to make this happen? Ok.
  • GatorSlam_MrvKnGatorSlam_MrvKn Member Posts: 211
    It’s kabam, are you still waiting for Alliance bases? Or more masteries?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,988 ★★★★★

    Let's be honest, though. Who is going to spend money on a Selector that doesn't know what they want?

    I assume that many people, like myself, have little to no rank up options they are comfortable with while having a more or less balanced amount of T5cc amongst the different classes. For example, I’ve got 1 fully formed science T5cc and every other class is at 40% give or a take a few fragments. Ideally, opening a few 6* nexus crystals will give me atleast one decent option to r3 and that is what would dictate what class to select.

    I understand that that is how it is and that it’s unlikely to change. It’s just a little bit confusing and frustrating that there seems to be solutions to every problem that hurts Kabam but when it’s player friendly all of a sudden the technology doesn’t exist even though we’ve seen selectors come in through mail or abyss nexus crystals which give options of 10 very complex champs as opposed to 6 simple classes. But I’m to believe these ingenious designers and engineers can’t come up with some way to make this happen? Ok.
    Well that's just it. If people have no options they want and more or less balanced Cats, then anything they choose will be the same benefit. The reality is most people have something they're working towards, so they know what they're going for. They're not really meant to sit on indefinitely.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    I agree with @GroundedWisdom here. I’m only interested in buying a selector offer, because what I need right now is half T5MC for TB title. Otherwise, I’m not buying.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited November 2020
    If you’re buying a selector but don’t have a specific goal in mind why buy the selector? I do agree that there should be a better way to implement it, especially with the AOL selector but I can’t see it changing. At this very moment I could tell you what my T5CC inventory looks like in % points to within 5% of each class, as I dare say 99% of people who are getting semi-close to forming catalysts are so if you gave me a selector I’d know exactly where it was going.
    Does it change with you pulling champion X or Y? To an extent possibly, but at the moment I think that forming the catalyst in the first place is the key, after all as wonderful as it is for me to have my awakened 6* Ghost, I
    still don’t really use her because the max sig 5* is better. The ability to make that power shift is the key, we can get a chance to be lucky with a god tier 3 times a month at least.
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