Do you guys have a journey/story of pulling a champ you were hunting for a long time ?



  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★

    I was hearing a lot about how Quake literally wrecks the game but I have no intention of trying her out since I just became Uncollected (July 2020) and I only have her as a 4*. Then came the Epic Boss Rush! and the rewards were awesome! But with my roster of maxed 4*s and a few 5*R3s, it is near impossible unless I spend a lot of units... a lot. I checked the forums for advices and then I saw a comment 'Just Quake It' and then I took a second look at my 4* Quake and ranked her to R4 to test her out.

    The first Boss Rush arrived and I started practicing. At first I was happy that I was able to get Thing down to 70% before I die and then after a few days I can finally kill him in one shot. The roadblock was Havok because you'll have to bait his special in between but I got used to playing Quake that I managed to defeat the boss rushes using her and a few counters. At the last day, the Omega Boss Rush came and I told myself that I can't do it... but after I tried that first few tries, I was able to finish it with my very valuable 4* Quake with only 200 units spent.

    I became confident playing with her that I was bringing her in War even though killing a single defender takes time. Those times, I was always wishing I have a 5* Quake and I was pumped when she was added in the Featured! I was always buying the discounted featured every two weeks but to no avail. Got Prof X, Havok, Guardian... and then Cyber Weekend came! With the extra shards from the deals I gambled with the 15k Featured and boom!

    TL;DR Quake is awesomeballs!

    who said just quake it? I’m curious
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,475 ★★★★★
    I was trying to get 5* Thing ever since his release. Had the 4* maxed since the first month. Been doing dual mystic/science crystals ever since they came out, up to start of November to get him. Gave up.

    Got him from a daily science cav last week. Go figure.
  • DRAGONDUDE963DRAGONDUDE963 Member Posts: 9
    I had a great opening in total. I have been using all 4 star shards on dual class for stark spidey since they came out. I saved up for a while, for my first six star, and got him. Not only that, but I got Dragon Man and Corvus Glaive from 5 stars. Oh and what was the six star? CMM. Best Opening Ever.
  • Tonyd009Tonyd009 Member Posts: 3
    For the longest time i was looking for Black Bolt so that i could complete my "Perfect Block" team. Two months before update 12 came out i believe i got both BB, SW, and DS. I immediately ranked up all champs and of course at the same time they dropped a max sig crystal which i immediately bought for my newly minted SW and DS. so when update 12 dropped they ended up nerfing SW, DS and they removed the ability to have "perfect block" teams. what a waste lol
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