John Mulaney Challenge: Most ideal roster?



  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    My plan was aa for htd, gwen, and deadpool
    caiw + cosmic + ghost for: mysterio and warlock
    ghost and warlock/doom as a general backup
    any suggestions?

    @Thicco_Mode I've read that Gully2099 was great for HTD and GP as well. I'll probably ed up taking Doom for HTD to nullify the furies. I'd bring AA for GP, definitely CapIW, Warlock and then a cosmic for Mysterio?
    htd, gp, and dp got wrecked by aa so I'm not worried about them. And I totally forgot I had a 4* quake, so I'll be using her for every warlock.

    so my team would be:
    Aa (for htd, gp, do)
    quake (for warlock)
    Caiw (for mysterio)
    ghost (backup mysterio option+tech)
    cmm (backup backup mysterio that I probably won't use + cosmic)
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240

    My plan was aa for htd, gwen, and deadpool
    caiw + cosmic + ghost for: mysterio and warlock
    ghost and warlock/doom as a general backup
    any suggestions?

    @Thicco_Mode I've read that Gully2099 was great for HTD and GP as well. I'll probably ed up taking Doom for HTD to nullify the furies. I'd bring AA for GP, definitely CapIW, Warlock and then a cosmic for Mysterio?
    htd, gp, and dp got wrecked by aa so I'm not worried about them. And I totally forgot I had a 4* quake, so I'll be using her for every warlock.

    so my team would be:
    Aa (for htd, gp, do)
    quake (for warlock)
    Caiw (for mysterio)
    ghost (backup mysterio option+tech)
    cmm (backup backup mysterio that I probably won't use + cosmic)
    I might just try and give this squad a shot. I have a r4 duped CMM so can use her for Mysterio if my Cap fights fail. Kinda concerned for that warlock fight now since the best/easiest option would be to go untouched and avoid that degen. Or just go Warlock for Warlock. Some test runs coming up tonight when I get home for sure
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240
    Hilldar said:

    I just completed it. Not bad. Here’s my rundown:

    1. HtD: Aegon is a one shot every time. Plus it’s a great ramp up fight for Aegon.
    2. GP: Archangel is a one shot every time unless you screw it up. He’s the perfect counter.
    3. Warlock: I used a combo of warlock and Aegon. Later fights are tougher but not terrible.
    4. Deadpool: warlock was perfect. I used zero revives in these fights.
    5. Mysterio. I brought hype and regretted it. Also brought fury and he wasn’t ideal either. A venom/cap IW combo sounds like the ticket. I used 6 single revives on these fights.
    6. Boss fight was an easy two shot with Aegon.

    My ideal team suggestion would be: Aegon/AA/Warlock/Cap IW/Venom

    240 total units spent. Pulled a six star Ghost as the reward.

    @Hilldar Were your units mainly used on team or solo revives? Congrats by the way!
  • AgentDoom9AgentDoom9 Member Posts: 271 ★★

    Here’s the team that got me through. No units spent but cleared out my 4hr crystals.
    I got a 6* Sym Supreme so I’m very happy
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240

    Here’s the team that got me through. No units spent but cleared out my 4hr crystals.
    I got a 6* Sym Supreme so I’m very happy

    @AgentDoom9 Wow amazing pull, congrats! Really hope the hard work will pay off with the 5 and 6 star nexus. Who was your 5*?
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240

    Here’s the team that got me through. No units spent but cleared out my 4hr crystals.
    I got a 6* Sym Supreme so I’m very happy

    @AgentDoom9 Wow amazing pull, congrats! Really hope the hard work will pay off with the 5 and 6 star nexus. Who was your 5*?

    I took the ghost rider
    Ouch. Bad luck on that one, but hey the 6* Sym was much better anyways and better for the long haul
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    A DoT for HtD (eg NF). Just be careful not to get him unblockable before he processes.

    Anyone with a DoT for GP. I found Blade to be very useful since you can just parry at the start and spam specials to get her down.

    Quake for Warlock. Medusa seems bugged so I wouldn’t count on armor shattering him.

    Warlock for Deadpool. Simple solo everytime. Don’t bother using Void cause he purifies debuffs when he uses specials.

    CptIW for Mysterio. He has masochism so CptIW is ideal since you’re bringing Warlock and Quake for the petrify and additional weakness debuff. Having NF/Blade also removes the poison when you get it, provided your sig is high enough.

    So that’s NF / Quake / Warlock / CptIW, and you have a free slot as well.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    My plan was aa for htd, gwen, and deadpool
    caiw + cosmic + ghost for: mysterio and warlock
    ghost and warlock/doom as a general backup
    any suggestions?

    @Thicco_Mode I've read that Gully2099 was great for HTD and GP as well. I'll probably ed up taking Doom for HTD to nullify the furies. I'd bring AA for GP, definitely CapIW, Warlock and then a cosmic for Mysterio?
    htd, gp, and dp got wrecked by aa so I'm not worried about them. And I totally forgot I had a 4* quake, so I'll be using her for every warlock.

    so my team would be:
    Aa (for htd, gp, do)
    quake (for warlock)
    Caiw (for mysterio)
    ghost (backup mysterio option+tech)
    cmm (backup backup mysterio that I probably won't use + cosmic)
    I might just try and give this squad a shot. I have a r4 duped CMM so can use her for Mysterio if my Cap fights fail. Kinda concerned for that warlock fight now since the best/easiest option would be to go untouched and avoid that degen. Or just go Warlock for Warlock. Some test runs coming up tonight when I get home for sure
    @TwistedTalentz ok I finished my run with this team. i used a shocking amount of revives, but I think it's a decent team. I only had a 4* quake, so combined with the armor on warlock, it took a while. Mysterio got pretty challenging with caiw but I think that was me just getting tired
  • CrasyduckCrasyduck Member Posts: 145 ★★
    edited December 2020
    My best CAIW is a maxed out 4*. Would that work for mysterio or should I bring someone else?
    (My only other options would be Corvus or CMM).
    Would I need to put boosts on as well?
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    xNig said:


    A DoT for HtD (eg NF). Just be careful not to get him unblockable before he processes.

    Anyone with a DoT for GP. I found Blade to be very useful since you can just parry at the start and spam specials to get her down.

    Quake for Warlock. Medusa seems bugged so I wouldn’t count on armor shattering him.

    Warlock for Deadpool. Simple solo everytime. Don’t bother using Void cause he purifies debuffs when he uses specials.

    CptIW for Mysterio. He has masochism so CptIW is ideal since you’re bringing Warlock and Quake for the petrify and additional weakness debuff. Having NF/Blade also removes the poison when you get it, provided your sig is high enough.

    So that’s NF / Quake / Warlock / CptIW, and you have a free slot as well.

    This is where I went wrong—no Quake, and by the time I realized I would have preferred her, I had committed to finishing within the time window I had.

    Not earth shattering—just more free pots that would have been used sometime anyway. But a mistake I could have avoided.

    Dr. Zola
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240
    Crasyduck said:

    My best CAIW is a maxed out 4*. Would that work for mysterio or should I bring someone else?
    (My only other options would be Corvus or CMM).
    Would I need to put boosts on as well?

    @Crasyduck I would suggest boosting up. I just ran it to mess around last night with Venom, Hype, Doom, CapIW and AA and made it thru the first path fairly easy but I can see how throughout the quest you would need the extra boosts and pots/revives
  • MoudouMoudou Member Posts: 151
    I thinking about running:
    Quake or Doom or CMM

    All 5r5

    Thoughts will be appreciated.
    I don't have Aegon, Warlock, Hyperion, or BWCV
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Moudou said:

    I thinking about running:
    Quake or Doom or CMM

    All 5r5

    Thoughts will be appreciated.
    I don't have Aegon, Warlock, Hyperion, or BWCV

    This seems perfect. AA can handle HTD, GP, and DP easily, and nick can be a backup or vice versa. Quake warlock and cap for mysterio. I would be careful on mysterio
  • KevanproGKevanproG Member Posts: 308 ★★
    My team was Fury Sentinal CMM Quake and Venom all r5 or 6* r2
    CMM is very useful as long as u dont use her special
    Venom for HTD ez heals
    Fury for gwenpool I hated this fight
    Quake for Warlock but if I want to finish it quickly cmm
    Sentinal for Deadpool
    Sentinal/CMM for Mysterio I also hated this fight the most
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Moudou said:

    I thinking about running:
    Quake or Doom or CMM

    All 5r5

    Thoughts will be appreciated.
    I don't have Aegon, Warlock, Hyperion, or BWCV

    Quake ok the last spot. Basically the exact team I use, but I had Hype in place of beardo. G99 can solo more than half of the quest on her own. Beardo for Mysterio and Warlock, quake for Warlock, AA for gwenpool, Nick and AA for the boss, G99 for the rest. Or however you want it.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    I used:
    5* r5 Archangel
    5* r5 Aegon
    5* r5 Nick Fury
    5* r5 Venom
    5* r4 Heimdal
    ~5 revives and 5 lvl5 health potions used mainly due to lag.
    Nick Fury was the least used, except the synergy member Heimdal of course, as I used him only twice at first two GP.
    At the rest GP Archangel did the trick, except the 5th due to bad rng didn’t got the neurons up early, messed and had to revive.
    Aegon ramp up to 300 hits and then heavy cheese 😉 for Warlock, Deadpool and Mysterio.
    Venom did great on Howard The Duck all times (free healing), as well as the final boss one shot, finishing at 80% health😮
    Better had swap Nick Fury for Angela to have that +40% attack boost on Aegon.
    I think a team consisting of:
    Archangel Aegon Venom Angela and Heimdal
    is the best to do it itemless, unless you get clipped by lag 🤣
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    HT works for GP. Just bait the L1. He works for Howard as well, but I might try SS as was suggested here. Still working out the most effective run on the first Path before I make a run.
  • JerkobsonJerkobson Member Posts: 163 ★★
    Hit monkey

    But ended only using
    venom for HTD and boss
    Hit Monkey for gwenpool
    Ægon for everyone else.

    No units, a team and a handful of singles.

    Pulled 6* the champion, which was a kick in the pants. But it didn’t cost me anything really to do it so I can’t be too salty.
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  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240

    I used
    Doom : Howard
    G2099/NF : Gwenpool
    Corvus for the remaining

    I had CaptIW with me too who was a nice backup for most the fights minus gwenpool.

    Seen loads of different teams, thats just the one I brought with me from the first challenge to the last, seemed to work okay for me

    @DoubleDelta how high did you end up getting persistent charges on Corvus?
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    HT works for GP. Just bait the L1. He works for Howard as well, but I might try SS as was suggested here. Still working out the most effective run on the first Path before I make a run.

    @GroundedWisdom unfortunately don't have HT either but he seems like such a great option with the ability to just melt opponents. I'm surprised you of all people haven't completed it yet
    Before I decide to do anything that long, I make sure I can do it reasonably, without using piles of Units.
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