Updates to Cavalier Difficulty Support Buffs



  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    The changes this month made a big difference! I actually think I will 100% Cavalier this month! Good job, Kabam!
  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    What happened to this month’s 4* challenge, or Cavalier challenge for the extra 10% t5cc? I’m 4500 away from Thronebreaker and was looking forward to at least 2 chances of getting the title.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,406 ★★★★★
    I think these changes made a difference. I was able to 100 percent for the first time. Thanks.
  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Yeah, looking good. Cav is almost kinda fun with some of these interactions. This is the first time I ever bothered to play more than a path of it. I’m probably gonna 100% them from now on.
    The nodes stay the same right? Or are they changed every month?
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,406 ★★★★★

    Yeah, looking good. Cav is almost kinda fun with some of these interactions. This is the first time I ever bothered to play more than a path of it. I’m probably gonna 100% them from now on.
    The nodes stay the same right? Or are they changed every month?

    I believe they have been the same set of six nodes so far, just in different orders and now with the buff. Whether this remains true, no clue.
  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Heads up. If you have the pacify mastery unlocks it also interfers with the tech buff. There's a 30% chance each for the power drain and fury not to proc.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,812 ★★★★
    I think you need to bring back completion rewards and let the players decide whether they want to focus on exploration of lower chapters or on completion of entire challenge first. I, personally, prefer to focus on completion first, then go back and see how far I can go for exploration.

    Please bring back completion rewards for cavalier and uncollected.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 988 ★★★★
    the global supporting buffs are more helping now, but some of them like the power tech one doesn't work all the time, like i'm not getting that passive fury on well time blocks 50% of the time, etc. also the problem wasn't on the supporting global nodes the problem was and is the lackluster rewards. unless of course if kabam is planning a thronebreaker difficulty EQ very soon like no later than February 2021
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