Where is the transparency when it comes to DDHK?

This is unanimously the most disappointing buff ever in this game, even more so than Ebony Maw. How did it come to be this way and how did this messy kit even make it through testing? They gave him 70% less healing OVERALL meaning he takes 70% less healing from any debuff with willpower... 100% with liquid courage active. Not only does this hurt him against suicides, but every single debuff inflicted against him.
Not only this, but his damage output is honestly pathetic for the amount of effort needed to balance the combo meter. His fury buffs are too short and too weak; his non-damaging debuff bonus is miniscule. This guy needs improvements because at this point he was better before he was buffed with a full synergy team and that's just sad...
We want answers Kabam! When will we get them? It's almost like you're trying to cover up the lackluster buff with all these events.
Not only this, but his damage output is honestly pathetic for the amount of effort needed to balance the combo meter. His fury buffs are too short and too weak; his non-damaging debuff bonus is miniscule. This guy needs improvements because at this point he was better before he was buffed with a full synergy team and that's just sad...
We want answers Kabam! When will we get them? It's almost like you're trying to cover up the lackluster buff with all these events.
Courtesy of @Karatemike415 . In the video it's about the same as he is now but I tried him out myself in the act 7 beta and found a way to stack above 10 armor breaks even without the synergies. All the armor break durations synergies do is allow him to play more with that number.
dive for him where we can learn his true potential.
Btw the Sentry buff was also pretty spectacular back in the day.
His base kit is actually extremely useful. It’s got the potential to make him a monster. Shrugs off debuffs and increases damage the more debuffs on him (non DOT). His SP3 is great. 70 second damage potential increase? And it’s not critical to be used with sp1 and SP2.
Furies are solid. And his sig ability, although it requires Max sig lets him bypass so much stuff.
All that HOWEVER, he becomes unplayable because of the regeneration issue.
His self inflicted rage is considered a debuff, so Kabam doesn’t want you to have a free heal (it is a non damaging debuff that converts to a fury).
They set regeneration for him at 40% of what willpower would give you to make sure you don’t heal up and never get knocked out. The problem with this is
1. It affects all Damage Over Time debuffs as well. So if you had willpower set to 2, most likely you’re holding your own against a bleed or incinerate or whatever. In his case it takes away 60% of what willpower should be giving you.
So any other champion in the game would heal with willpower at a normal rate except him. He melts from DOT debuffs. This means suicides are not an option and is totally unfair making him unplayable unless....
2. You never make a mistake. He is a VERY skill based champion. A couple of mistakes and you’ll never heal enough from the 40% rage debuff to make him usable.
His buff was good EXCEPT from the one aspect. I’ve posted many MANY times for the admin to just give us the posture of the development team.
Will you find a solution for the regeneration issue or leave him as is.
I would R5 my 5* if the regen was fixed. I love his base kit. The regen issue makes him non usable in anything relevant.
There are other things people want from him but the regen thing is what will make or break him.
So as for transparency, I agree with the OP - we’d like some kind of status on what the intention is going forward with him.
Nowhere. Hes blind
This was definitely not a good overhaul. And the fixes were right there. I don't know why they're so conservative increasing his damage.