Has the game gotten too easy?

GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
For a while it seems like the game has been losing a lot of the challenge, and personally I’ve been quite disappointed with the lack of challenge in the content that has been released recently.

Cavalier EQ is basically a copy paste every month and this month was even missing the 10% T5CC objective, which was the only thing keeping it interesting.

The hardest part of variants 5 & 6 was coughing up units for energy refills to get through it quickly. Bring the right team, and both can be done with minimal item usage and effort.

Don’t even get me started on the act 6 nerf, particularly the champion. I’ll be here ranting for hours.

Book 2 I will give kabam credit for. It’s fresh, and makes summoners think much more about who to bring for each path. But, the difficulty really isn’t there.

It seems recently that there has just been a lack of true challenging endgame content.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

How do you feel about how the content has scaled over time.

P.S. Sorry for any terrible typing or grammar, I’m very sleep deprived rn lol

Has the game gotten too easy? 468 votes

Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
GamerdanielmathHaji_SaabxNigbenshbSungjLvernon15Pwf57CliffordcanWarBros23ThunderGodMilesHolmwoodGarloCupidPintzzTexas_11GoddessIliasThedancingkidFintechRockyshocky 53 votes
I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
GroundedWisdomBigPoppaCBONEPalanthraxMagicBentonJa1970World Eaterkconrad37Erza_ScarletArrsssNyaleSpity68Hort4X_ScottAce_03buffajrTendersquadzuffyKDoggg2017SecretWarri0rForward 337 votes
The new content releases were much too difficult
SnakeEyes69mostlyharmlessnPiviotDrenlinjdrum663LuciusVorenusNuclekerrSpeedbumpJwallace25GK_23Maverick75Drake2078DOKTOROKTOPUSRacs0spidey31415926p01arisNoOnexROStueyonercm2017Bulmkt 78 votes


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  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Depends whether you have the appropriate champs to run through all content
  • Mr_PredictorMr_Predictor Member Posts: 107

    New "Endgame" cotent isn't even that hard to be honest - A mid-Game Player.

    I explored 7.1 within a week and I've alnidy finished completing V6 with my shambles of a villain roster. I feel like it's only fair that endgame players get something specifically catered to them.

    It's time to take rest, some days i mean
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    Dont get me wrong I get the whole wanting to be challenged thing. And I'm kinda shocked that the Variants kinda haven't been that place to keep the challenge. I mean variant 2 and 3 aren't super hard content but personally, they also arent a cake walk. That's the course I thought they would stay on. But nevertheless I'm enjoying the game.
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 234
    edited December 2020
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    If anything, it’s endgame players that should be catered to the most because they spend, and have spent, the most money and have invested the most time. Mid-game players shouldn’t be forgotten of course, but via investment of time and coin, endgame players should by rights have more attention to their needs. And if that content is too hard for your roster and/or skill? Then you’re not end-game, and don’t need to worry about it until you are. It’s not about making all content appealing to all players equally because that’s an impossible crapshoot. Too bad if you don’t like this because not liking it won’t make it less true.

    Edit- I selected “appropriately challenged” because for the content that comes out, I AM appropriately challenged for the most part, based on what it is, with the exception of Cav EQ. Abyss was a little easier than I expected also, but not by much. Thronebreaker needs a difficulty with appropriately scaled rewards.
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 234
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    Joker1976 said:

    Must be a tough life clearing all content with ease and feeling entitled enough to complain about it lol. The games not centred around any one level of players, everyone’s just a number here just like in life...no ones above anyone else. Easy to sit and complain while endgame players sit in their top tier alliances and collect all those juicy rewards. Lots of ways to keep interested... can always drop to a lower alliance and mentor them. Otherwise find another avenue for your entertainment, after all it’s just a video game.

    Exactly, and the endgame players are supplying Kabam with the most important numbers of all, the $$. It sucks that that is the way it is sometimes in life, but money talks.

  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,549 ★★★★★
    Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
    Even I can do it which says a lot
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  • Mr_PredictorMr_Predictor Member Posts: 107

    I hate these kind of arrogant posts by peeps who have stacked rosters of the top 3 or 4 champs OF EACH CLASS as 6* R3 and/or 5* R5.

    Please remember that:

    - Not everyone has a 5* or 6* Ghost and/or a 5* Quake
    - Even if you have the above , you might play the game for FUN and may not have the desire/time/patience to learn how tonuse them.
    - Even if you have Quake/Ghost/ a few other Beyond God Tier champs and know how to use them you might be a Free to play player, without the time to grind for the resources needed to rank them up.
    - You may have two or three beyond god tier champs ( that are NOT Quake or Ghost) and you are good at using them but these champs you have cannot counter every problematic node/boss in the game.
    - You may have a handful of beyond god tier champs but you dont have any/enough good champs OF A SPECIFIC CLASS to clear content that is gated by having chance of a certain class.
    - Your RNG luck is the absolute worst in the world and even if you have been playing for 6 years you have not a single beyond god tier champ to show for it.

    I voted that the game is balanced because it is NOW, after 6 years playing the game, that I finally can say that I have a balanced set of top tier champs to face most content in the game. If you have asked me 7 or 8 months ago, i would have voted that the game was too difficult, because before that I have had the ABSOLUTE WORST rng luck . In the last 7-8 months the game gave me a reworked god tier Red Mags ( which i had pre buff duped) , and the RNG gods have finally taken pitybover me and gave em 6* CMM and Warlock, and 5* OR, HT, Aegon, NF, CAIW, Doom, BWCV, Venom, Guardian., plus the resources to rank up and dupe ( and max sig) the ones who needed them.

    So next time you think the game is "too easy" just remember that others do not have the RNG luck, the time to play or the whaling money that YOU have.

    Are you.... ok? Even with the shambles of some of the classes in my roster, I have 3 "God Tier" champs in each class. Not ranked, but I have them. And I'm not endgame by any means. Content is balanced, yes. Simple/Easy also yes. Give the endgamers SOMETHING lol.

    For anyone wondering why I'm arguing on the "too easy" side, just consider perspective. As a mid game player, I'm chilling. Plenty of stuff to do, and plenty of fun to be had. What in the hell do you think endgamers have been doing for the past... 6 months?! 7.1 was explore it all the first 2 days easy. Same with V6 for the average endgame roster. John Mulaney's Challenge too.

    Sometimes y'all have to see through other people's perspectives too.
    I'm sorry but thats part of the problem. Yeah I get rushing like 7.1 exploration for legends title and awesome rewards for being one the first to do it. But endgame players do that with EVERYTHING. How can you complain about nothing to do or accomplish when you rush to 100% everything the day it comes out? Especially in a month like this where there is borderline almost too much stuff released.
    I can't speak for endgamers but I do content for day 1 because I want the rewards. As quickly as possible. If I can do it, I will. It's fun! So it doesn't nessecarily make sense to spread out easy content over a long period if you're already bored (at least that what it looks like to me). That's like spreading out Cav EQ when you already have spare refills.
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