Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Gifting Not Working [Merged Threads]



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    the ingame message with gifting crystal has been sent mulptiple times, the send gift is on (not sure if working) because the actuall isn't in the crystal stash
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    IRQIRQ Posts: 316 ★★
    Might as well ask here.

    I've been in current alliance for 12 days out of required 14, I'd like to know how the cooldown works. If I give gifts before it's 14 days will they only count for solo progress or will they start counting for alliance progress with delay?
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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    We’re happy again!
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    Louisf78Louisf78 Posts: 16

    Thank you, everyone. I'm currently bringing this up. We'll get it fixed ASAP.

    As above

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    SparkAlotSparkAlot Posts: 957 ★★★★

    I still haven’t even received the in game msg with the badge in it

    My baby account didn't receive the gifting badge either, and I did have one last year for the same account.
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    BlubbernapBlubbernap Posts: 34
    @Kabam Vydious are there any requirements for gifting? Or have I just not gotten my badge?
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    jdrum663jdrum663 Posts: 551 ★★
    It worked for a bit, now when I try to send a gift I get a message saying it's been temporarily disabled. Nice!
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    Haven't tried gifting anyone but I think kabam should atleast try to give us an event without any bugs

    No issues kabam You do great work on other events and give us a lot of great content but still try to give us an event without a bug 😅😅
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    What's the minimum level to be eligible for gifting.. I didn't get the gifting title mail yet
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    Another_NameAnother_Name Posts: 180
    I decided to go the unpopular route and send myself 65 RGC’s. Managed to get enough for a 5* Havok
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    Was told to ‘not peek’ and hold onto Holiday Gift and now it can’t open, also the 40%XP now is not able to be sold. What’s going on Kabam?
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    rdxevilrdxevil Posts: 231 ★★
    rdxevil said:

    What's the minimum level to be eligible for gifting.. I didn't get the gifting title mail yet

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    Another_NameAnother_Name Posts: 180
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