Blades Legend Run Time

Just wanted to start a thread for people to post their Legend Run time for the Blades Quest.
I finished at 4:24. I feel this is a good time considering the difficulty of this quest compared to a few of the previous ones. People got 4:30 and got Legend title.
I finished at 4:24. I feel this is a good time considering the difficulty of this quest compared to a few of the previous ones. People got 4:30 and got Legend title.
Dr. Zola
Sinister spidey quest RichtheMan for rank 76 at my exact same time so not sure which quest took longer. I think I will be on the border.
But since Kascam will not post times or devices used I will state that I am positive there has been no android legends in the last hundreds of legends. All the info on Reddit and Youtube which confirm this which Kabam cannot delete.
My guess is that 4:30s will make this one and hopefully I'll barely cut it at 4:27 but only time will tell. Their refusal to post race times in a race is more than ridiculous too, needing to goto all other forms of social media to piece together something they could easily do. thanks a lot for your "transparency" Kabam, and trolls please flag me for telling the truth.
TBH 4:24 and 4:40 is not even close. In previous events posted on Reddit and Youtube from generous streamers and previous legends, about 4 minutes ranked 13 places a part. 24 to 40 minutes is a huge difference, although this i thought was a harder quest and you have a good shot, 16 minutes difference is worlds apart. Average time difference per place based on previous confirmed times is between 20-30 seconds.
4:27 is a pretty good time for this quest. It feels longer and harder than the previous months’.
I'm pretty sure they're going to just lump in the pools pre and post nerf too, although it adds a significant amount of time if you die even once and have to fight a second time due to the pre-nerf huge heal, only happened to me once which costed maybe 30 secs so hope that doesn't blow it. If anyone slips just a few times and have to fight a second time through the heal it basically already ruined the run - if they have no way of adjusting for this factor simplest solution is to either just create 150 legends spots or proportional to how many high ranks made it pre-nerf vs post-nerf.
And if a Mod will ever respond to a legends related thread will you comment on why Kabam is not willing to make an Android and iOS division since many high level players have confirmed it is impossible to rank on an Android? Would it be that difficult to just make 50 spots for each? Not giving away any extra free titles, just evening the playing field in what is supposed to be a fair race.
Cause if fight times are counted only then there’s no incentive to finish it at 1 go.
Anyway it’s been mentioned before that, unless absolutely required, fixed dates for announcements generally avoided as sometimes they take longer than expected and sometimes shorter.
Setting a fixed date, IMO, will result in longer wait times as buffer time is usually added in lest any unexpected issues crop up (underpromise overdeliver, rather than vice versa).
I agree with the incentive to give it 1 go to make it more of a race, but could they not just take the total time minus the LOAD TIME out of the equation. Not just total fight time logged over 14 days doing 1 fight at a time, still one continuous race with the load subtracted - they have to have the means to detect when you pressed fight and when the fight actually started - they seem to log all data points you can imagine.
If this is truly not possible to code, then how can it be justified that only 1 platform can possibly compete? The example I've given in posts before is like marathons being separated by divisions - there is an age group and the Android users are the elderly 80 year old division vs the elite/pro division. Or every Olympic race has a male/female division, other games has a console X-box One division and PC division.
How is this justifiable from any standpoint be it morale, competitive fairness, etc.? The vast majority of players are not stuck here in the forums everyday to know these differences, and MANY Android users have attempted legends runs and you can find their times posted through Reddit and Youtube channels (Hint: They're all over 5 hours). Shouldn't there be some corporate morale obligation to inform their customers of issues such as this? Rather than sending mail encourage users to shoot for their legends titles knowing a huge number of people will dump 3k = $100 on a race they cannot win. (takes about 1k units in refills, greater alliance package 1400 units required, and usually a handful of heals/deaths). Is there not some semblance of corporate responsibility to inform users of this type of information?
Just food for thought.
This month: 4:07 with iPhone 8+.
Same exact team set up. Very glaring differences in devices, android is even worse than iPad too!
Never count chickens before the eggs hatch though. Got a felling once iPhone 8s are more common the timer is gonna shrink to sub 4 hours*.
The 8+ load times are currently identical to the 7+. This should change as things are optimized for newer iOS and hardware.