Suicide unfriendly champs

Often champs get judged on how they positively interact with suicides (OR, double immune, Corvus, etc). But who are your champs that not suicide friendly? Not necessarily champs with no immunities because those can be mitigated to a point. What I’m looking for are the champs that really rely on their specials to ramp up and get maximum in output in a fight and recoil makes them less viable.
For me, it was Dr. Voodoo. I had him at R4 and he was vital on my path to cavalier (for a while he was my only “counter” to havok). He was my main attacker in every AQ and AW. Once suicides went on, I stopped using him. Yes he can still regen at the beginning of each fight, but not always enough to offset the recoil from previous fights (especially the longer ones).
For me, it was Dr. Voodoo. I had him at R4 and he was vital on my path to cavalier (for a while he was my only “counter” to havok). He was my main attacker in every AQ and AW. Once suicides went on, I stopped using him. Yes he can still regen at the beginning of each fight, but not always enough to offset the recoil from previous fights (especially the longer ones).
Nevermind, just figured that this isn't a great example...
For example, you can't possibly fight 7.1 Gwenperion effectively with suicides.
You gotta throw multiple sp1s for the debuffs for the taunt for the fury and big sp2 damage.
I guess he could work from 1 debuff from the sp1 though.
Hyperion can be suicide friendly because a lot of people seem to forget that he has a pretty decent heal.
Spider-Gwen, ideally need 4-5 SP1s for big damage, that’s 1/5-1/4 of your max health gone
Dr Doom, constant SP1 for power control and SP2 for damage
DDHK, he’s not suicide unfriendly, he’s straight up allergic to suicides
Night Thrasher, SP1 debuff build up, at least 15% health gone for all 3
Ronan, gonna kill himself before he cheeses big health pool enemies
I don’t count DDHK as suicide unfriendly. Because he seems to freaking love killing himself with them on.