200,000 5* shards

We should be able to purchase any 5* we wish for the price of 200,000 5* shards. And if you purchase two of the same it simply awakens them, not 20 sig levels. I, like many of us, have over 30 5*s, 27 of which will never make it to r4 because the SUCK. 7 that can make a case for r3, however still not ideal and only ranked because of expiring t4cs.....
Why is this unreasonable?
Why is this unreasonable?
Also there is a category for suggestions
Forum Police!!!!
Buying champs would take away the progression and would make crystals less fun to open
200k for 1 champ doesnt even make any sense, thats 20 5 star champs right there, or 13 featured champs
I would trade 20 if the champs I have for Say... SL right now. Here they are
Spidey awakened(my alliance has 10 at r4, thanks diversity)
Cosmic spidey
Like cage
Rocket raccoon
Iron fist
Old man Logan
She hulk
Netflix DD
Jane foster
Iron patriot
Ok so it’s 19. But I’m sure Gwen andgroot or Karnak etc are right around the bend.
I have no use for any of these champs. Absolutely no use. And never will
So you never do arena? Because each one gives about 20k points in arena and 20 gives about 400k.
Could even do 200k for a champ available in standard 5* crystals or 300k for a feature champ of your choice. I’d buy these and gladly sacrifice not being able to competitively compete in any mundane arena.
And to add on. Not only are you not guaranteed to get terrible champs, I have no interest in most features either.
like many of us??????
I'm pretty sure only the top guys have above 30 5 stars.
That’s my point exactly. As I originally posted “I, like many of us, have.....”
I’m making a recommendation on improving the game. There was a comment earlier about “this takes the excitement out”
Incorrect, I’m never l excited to open a crystal. Knowing that there is a very small chance to get something I want. Imagine, if Las Vegas only had games with low percentage chances to win... black jack for and example. You have pretty good odds of winning every hand. Now if that chance was 2% for a 2:1 return on your money. No one would play.
Increase drops rates would result in more excitement on opening crystals. I’d probably arena for more shards in that case. Currently. 98% of he time it’s just a huge let down
So increase rates, make better champs, or allow us to buy the ones we want.
Right... well this is the disappointment you have to look forward to. Sorry for the spoilers lol
Yea man. I’m just throwing out ideas on how to make this game better, it’s terrible compared to what it was a year ago this time. Kabam seems to have pretty bad ideas on how to improve it on their own. So I’m just hoping they can use our feedback for possible ways to improve, since we are the ones playing it.
Exactly. I’ve finished all content except LoL. My choice is to spend 10k units to do LoL when I would be able to do it in 2k or less with an appropriate champ(incredibly irritating) or sit on my hands. Bored. Because now with war being terrible there is literally nothing in the game for me to do for fun... master event quests... Boring and way easy.
Been playing this game along time. Same with many of my alliance mates. We have a new 300-500k player quit the game every week. I’m just bringing to light that a lot of longtime vets are getting bored and sick of stuff like this. Im sure kabam honestly does not like seeing these people walk away...
I sure as hell didn't have fun getting Netflix Daredevil
Even this would be an improvement on the current system