Regarding solution to the AQ tier issue

GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
In the recent announcement, it was stated that instead of getting rewards based on score for this AQ series, alliances will be rewarded based on score for last AQ series. Problem is that I joined a new alliance last week a day before AQ started so I didn't qualify for ranked rewards for last series because of blackout. Will I be getting the rank rewards this series?


  • JerzyJerzy Member Posts: 35
    also really tough for the alliances who had an "off week" last week and pushed this week.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    You'll still receive the Rank Rewards and Milestone rewards that you earned this week. We're not taking away the Rewards you've gotten for playing in this Current Series, but only will not be counting the Promotion and Demotion that would occur with this current week of Alliance Quests.
  • KruggKrugg Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2017
  • Ascoop24Ascoop24 Member Posts: 128 ★★★
    What about anyone in expert tier? We just get no compensation package?!
  • DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
    Same situation.
    You'll still receive the Rank Rewards and Milestone rewards that you earned this week. We're not taking away the Rewards you've gotten for playing in this Current Series, but only will not be counting the Promotion and Demotion that would occur with this current week of Alliance Quests.

    So we won’t get the last week’s rewards mike? Seems unfair that I have to suck it up with the mid tier rewards just because I joined a new alliance when if there wasn’t this problem I’d be getting the better rewards this AQ
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Thanks for the quick reply Miike
    Looks like I misread. So only tier placement is based on last series but rank rewards (and milestone rewards) are still based on score this week?
    Also, there's this:
    To compensate Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a lower Tier in the most recent Alliance Quest, we will be awarding those affected by this issue with the Rank and Milestone Rewards they received in the Sept 30th-Oct 5th Alliance Quest series, in addition to the rewards that were earned for this current series.
    Do I qualify for the part in color as well? (Would be great if I did ;))
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    There are no rewards for the expert tier? If I'm understanding correctly, alliances that were wrongly placed will now get more rewards than what they would get if they were correctly placed?
  • KruggKrugg Member Posts: 16
    As long as those who have push this week don’t get screwed
  • JokersJokers Member Posts: 29
    @Kabam Miike just looking for clarification, will the rewards from the prior cycle also be given to new members who just joined alliances and are currently in the blackout cycle?
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    is this the right solution...
    many waste their resources for map 6 and everything wasted... this aq series we sud be high tier and now u want us to play again to get promoted...
    that not a fair solution....for few alliance getting affectef because of problem from your side and you are pushing the whole alliance for this...
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    So alliances wrongly placed into expert and achieving less milestones in the process are getting expert rewards from the lowest bracket and that is it? We won't get adjusted milestones too?

    A t4b is worth giving up the extra glory from milestones and additional crystals? I am confused.
  • JokersJokers Member Posts: 29
    Also one last question @Kabam Miike will those in black out get the top 700 rewards for advanced or will we forfeit that as well since we are in blackout? It may be prudent to waive blackout this round too.
  • DagonelleDagonelle Member Posts: 13
    You'll still receive the Rank Rewards and Milestone rewards that you earned this week. We're not taking away the Rewards you've gotten for playing in this Current Series, but only will not be counting the Promotion and Demotion that would occur with this current week of Alliance Quests.

    I do not know how to approach this, as your support people have been nothing but a stonewall, I had an error that apparently made me leave my alliance. It was corrected within 45 minutes, and I even have the screenshots to verify, but as such I was excluded from rank rewards this AQ, originally not a big deal as where we would rank in this placement screw up wouldn't have significant rewards.

    Let me be clear on what I am about to say, I am an officer in a top 450 alliance in Expert tier. I "left" my alliance for less than 45 minutes last Saturday. Left is in quotation marks due to my phone being in my pocket as I was at a cigar bar watching a football game. I rejoined the exact same alliance, back as an officer, of which I have been a part of for close to 2 years. I was eligible for rewards last AQ, but given this it appears I will be triple screwed this AQ. This is completely unacceptable by something that is easily verified.

    Miike if this is something that I need to PM you about, then let me know, but Support has been terrible at actually reading my emails on the topic (not actually responding to what I type, but auto-answering based on keywords).

    Will I miss out on basically 3 rewards due to an error in your code?
  • CappyCappy Member Posts: 132
    After weeks of recruiting and grinding out donations in an effort to push up to the expert bracket and then getting dropped to normal because of a Kabaam mistake - i have to say i was hopeful that Kabaam would fix this and restore us to the correct bracket before the end of this round - but that hope just went down the toilet along with the spirits of my entire alliance.

    I have no words to describe how deflating this is.....
  • JerzyJerzy Member Posts: 35
    @Kabam Miike 30 minute timers should probably be added to the compensation...
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Jerzy wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike 30 minute timers should probably be added to the compensation...

    That is not compensation. That is punishment
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,739 ★★★★★
    Can we at least get half price maps next week or free map 4 and 5
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    There are no rewards for the expert tier? If I'm understanding correctly, alliances that were wrongly placed will now get more rewards than what they would get if they were correctly placed?

    Alliances that were incorrectly placed did not receive the rewards they should have. They were bumped down tiers and didn't end up getting the Rewards they would have earned if this situation had not happened. They are affected in a way that others were not, so we are trying to make it right for them.

    Because of the way we have to execute this, it is also affecting other Alliances that didn't end up in the wrong tier, so we are giving Alliances that would have progressed the rewards they can expect from a week of being in the higher tier.

    If you were in the Expert Bracket this time, and should have been there already, then there was no effect on your Alliance. You'll still be in Expert this coming week, and you'll still have no Map Cost for that upcoming series.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick reply Miike
    Looks like I misread. So only tier placement is based on last series but rank rewards (and milestone rewards) are still based on score this week?
    Also, there's this:
    To compensate Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a lower Tier in the most recent Alliance Quest, we will be awarding those affected by this issue with the Rank and Milestone Rewards they received in the Sept 30th-Oct 5th Alliance Quest series, in addition to the rewards that were earned for this current series.
    Do I qualify for the part in color as well? (Would be great if I did ;))

    This is for Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a Lower Tier. I'm not sure if your Alliance was affected by this, so I can't say for sure.
  • JerzyJerzy Member Posts: 35
    so that's a soft no on 30 minute timers?
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick reply Miike
    Looks like I misread. So only tier placement is based on last series but rank rewards (and milestone rewards) are still based on score this week?
    Also, there's this:
    To compensate Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a lower Tier in the most recent Alliance Quest, we will be awarding those affected by this issue with the Rank and Milestone Rewards they received in the Sept 30th-Oct 5th Alliance Quest series, in addition to the rewards that were earned for this current series.
    Do I qualify for the part in color as well? (Would be great if I did ;))

    This is for Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a Lower Tier. I'm not sure if your Alliance was affected by this, so I can't say for sure.

    Yes my alliance was placed in a lower tier. Problem is that I didn't qualify for last week's AQ rewards due to blackout. My question is that whether I would qualify for those rewards this week
    Edit: I must add that I did contribute towards last week's AQ score all 5 days (I joined before AQ started)
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Bendy wrote: »
    Can we at least get half price maps next week or free map 4 and 5

    Do you one better... All Maps are free next week :smile:
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Jokers wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike just looking for clarification, will the rewards from the prior cycle also be given to new members who just joined alliances and are currently in the blackout cycle?

    We're working to ensure that the Blackout doesn't affect this outcome. So you should be fine, but it might take a little longer to get your rewards.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Jokers wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike just looking for clarification, will the rewards from the prior cycle also be given to new members who just joined alliances and are currently in the blackout cycle?

    We're working to ensure that the Blackout doesn't affect this outcome. So you should be fine, but it might take a little longer to get your rewards.

    I take it that this is the answer to my question as well?
  • CappyCappy Member Posts: 132
    These delayed rewards are yet another kick in teeth @Kabam Miike most of my alliance banks on rewards at the end of AQ for ranking and helping with SA!
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Ok I did the math and the Glory issue works itself out being the same 525 Glory from milestones. But we would have 6x Map 3 crystals and 4x Map 4 crystals.

    Instead we got 5 Map 5 crystals being wrongly placed into Expert. Will we be awarded the proper map crystals or are you saying the lowest Expert rewards is enough compensation?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick reply Miike
    Looks like I misread. So only tier placement is based on last series but rank rewards (and milestone rewards) are still based on score this week?
    Also, there's this:
    To compensate Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a lower Tier in the most recent Alliance Quest, we will be awarding those affected by this issue with the Rank and Milestone Rewards they received in the Sept 30th-Oct 5th Alliance Quest series, in addition to the rewards that were earned for this current series.
    Do I qualify for the part in color as well? (Would be great if I did ;))

    This is for Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a Lower Tier. I'm not sure if your Alliance was affected by this, so I can't say for sure.

    Yes my alliance was placed in a lower tier. Problem is that I didn't qualify for last week's AQ rewards due to blackout. My question is that whether I would qualify for those rewards this week
    Edit: I must add that I did contribute towards last week's AQ score all 5 days (I joined before AQ started)

    Okay! Then Yes! Blackout players will receive the rewards, but it might take a little longer than everybody else.
  • DagonelleDagonelle Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike Any chance you could comment on my earlier post, I just realized I quoted you, but did not tag you.

    The waiving of the Blackout period would seem to be helpful in my situation.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick reply Miike
    Looks like I misread. So only tier placement is based on last series but rank rewards (and milestone rewards) are still based on score this week?
    Also, there's this:
    To compensate Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a lower Tier in the most recent Alliance Quest, we will be awarding those affected by this issue with the Rank and Milestone Rewards they received in the Sept 30th-Oct 5th Alliance Quest series, in addition to the rewards that were earned for this current series.
    Do I qualify for the part in color as well? (Would be great if I did ;))

    This is for Alliances that were incorrectly placed in a Lower Tier. I'm not sure if your Alliance was affected by this, so I can't say for sure.

    Yes my alliance was placed in a lower tier. Problem is that I didn't qualify for last week's AQ rewards due to blackout. My question is that whether I would qualify for those rewards this week
    Edit: I must add that I did contribute towards last week's AQ score all 5 days (I joined before AQ started)

    Okay! Then Yes! Blackout players will receive the rewards, but it might take a little longer than everybody else.

    Thank you for the clarification Miike
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    How is your solution fair to the people that worked hard to advance to expert tier this week? I’m sorry you guys messed up and have decided to take it out on us and only benefit the massive alliances and players. Your AQ tier solution is a joke. We earned our place in expert tier but now are stuck in advanced for another week. It’s really not fair how you guys just played us. And you know damn well a free week will make it twice as hard for us to advance to expert! How are you gonna fix that?
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