New Featured - what did you get

Title says it.
I got only one so far, got IMIW. It could be only a tiny bit worse, so next time hopefully it gets hetter
I got only one so far, got IMIW. It could be only a tiny bit worse, so next time hopefully it gets hetter
This xtal isnt very good tbh.
Duped max colossus as well. Was hunting for roblin, spam, and apoc
Opened 4 so far, 3 Red Goblin and 1 Ghost Rider
I had a rough go.
Got and duped CGR. I’m really stoked about Gamora too, since I love getting rare five stars. iBom might go up to r5, but I’m not sure yet. CGR definitely will though unless I pull him from my next featured six star.
With the rest of the shards, I went for basics and got:
So I’m pretty darn happy with my pulls!
BAM. Gem ready.
Went according to plan. Have the other guys that I didn’t pull as 6*s