How is y’all’s six star luck?

I just pulled a juggernaut as a six star so I’m feeling kinda down with my luck. It’s not bad bc I got that namor and wasp is nice except no ghost to go with her
. How are y’all’s pulls? Anyone else got that juggernaut lol.

. How are y’all’s pulls? Anyone else got that juggernaut lol.
No Juggernaut yet, but I do have Abomination, Joe Fixit and Superior Iron Man, which are all pretty awful.
I'd say I'm 8/25 as far as what people would consider to be good pulls, but some do nothing for my account.
Definitely on the luckier side
Unseen are BPOG and MK.
Mysterio HB and LC are the only ones to see usage. Kingpin hopefully in February.
I did hit a 16k L2 grenade with RR in arena once, so that was cool.
Worst 6* Roster ever. No Juggs. No Iron Patriot. No Joe Fixit. How can I be expected to complete any content ever?
Mine are terrible.......
Aside from all the good pulls I've had, mine are terrible.
I can't complain about that top row...
I can't see how this can get any worse at all
Ngl, my 6* roster is good enough to have great r3 choices in every class. Wasn't expecting to dupe her again. And that's all I have to say about that.
And I think you mean @Swedeah ...
@LostCrest I feel your pain