Would you consider Symbiote Supreme to be a top tier champ?

Recently had discussions about Symbiote Supreme in my alliance. Interested to see what others think. I wouldn't consider him top tier because he doesn't have the same versatility as the best mystics (Doom, Claire, Sorcerer Supreme, Magik). I think he is great given the right conditions, but those conditions often aren't met in endgame content.
Would you consider Symbiote Supreme to be a top tier champ? 160 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
But those you mentioned can do a lot on everyone.
Doom is more likely to be taken into a team of 5 just because he is more versatile. He doesn’t need to nullify or stagger buffs to be good.
In conclusion, symb supreme is the best at what he/she/it does, therefore making symb top tier
You can tank sp3s as well. None of those other mystics can do that.
Since top mystics tend to have power control, tanking l3s doesn't make him stand out that much, even though it can be useful.
As for footloose, I'd take Sym Supreme over any of them-
This is 6.3.1 Rhino with Footloose and No Retreat.
Sym Supreme does have power control.
I have a 5/65 Doom and Sorcerer Supreme in addition to a R5 and R3 Sym Supreme and I use my Sym Supreme more that the other 2 every time.
Also if you base your opinion on war, does it mean your top tier would change by a snap when they introduce some season node making quake and ghost useless? Doesn't have to be smth like flow even, just true strike and permanent armour break on attacker. Just as strong condition as opponent having buffs or not being bleed immune.