iPhone 12 pro Max issue! (Help me plsssss)

Okay.. so I just got the iPhone 12 pro Max and I cannot parry or block on the phone unless I hit the very middle of the screen, side note I am a girl with very tiny hands so this is proving difficult, if I try and parry either it doesn’t block so I get hit or it drags me back.
Half the time aswell I can’t block at all I just stand there like ‘yeah please hit me in the face with an sp1 I live for this ****’
Please tell me other people are having the same issue or they have a solution because I’m not a stun immune fighter, I don’t dex like a god, I’m just out here trying to live my best life as a parry god and get war MVP.
Help would be appreciated!
Muchas Gracias
Half the time aswell I can’t block at all I just stand there like ‘yeah please hit me in the face with an sp1 I live for this ****’
Please tell me other people are having the same issue or they have a solution because I’m not a stun immune fighter, I don’t dex like a god, I’m just out here trying to live my best life as a parry god and get war MVP.
Help would be appreciated!
Muchas Gracias
Plenty of posts about it Hopefully kabam acknowledge the issue and it gets addressed asap. Apparently has something to do with the DPI of new phones, same thing happened when XS was first released.
Now this is costing me money!!
See other thread here:
I was told to send in video, I did, no I have to film myself and inputs whilst playing. Tried holding my 2nd phone with my mouth, then thought what are support there for?
Was told some of the following
1. Uninstall app
2. Reinstall app
3. Close reinstalled app
4. Open reinstalled app
5. Update IOS
6. Update game
7. Old device? (Really?)
8. My 2K mbps hard fibre wifi was the issue
9. 5g mobile signal coverage, full bars!
10. Then it descended into me loosing the ability to parry after 5.5 years of playing the exact same way.
Have to say did not feel very supported. This is costing time, money and resources. Its just not fair that it takes this long.