Kabam Wants me to Become a Beast With Tigra

Sooo...I'm pretty mad right now but want to see if I should steer into the skid. I only have 10 six star champs, and only one is duped. That would be Tigra.... THREE OUT OF MY LAST FOUR SIX STAR CRYSTALS HAVE BEEN TIGRA. I never thought I'd be mad about a troll roll away from cyclops. I don't have enough six stars to get a dupe, and then a second dupe...especially since duping doesn't give you any shards. I know she's cool and can have uses, but she's really hard to use. So is it worth taking a sig40 6* tigra to rank 2 and learn her? I only have 1 6*r2 and 4 5*r5 and also have a 5* ghost I haven't even learned to take up, and other good rank up options, but should I just make the best of this ridiculous "luck" and learn her? I have a decent amount of rank up materials
Kabam Wants me to Become a Beast With Tigra 124 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
go for that. Tigra is great
Don't get your hopes up for specific champs you want, or you're gonna keep being let down like this.
But yeah, rank and learn her, she'll be worth your time.
You can perfectly learn her at R1 against ROL WS. If you can master her, rank her up. If not, leave her as she is.
That said, just remember that for every 3/4 Tigra there exists a 3/4 Superior Iron Man. All things said it's a lucky pull still.
was with Quake and Ghost back than.
Tigra is somewhere in the middle those 2.
If you dont enjoy and feel stressed playing those 2, you won't enjoy tigra no matter what
because she requires LOTS of focus and a constant training.
You can't leave her benching for a week or so and coming back in full control.
Heck, people still try to master She Hulk for her higher potential.
Watch vids, rethink stuff if needed, play her as rank 4
and see if it suits you.
Got her as 6-star Lv.25 and a 5-star Lv.55 duped.
Im still HUGELY debating if to rank her up and actually considering my Voodoo instead of her.