Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited February 2021

    Monica Rambeau Spektrum

    Energy absorption, generation and manipulation
    Ability to travel at speeds up to the speed of light while in her energy form, convert her body into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum and travel in energy form through the vacuum of space
    Intangibility (Via energy form)

    Powers and abilities
    Due to bombardment by extra-dimensional energies, Rambeau can transform herself into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum. Among the many energy forms she has assumed and is able to control are cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, electricity, infrared radiation, microwaves, radio waves, and neutrinos. By assuming an energy-form, she gains all of that energy's properties.

    She is invisible and intangible in many of her energy forms (the most frequent exception being visible light), and is capable of flight in all her energy forms (reaching velocities up to and including light speed). She also has the ability to project these energies from her body while she is in human form (only one wavelength of energy at a time), usually in the form of energy blasts from her hands. She mentally controls both the type and quantity of energy she wishes to transmit. The maximum amount of energy she can transmit at a given time is unknown. Rambeau can also divert small amounts of various energies for employment as force beams, which have the equivalent to 300 tons of TNT of explosive force. A variation of this ability enables her to project light-based holographic illusions of herself. Rambeau has also shown the ability to split her energy form into several miniature energy forms that are under her mental command, each miniature Rambeau is able to react and fly at light-speed.

    When she encounters a new or unfamiliar energy, Rambeau can often duplicate it given enough time for analysis.[71] Rambeau tends to be physically insubstantial in her energy forms, though with concentration and effort she can sometimes perform tasks such as briefly grasping an object, either by partially solidifying or by applying some sort of force to the object in question.

    She is immortal and does not age beyond her prime.[72]

    When Rambeau temporarily lost her original powers after a massive energy expenditure,[38] she developed the ability to shunt any mechanical energy directed towards her through a dimensional interface surrounding her body, granting her increased strength, resistance to impact, and the ability to fly. After Rambeau asked Reed Richards to examine these new abilities, he theorized that she accessed the same dimension from which she derived her energy powers to create the interface.[40]

    Rambeau has strong leadership skills and law enforcement experience due to both of her time as a police officer and former leader of the Avengers. She is an excellent markswoman, unarmed combatant, detective, and swimmer with extensive nautical expertise. She has received Harbor Patrol training, and Avengers training in unarmed combat by Captain America.

    Rambeau is able to retain her energy form for several hours with no ill effects.[73] She can only transform herself into one wavelength of energy at a time, but she can transform between one energy-state and another in a fraction of a second. Extensive energy transformation and manipulation can be physically taxing once she re-assumes her physical form. Rambeau can also be forcibly reverted to her original form by other forces.[74]

    Blue Marvel ( Adam Bernard Brashear )

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, endurance, senses, durability, intelligence and longevity
    Energy, manipulation, generation, absorption and projection
    Trained military and hand-to-hand combatant
    Highly proficient engineer and physicist
    Molecular manipulation
    Light manipulation and creation
    Anti-matter manipulation, absorption and projection

    Powers and abilities
    Anti-Matter Energy Absorption seems to be the main source of Blue Marvel's power. This source of power is the energy released from anti-matter which derives from the inter-dimensional universe called the Negative Zone.

    Superhuman strength: Blue Marvel possesses vast superhuman strength. He has been observed moving a meteor the size of Arkansas and routinely lifting and flying an aircraft carrier a considerable distance. The uppermost limits of Blue Marvel's strength is unknown, but it is in the same ballpark as Hulk, Sentry and Thor.
    Nigh invulnerability: Blue Marvel possesses nigh-invulnerability and durability, being capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. He has withstood a nuclear detonation without any apparent physical trauma and is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided.[20]
    Flight: Blue Marvel flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Blue Marvel can easily attain escape velocity (or escape speed, which is about 34 times the speed of sound) and fly far beyond supersonic speeds, but it is not known if he can achieve speeds beyond the speed of light.[20]
    Enhanced mental perception: Blue Marvel possesses the ability to sense and comprehend things on levels that far exceed human capabilities.[20]
    Energy generation: Blue Marvel has the ability to generate and control negative matter energy based on antimatter. He can manipulate this energy for various effects, including creating energy constructs.[21]
    He can release his energy in the form of energy blasts, including Concussive Force Bolts, Stun Bolts and Energy Pulses[22]
    Molecular manipulation: Blue Marvel evidently is able to affect matter at a molecular level with a great degree of precision and control, as he did when he not only healed Monica Rambeau, but further boosted her electromagnetic abilities. It is not known if this ability is limited to electromagnetic particles only, or if the Blue Marvel is able to affect all matter, allowing him to alter an object's molecular composition or transmute elements.
    Bioluminescence: Brashear/Blue Marvel has exhibited the ability to emit light from his body.[23]
    Longevity: Blue Marvel ages much slower and lives much longer than normal human beings.[24]
    Trained combatant: He has been trained by the US Marines in armed and unarmed combat.[25][26]
    According to Brashear he is a stable "antimatter reactor", but from his broader explanation what he appears to do is channel exotic particles generated by a stable event horizon caused by the interaction of opposing positive matter and negative matter (Negative Zone) universes. Because Brashear has retained his abilities all this time, it would seem that either the specific generative reaction, that granted him his powers continues at an unseen or subatomic level in the facility where he first gained his abilities, or exotic particles generated by the experiment somehow became quantum entangled with Brashear.[8]

    Brashear holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.[5] He maintains a massive undersea headquarters in the Marianas Trench at a location known only to Namor the Sub-Mariner.[6] Brashear normally wears gauntlets on both arms that channel and augment his vast powers. Blue Marvel is able to create portals from technology that he invented that far exceeds any technology currently on earth. Blue Marvel's main weakness is Neutronium, a substance from the Exo-Space.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Waffe H ( Clayton Cortez )

    Skilled marksman
    Expert hand-to-hand combatant
    Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, endurance and stamina
    Retractable claws
    Healing factor
    Enhanced senses
    Probability field generation
    Nanoactive Adamantium-infused skeleton
    Amorphic bone spurs
    Projectile claws
    Gamma radiation channeling

    Powers and abilities
    The Weapon X Project's experiments have given Clayton a Hulk/Wolverine-like appearance with the abilities of several superhuman templates including the Hulk, Wolverine, Domino, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, and Warpath; these abilities include super-strength, speed, stamina, agility and coordination, invulnerability, retractable/extendable bone claws & stubs, a healing factor, nanite manipulation, enhanced senses, and probability field generation (allowing him to influence "luck").

    He possesses a couple of other unique qualities stemming from Sterntech-derived nanorobotics used in his adamantium bonding process. Without this nanotech, Clayton/Weapon H could not transform without his skeleton ripping out of his body.[25] With it, Cortez can manipulate the pliability of his Adamantium-laced bone structure, for instance, being able to elongate the bone studs protruding along his arms and legs into needle-pointed spurs with which to shred his enemies.[26] Unlike Wolverine, Weapon H can discharge his three pointed bone claws like projectile stilettos (and aim them at a target with pinpoint precision). This is something even his own creator didn't know he could do.[22]

    Prior to his transformation, the Eaglestar Corporation had trained Clayton as a skilled marksman and expert hand-to-hand combatant.
  • SergioAsecasSergioAsecas Member Posts: 49
    I dont know if its already posted, but could be interesting add to the contest
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Lady Deathstrike (Tech)

    Agent Coulson (Skill)

    Hybrid (Cosmic)

    Pork Grind (Cosmic)

    Moondragon (Mystic)

    Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) (Science)

    Spider-Man Unlimited (Tech)

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    edited February 2021
    A synergy for the Illuminati, kind of like the horseman one.
  • DarkstalkerDarkstalker Member Posts: 31
    Stan Lee should be added
    And Minotaur and
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Angel (Mutant)

    Mass Master (Cosmic)

    Mangaverse Spider-Man (Mystic)

    Karolina Dean (Cosmic)

    Mania (Mystic)

    Valeria Richards (Science)

  • Aj6789Aj6789 Member Posts: 6
    Molecule man( science)
    Scientist Supreme(tech)
    Iron man Herald of Galactus( Cosmic)
    Thor Herald of Galactus(Cosmic)
    Speed demon( science)
  • Thor10Thor10 Member Posts: 1
    Endgame or infinity war thor
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited March 2021



    The Sandman (William Baker, a.k.a. Flint Marko)

    Size and mass manipulation
    Earth manipulation
    Superhuman strength, durability and endurance
    Density control
    Flight (in sandstorm form)

    owers and abilities
    The Sandman has the ability to transform his body. He can will his body to be hardened, compacted, dispersed or shaped, or a combination of those qualities, an Earth manipulation of sand and rock particles. More often than not in combat, this ability enables him to absorb most blows with little to no ill effect other than reforming himself, a relatively fast action. His striped shirt and cargo pants are colored sand to make him appear as if he wears clothes. Even when soaked, he was able to stretch his sand molecules, growing to double his size.

    Sandman can mold his arms and hands into shapes, such as a mace or a sledgehammer, to battle Spider-Man and his other enemies. His mass, strength and shape shifting ability correspond to the number of sand and rock particles that comprise him. The more he incorporates (nearby) sand grains and rock granules into his body, the more those qualities are enhanced. Even though he controls every particle in his body, his mind exists in the astral plane. He can turn himself into a sandstorm, which enables him to fly great distances and to suffocate his enemies.

    His body takes on sand's chemical qualities, impervious to many, but not all, elements. Once, cement's ingredients were mixed into Sandman. That mixture turned him into cement that dried, rendering him immobile.[51] Despite this frailty he remained alive, but in a coma-like state for a while before he returned to normal.[volume & issue needed] In addition to his superb endurance, the Sandman possesses superhuman strength several times more than Spider-Man's and on a par with the Thing's.

    In a story with the Wizard, the Wizard fashioned Sandman a green suit with a belt that contained three buttons that allowed various chemicals to mix into the Sandman's body to enable him to change himself into consistencies related to sand. The suit, like the Sandman's usual "clothes", changed into sand with him.[volume & issue needed] Eventually, with the disbanding of the original Frightful Four, the Sandman stopped using the suit.[volume & issue needed]

    Temperature does alter the Sandman. At 3,400 degrees Fahrenheit his body turns into glass, also a form he can control. Unlike the Sandman's fast transformation from sand to glass, his transformation from glass to sand takes time.[52]

    Although he is invulnerable to most physical attacks, even projectiles because they pass through him, water is a different story. There are some exceptions, for example while fighting Venom, the villain's powerful mouth ripped cleanly and swiftly into the Sandman. The amount of sand removed abruptly, and perhaps because of Venom's venoms, left the mass of the Sandman in contortion, crippled beyond immediate repair. The Sandman began to disintegrate, then flowed down a drain, and then washed up onto and into a beach.[53]

    It has been revealed that, while the Sandman can absorb and lose sand, his body must retain one key particle of sand that contains his conscious mind, allowing Spider-Man to defeat him once by isolating that one grain from the rest of the Sandman (although the difficulty involved in setting up these events in the first place makes it impractical to use regularly).[40]

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    edited March 2021
    Illuminati Synergy, Makes the members OP, Similar to Apocalypse Horseman Synergy.

    Makes Sense as the Majority of the Members are underwhelming.

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Surtur And Ymir, Incredible and powerful characters in the comics, could have interesting synergies between them!!

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Morbius, Film was suppose to come out, good introduction into the monsters of the Marvel Universe, such as Dracula and Werewolf, good to release with him.

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Lizard and Sandman, good characters to come out side by side, could introduce a Sinister Six synergy, Similar to Horseman Synergy.

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Some Skill champions to take into consideration:
    1. Shocker
    2. Shang Chi
    3. Black Cat
    4. Agent Coulson
    5. Moon Boy (Could introduce Devil Dinosaur similar to Mole Man OR a separate champion)
    6. Anti Venom (Could be argued for another class, Only suggesting him because of Agent Venom)
    7. Bullseye
    8. Agent Carter
    9. Kate Bishop
    10. Kraven the Hunter
  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    After Releasing Professor X, a good follow up is ONSLAUGHT

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    edited March 2021
    Some Characters to go along with the introduction of Odin:
    1. Beta Ray Bill
    2. Gorr the God Butcher
    3. Enchantress
    4. Surtur & Ymir
    5. Destroyer
    6. Valkyrie
    7. Galactus
    8. Infinity War Thor
    9. Fenris (Children of Loki) - WHY not introduce some ANIMALS/9.5. Midgard Serpent
    10. Hercules
  • EdwxnEdwxn Member Posts: 215 ★★
    Iron Spider
  • ASAPRemaASAPRema Member Posts: 4

    Grey Gargoyle [MYSTIC]

    Morbius [MYSTIC]

    Lizard [SCIENCE]

    Scorpion [SCIENCE]

    Prowler [SKILL]

    Absorbing man [MUTANT]

    Whirlwind [SCIENCE]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    GhostRider (Danny Ketch)

    GhostRider (Danny Ketch)

    Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch)
    Superhuman strength and durability
    Ability to project regular and ethereal flame
    Ability to travel between interdimensional realms and along any surface
    Using magical chain and motorcycle
    Penance Stare

    Ghost Rider vol. 3, #80 (Feb. 1996), depicting the red-and-orange leather armor. Cover art by Salvador Larroca.
    While transformed, Danny exhibits much of the same powers as Johnny Blaze; supernatural strength, heightened reflexes, and a resistance to injuries that makes him effectively immortal to all but otherworldly weapons such as those forged in Heaven or Hell. Like Blaze, Ketch can inflict the Penance Stare through eye contact. Uniquely, Danny has been seen to be able to control the degree of trauma his Stare inflicts; such as when he freed Wolverine from mind control by making him relive the pain and sorrow he inflicted during a single day of his time as a soldier during World War I.[15]

    As the Ghost Rider, Ketch uses a length of heavy chain approximately 3 feet (0.91 m) long which possesses magical properties. For instance, when it is thrown it is able to separate into individual links which behave like shuriken, later reintegrating and returning to the Ghost Rider's hand. The chain can grow in length, is supernaturally strong, and can transform into other weapons such as a spear. He can also spin it fast to be used as a drill.

    The common theme of the Ghost Rider is a human host who transforms into a flaming-headed motorcyclist with supernatural powers. When riding their bikes, the vehicles can travel faster than conventional motorcycles and can maneuver impossible feats such as riding straight up a vertical surface or across water. In a one-shot comic featuring Doctor Strange and the Daniel Ketch/Noble Kale version of Ghost Rider, it was shown to be capable of riding on nothing but air. This was repeated shortly after Kale started to regain his memories, causing him to alter his suit by sheer force of will, and create an entirely new bike.[volume & issue needed]

    When empowered, Ketch's motorcycle undergoes a more radical transformation. It changes from a conventional looking motorcycle to one that appears powerful and high-tech. Along with flaming wheels, the bike includes a shield-like battering ram on the front. Ghost Rider also created two other bikes that he could utilize in the same manner as the one he normally rode, one out of necessity when Blackheart stole the original in a crossover graphic novel that brought together Ghost Rider, Wolverine, and the Punisher, and again in the regular series as a spare in case something made him unable to get to his regular cycle. The latter would wind up in the hands of Johnny Blaze.

    He has displayed some other powers briefly, like the ability to summon a wall of flame. In the beginning, Ketch could only transform "when innocent blood was spilled" and had to touch the gas cap of his motorcycle. Later it was revealed that this was only a psychological limitation he imposed on himself, and which he later overcame.

    He possessed hellfire powers similar to the Zarathos/Blaze version, but he also had the ability to destroy the undead and was supposedly the incarnation of the angel of death and judgement, which detailed the supposed origins of the Noble Kale version of the Ghost Rider.[16]

    In addition, Ketch and Noble Kale worked together to an extent, unlike Blaze and Zarathos, who battled for dominance and control over their shared body. Kale had a compassionate side and while there were times that he seemed tempted to simply take over completely, he refused to do so, though he felt anger at condemning Daniel to only being able to live his life out half the time, while he dominated the other half. Kale and Ketch, like Blaze and Zarathos, could sometimes communicate through dreams, and in at least one issue communicated via messages written on a mirror in lipstick.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Onslaught vs Magneto


    Psychic omnipotence

    Powers and abilities
    Onslaught is a psionic entity with superior physical and mental power; possessing the combined abilities of Professor X, Magneto, Franklin Richards, and Nate Grey. At its prime, Onslaught is capable of telepathy, telekinesis, energy projection, sensing mutant presences, manipulating magnetic fields, and affecting reality itself. Onslaught can also enhance its physical size and strength.

    Onslaught's powers were well over that of Omega Level. In his first form (when he was one with Xavier), Onslaught showed a wide variety of abilities including immeasurable strength, and incredible resistance and endurance. Onslaught's psionic powers appeared limitless, appearing to surpass even that of Xavier in his right mind. He was especially powerful in the Astral Plane, where he appeared to have god-like abilities. From what has been seen, he seems to have total mental control over anyone or anything he wishes, ranging from altering people's perception to believe they are someone or somewhere else (he demonstrated this by making Wolverine believe he was a wolf pup, and making Storm think she was a child). Even in his initial form, he also demonstrated sufficient physical strength to punch the Juggernaut unconscious across North America, and to rip the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak out of his body. Onslaught also possessed many forms of energy projection, all of which are at high levels of power.

    After fully evolving into his own, separate consciousness and having Professor X ripped from him in the Astral Plane, Onslaught evolved into a second form, less resembling Magneto and looking more like a cybernetic monster. In this form, thanks to adding the full potential of Franklin Richards and Nate Grey combined, his powers were increased to god-like levels, including the ability to mass-manipulate (his complete takeover of all the Sentinels), create and reshape matter at will (shown when he created his citadel, and when he created a second sun to destroy Earth), and an apparent omniscience (as evidenced when he easily thwarted an attempt to sneak into his citadel). He could use his combined reality-warping and telekinetic abilities to boost his physical strength to the point that he was able to go toe-to-toe in a physical fight with the Hulk even after the Hulk's mind had been blanked and his strength and rage set to incredible levels thanks to Jean Grey 'shutting down' the subconscious influence that Bruce Banner normally exerted over the Hulk to stop him going too far.

    For a time, Onslaught had these powers while still in his first form; the majority of these came from the absorption of Nate Grey and Franklin Richards. In the end, Onslaught's true body was revealed to be a mass of pure, psionic energy that was immune to all forms of physical attacks.
  • 99Gmen99Gmen Member Posts: 1


    Old King Thor



    Charles Xavier 2
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    Minvis said:


    I suggested Odin before but it was really long and I didn’t know what I was doing, so here it is shorted. Somewhat.

    Why Add him?
    1. Odin “would” be fun to play as.
    2. Synergies with other Asgardians tor them together and make them more useful.
    3. More representation for old people.
    4. He has potential for really cool abilities.
    5. Would make for a cool event. Event could also introduce The Enchantress.

    Now my ideas for the character.

    Class: Cosmic or Magic

    Odin force: Odin’s main mechanic would be the Odinforce. This would be a persistent charge. The charges would provide passive benefits (i.e power gain, increase armor and attack rating) and can be consumed for different abilities. If Odin runs out.. it’ll be bad for him.

    Odin Rest: This is how he gains charges. Odin gains charges for every fight he isn’t in (he rests during it). The amount of charges would either be fixed per battle, increase with champion level or based on how long the fight is. Could also heal Odin.
    Certain champions could allow him to gain more when you fight with them, such as Thor.

    Restoration Dodge back and hold to remove all debuffs. Cost 1 Odinforce.

    Synergies He’d have powerful unique synergies with all the Asgardians. The synergies could effect all Asgardians but not non-asgardians.

    I know Heimdel already sorta does this but his synergies effect all champions Odin’s would be more focused on Asgardians. Also Odin just should have good synergies as King of Asgardian.

    Awakened Ability: Runes
    Prefight ability
    “Odin makes use of the knowledge he sacrificed his eye for”

    Before battle Odin can use the power of one of nine Nordic runes to assist his allies or weaken his enemies. (Posted list of rune ideas earlier in this thread).

    A way to counter magic disadvantage
    Odin’s vast knowledge as the god of wisdom and magic allows him to negate his class disadvantage when he has # Odinforce charges or more. Instead of this Odin could have a rune that reverses Magic’s type advantage.


    Odin could be an incredibly powerful champion that can counter many champions but one you’d have to use wisely due to his limited Odin force charges.
    To maximize his effectiveness you’d have to be strategic in activating his abilities as well as when to fight with him and when to let him rest.

    Having him on a team with other Asgardians greatly increases their power and his own.

    Can aid outside of battle with Runes.

    I hope that they make Odin a good champion if they add him. Having the highest of the Asgardian gods below god tier would just be disappointing. Also he fights Galactus and doesn’t instantly die.

    For farther ideas and details look for my original post Because believe it or not it’s actually longer.


    If you see this come reply on Twitter. I reposted your idea last February and again just now.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ulik (Cosmic)

    Daimon Hellstrom (Mystic)

    Skaar (Science)

    Nova (Sam Alexander) (Cosmic)

    Bullseye (Skill)

    Uatu the Watcher (Cosmic)

    She-Venom (Cosmic)

    Energizer (Cosmic)

    Speedball (Science)
  • P3ImmortalP3Immortal Member Posts: 2
    I really think that they should add in Beetle.
    And scorpion
  • N_Pool_1N_Pool_1 Member Posts: 6
    I was wondering how about adding Spiderman Noir and Aaron Davis aka Prowler from Spiderman: into the spiderverse movie
    They would be cool to have.

  • Funtown86Funtown86 Member Posts: 1

    Old man ice man

    Lin lie


  • Rog101Rog101 Member Posts: 3
    Hey is there a reason why I haven't got my rewards for war season
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Rog101 said:

    Hey is there a reason why I haven't got my rewards for war season

    Wrong thread to be asking this question
  • four4pacfour4pac Member Posts: 5
    Spider-Man Noir (Science)

    Lady Deadpool (Mutant)

    Quicksilver (Mutant)

    Wonder Man (Science)

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