PSA: Don't panic if you think you did the wrong thing in Side Quest today

DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
If you're Uncollected or higher, and you think you ran the wrong thing today, don't panic.

TL;DR: you probably didn't lose anything you care about. Read on for the details.

UC players were supposed to claim Uru from their email and then buy the five Caskets they had enough Uru for: C1-5. This would unlock Tier 6 difficulty in the side quest. Then they were supposed to run T6.

However, two problems arose. First, there was a bug at launch where people who bought the caskets didn't unlock anything. Thus, they only saw T1 and may have used their one and only feather to run it. Second, there was some confusion as the game always shows your highest unlocked difficulty AND ONE LOWER. The idea is if you unlock T8 but you can't do it because it is too difficult, you can fall back to T7. But some players just ran the first one that displayed on the assumption they had to run them in order.

So some UC players ran T1 today because of a bug (now should be fixed), and some ran T5 today because of a mistake. This means they lost T6 rewards and got T1 or T5 rewards instead. Someone might think they are now screwed. But not really. I don't know if Kabam is going to offer some kind of compensation here, but let's assume worst case and they don't. First of all, here's the rewards in question:

So if you're one of the people who ran T1 instead of T6, you lost the T6 rewards and got the T1 rewards. Eh. Ditto the players that ran T5.

Now, you also lost Uru because T6 gives 10 and T1 gives 8 and T9 gives 9. So you lost one or two Uru. But the event contains a surplus of 10 Uru if you run the event in the most optimal way - running only the highest difficulty available starting at T6. So losing one or two on day one does NOT mean you lost any of the higher rewards. You're still on track to get the maximum number of runs of T10 (seven runs) if you don't make too many other mistakes.

Starting tomorrow, run the highest tier unlocked, which should be T6. If you want the highest possible rewards, continue running the highest tier unlocked until you have enough Uru to buy the next casket, buy that, then move up a level. If you make a mistake don't panic: you've just done one too many runs of that tier, and one fewer runs of the next higher tier. Look at the reward chart ( it is probably not a big deal. Just try not to make that mistake on higher tiers, and especially T10. That's when you start losing things you actually care about.

Note: the way Caskets work is a bit weird. You can buy them in any order, because the game is counting how many you open, not which ones. You can buy them in any random order, but you need to buy five to unlock T6, and you need to buy six to unlock T7, and so forth. If you bought Casket 5 only and are wondering why T6 isn't unlocked, that's why. For simplicity sake, just buy them in order. But if you didn't, again don't panic, just buy all the rest starting from C1 and work upward. It'll work itself out.


  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I have not either
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Plus it still says tier one
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    If you're Uncollected or higher, and you think you ran the wrong thing today, don't panic.

    TL;DR: you probably didn't lose anything you care about. Read on for the details.

    UC players were supposed to claim Uru from their email and then buy the five Caskets they had enough Uru for: C1-5. This would unlock Tier 6 difficulty in the side quest. Then they were supposed to run T6.

    However, two problems arose. First, there was a bug at launch where people who bought the caskets didn't unlock anything. Thus, they only saw T1 and may have used their one and only feather to run it. Second, there was some confusion as the game always shows your highest unlocked difficulty AND ONE LOWER. The idea is if you unlock T8 but you can't do it because it is too difficult, you can fall back to T7. But some players just ran the first one that displayed on the assumption they had to run them in order.

    So some UC players ran T1 today because of a bug (now should be fixed), and some ran T5 today because of a mistake. This means they lost T6 rewards and got T1 or T5 rewards instead. Someone might think they are now screwed. But not really. I don't know if Kabam is going to offer some kind of compensation here, but let's assume worst case and they don't. First of all, here's the rewards in question:

    So if you're one of the people who ran T1 instead of T6, you lost the T6 rewards and got the T1 rewards. Eh. Ditto the players that ran T5.

    Now, you also lost Uru because T6 gives 10 and T1 gives 8 and T9 gives 9. So you lost one or two Uru. But the event contains a surplus of 10 Uru if you run the event in the most optimal way - running only the highest difficulty available starting at T6. So losing one or two on day one does NOT mean you lost any of the higher rewards. You're still on track to get the maximum number of runs of T10 (seven runs) if you don't make too many other mistakes.

    Starting tomorrow, run the highest tier unlocked, which should be T6. If you want the highest possible rewards, continue running the highest tier unlocked until you have enough Uru to buy the next casket, buy that, then move up a level. If you make a mistake don't panic: you've just done one too many runs of that tier, and one fewer runs of the next higher tier. Look at the reward chart ( it is probably not a big deal. Just try not to make that mistake on higher tiers, and especially T10. That's when you start losing things you actually care about.

    Note: the way Caskets work is a bit weird. You can buy them in any order, because the game is counting how many you open, not which ones. You can buy them in any random order, but you need to buy five to unlock T6, and you need to buy six to unlock T7, and so forth. If you bought Casket 5 only and are wondering why T6 isn't unlocked, that's why. For simplicity sake, just buy them in order. But if you didn't, again don't panic, just buy all the rest starting from C1 and work upward. It'll work itself out.

    And if i bought all casket yet only have access to tier 1 can i panic? ;)
  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★
    I appreciate the info, but it still isn’t fixed. And neither is the skill node.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian

    I appreciate the info, but it still isn’t fixed. And neither is the skill node.

    If you're affected by the unlock bug where the tier that is supposed to be unlocked is not unlocked, hold onto your feather if you haven't used it yet until Kabam fixes the tier locks. Feathers don't expire (at least not during the event). You can save them up until the problems are addressed.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 865 ★★★
    So complicated, but I thank you for the clear explanation. I *think* I understand what to do now.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    Or we can demand compensation from Kabam for the ridiculous way they botched all of this ranging from the stupid and poorly explained mechanism of the quest to the actual bug.
  • Adios50Adios50 Member Posts: 38
    Side Quest doesn't go wrong Kabam is fooling everyone And just needs money
  • Mcghee3Mcghee3 Member Posts: 93
    I can still only see t4-5 gauntlet and I have all 5 caskets so far
  • Adios50Adios50 Member Posts: 38
    I am sure the side quest will not work properly
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    What exactly is fixed? I bought the 5 caskets, did tier 1 and still stuck in tier 1.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    zuffy said:

    What exactly is fixed? I bought the 5 caskets, did tier 1 and still stuck in tier 1.

    My understanding is if you buy the caskets now, the tiers will unlock correctly. But if you bough the caskets earlier and the unlock was broken at the time, it may take time to fix the tiers that were supposed to be unlocked but didn't on that specific account. That won't automagically fix itself on the accounts where the bug occurred.
  • turk1shturk1sh Member Posts: 15
    I bought them all and they show me tier 3-4, if I play in time I will lose uru , i did one time ... it’s unbelievable:(
  • ABOMBABOMB Member Posts: 564 ★★★
    Good grief..gotta bust out the damb manual just to run a friggin side quest. Wonder if Kabam has ever heard the phrase KISS? Keep it simple stupid
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    turk1sh said:

    I bought them all and they show me tier 3-4, if I play in time I will lose uru , i did one time ... it’s unbelievable:(

    You do not have to use your feathers immediately, you can save them and enter multiple times later.

    And in terms of Uru, you probably got one less. One less is not a problem. You will still have enough to get all of the top rewards.
  • Nah01Nah01 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    turk1sh said:

    I bought them all and they show me tier 3-4, if I play in time I will lose uru , i did one time ... it’s unbelievable:(

    You do not have to use your feathers immediately, you can save them and enter multiple times later.

    And in terms of Uru, you probably got one less. One less is not a problem. You will still have enough to get all of the top rewards.
    I lose one day playing at tier 10. Agreed that it's not much but still I'm mad.
  • SlimeballSlimeball Member Posts: 340 ★★
    pretty sure i’m stuck at tier 5? so none of this matters anyways unless they fix it lol
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Nah01 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    turk1sh said:

    I bought them all and they show me tier 3-4, if I play in time I will lose uru , i did one time ... it’s unbelievable:(

    You do not have to use your feathers immediately, you can save them and enter multiple times later.

    And in terms of Uru, you probably got one less. One less is not a problem. You will still have enough to get all of the top rewards.
    I lose one day playing at tier 10. Agreed that it's not much but still I'm mad.
    No, you don't, but this is a little more complex than I first thought. In this specific case you lose one T6 run and one T9 run in exchange for one T1 run and one more T8 run.

    The optimum strategy is to play just enough to earn enough Uru to buy the next basket and move up a tier, and so on until you reach tier 10. So the optimal play does this:

    Start with 120 Uru. Buy Caskets 1 through 5 which costs 115 total Uru (10 + 15 + 20 + 30 + 40). You have 5 left.
    Do Tier 6 five times. You now have 55 Uru. Buy Casket 6 which costs 50 Uru and unlocks Tier 7. You have 5 left.
    Do Tier 7 six times. You now have 65 Uru. Buy Casket 7 which costs 60 Uru and unlocks Tier 8. You have 5 left.
    Do Tier 8 seven times. You now have 75 Uru. Buy Casket 8 which costs 75 Uru and unlocks Tier 9. You have 0 left.
    Do Tier 9 ten times. You now have 110 Uru. Buy casket 9 which costs 100 Uru and unlocks Tier 10.

    5+6+7+10 = 28. You will eventually get 35 feathers. So you have 7 left to run Tier 10 seven times.

    Now suppose you do one run of Tier 1 first. That run will earn 8 Uru instead of 10. So you have 13 Uru now and have burned one run.

    Do Tier 6 four times. You now have 53 Uru. Buy Casket 6 which costs 50 Uru and unlocks Tier 7. You have 3 left.
    Do Tier 7 six times. You now have 63 Uru. Buy Casket 7 which costs 60 Uru and unlocks Tier 8. You have 3 left.
    Do Tier 8 eight times. You now have 83 Uru. Buy Casket 8 which costs 75 Uru and unlocks Tier 9. You have 8 left.
    Do Tier 9 nine times. You now have 107 Uru. Buy casket 9 which costs 100 Uru and unlocks Tier 10.

    1+4+6+8+9=28. The same number of runs, so you still have 7 runs you an do at Tier 10. Besides T6 (which I assume is no big deal) you trade one T8 run for a T9 run. Those rewards look like this:

    It is not nothing, and hopefully Kabam will address this, but it doesn't cost you Tier 10 runs.
  • Adios50Adios50 Member Posts: 38
    I'm Stuck Tier 1-2
    Confusing quest
  • Adios50Adios50 Member Posts: 38

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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Adios50 said:

    I'm Stuck Tier 1-2
    Confusing quest

    Are you Uncollected or higher, did you collect the 120 Uru from your email, and did you buy Caskets 1 through 5 from Odin's armory?

    It looks like you maybe only bought Casket 5. If so, you need to buy all of the Caskets from 1 through 5. Although this is not clear from the event description, each Casket unlocks one new tier. So buying one Casket - ANY CASKET - will unlock Tier 2. The next one will unlock Tier 3. Buying all the Caskets from 1 through 5 will unlock T6.

    If you did buy them all close to when the event went live today and got stuck here, that's because it was bugged at release and I don't know when that will be fully corrected for those players. Save your feathers until they fix this, they do not expire.

    If you bought them significantly after the event went live and you still got stuck here, then that's a problem and you should open a support ticket for that, or wait and see if Kabam eventually fixes this for everyone. I don't have an ETA for the fixes, unfortunately.
  • Adios50Adios50 Member Posts: 38
    DNA3000 said:

    Adios50 said:

    I'm Stuck Tier 1-2
    Confusing quest

    Are you Uncollected or higher, did you collect the 120 Uru from your email, and did you buy Caskets 1 through 5 from Odin's armory?

    It looks like you maybe only bought Casket 5. If so, you need to buy all of the Caskets from 1 through 5. Although this is not clear from the event description, each Casket unlocks one new tier. So buying one Casket - ANY CASKET - will unlock Tier 2. The next one will unlock Tier 3. Buying all the Caskets from 1 through 5 will unlock T6.

    If you did buy them all close to when the event went live today and got stuck here, that's because it was bugged at release and I don't know when that will be fully corrected for those players. Save your feathers until they fix this, they do not expire.

    If you bought them significantly after the event went live and you still got stuck here, then that's a problem and you should open a support ticket for that, or wait and see if Kabam eventually fixes this for everyone. I don't have an ETA for the fixes, unfortunately.
    still this event did not go as it should be and there was no response from the Kabam thank you for the instructions
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