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Tigra users, would you rather rank up a duped 5* or unduped 6* version of her?

VolatilityVolatility Posts: 25
edited April 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I both duped my 5* and pulled a new 6* today and am not sure who to invest in. I have the 5* sig stones to boost her awakened ability up quite a bit FYI. I also don’t run suicides at the moment.

Would appreciate an explanation as to why you folks would pick a certain option. Thank you!

Tigra users, would you rather rank up a duped 5* or unduped 6* version of her? 27 votes

Duped 5*
BonzodavidBerjibsIcy000OmedennRayaan_2000Barani7da 6 votes
Unduped 6*
TerraCr7ms7rs7RockyshockyStevieManWonderEtjamaYcatsParam1988HieitakuTheMailmannHoitadoCowabungaRubbixsherin_66 13 votes
Foxhero007SimbalakaMobile_P0tat0psp742FuskieRU11011JohnyBoyTheBair123 8 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,336 ★★★★
    One as defender and other for attack.
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    YcatsYcats Posts: 146 ★★
    Unduped 6*
    Being Unduped just means she has to throw 2 sp1 before a sp2 now.
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    Unduped 6*
    I was in your same position a few days a go. I had a five star Tigra at r3 (not awakened yet, but I had the gem for her and plenty of stones) and I had just opened a new 6 star Tigra. I took her straight to r2 because her awakened ability isn't really important (also because I can r3 her in two weeks).
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    HoitadoHoitado Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Unduped 6*
    Her Sig isn’t that important
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    sherin_66sherin_66 Posts: 251 ★★★
    Unduped 6*
    SWORD78 said:

    Her Sig isn’t that important

    She starts the fight (when awakened) with her senses (it's only a couple of seconds though). If you're a skilled Tigra player, you could manage her with only a few second's time on her senses. You could go to a straight sp2 if she is awakened and not bother with throwing sp1's. I have her as a 6* unduped r1 (going to r2) but I don't mind it. A way to rephrase what you just said is "Her sig doesn't matter," cause it really doesn't.

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