I retired every time when I go into the harder content every bug hits all at once and I’m sick of it these bugs are there on purpose how is the most basic and vital part to actually play the game so Broken yet they are to lazy to fix this because at the end of the day they still get money
Yes it had defiently killed off alot of the fun and makes content feel tedious when dealing with this. Mostly just play this game now for the sake of having something to do.
I haven't even gotten an accidental parry during a fight since 15.0 came out. I can parry at the beginning, but haven't gotten one during a fight. Defenders have no trouble parrying me in AW and arena, though.
Honestly I think this game is better than ever with all these events and all that, Ya alliance war does suck right now but they will make it better eventually it just takes time. All games have Bugs and Kabam is working to fix them.
I've been an avid(avg 6days 4hrs per) player for roughly 2.5yrs I "semi-retired" for approx. 1 1/2mos with the hopes of returning back if there were signs of some changes for the betterment of the game and an end to the "forum silence" and contradicting/unfounded statements that are on the edge of insulting. I was persuaded back by some seemingly positive announcements from Kabam and my ally mates wanting to rebuild with a "new look".
In short, I feel my decision was hastily made. In all fairness I did somewhat enjoy the new "challenges" but I was and still am much against new content being pushed out in lieu of the number of things that needed repair for several months in some cases. IMO, some of those very issues made the challenges lose more credibilty amd excitment than they could have gained. All in all, back to "square one" on what my next decision should be. Truly disheartening because I without a doubt had such a passion for playing MCOC once not too long ago.
Played since day 1, 332k rated and now left feeling like what a complete waste of time it has all been.
Loved Marvel forever, but who continues to let Kabam/Netmarble use the brand and smash it to bits like this?
Woeful Customer Support, game mechanics you can't rely on to work, offers that if you continued buying you have to sell your house for...
Don't get me started on the joke that is AW & AQ.
I'm devastated at what they have created out of what was possible.
So much money generated and they can't even get the basics like parry/block/evade to work correctly.
But they keep making new champs, bring in 6*'s, send people to NYCC "have a free T'shirt" but keep playing a broken game while you spend more!
A Trump-Tastic company that actually sits perfectly now in this messed up heading towards the edge reality.
Thanks for messing up the one thing that distracted us from thr doom lmfao!!!
Somewhere, mods/kabam employees are reading this, and paying absolutely no mind to it. After all, they are still making a fortune, why should they give players their moneys worth. They shouldn't have to fix all these bugs, players are getting such great results when they buy a crystal that is 99.9% an op 2*. Unless it's a 5* crystal, then we get top notch game changers. So that is giving the money's worth right there. We can just deal with the bugs. It's no big deal, right? People love losing a game despite having 2-3X the skill needed to win, but still due to bugs that happen at the right convenient moment, yet never affects the AI once.
Dissolved and gave up tier2 alliance to another leader wanting to rebuild, so many things broken or just plain boring to do over and over at the middle-high end, can't replace solid, reliable members as fast as they are quitting. Just kept a handful of our core to go more casual with no management duties since that takes up the bulk of the game now. Trying to get whole crew to just move to working game but too many are stuck on the time and money already invested in this broken product.
They increased their plan to 2025.....LOL
I'm seeing tons of 100% LOL accounts being sold for meesly sum of 650 dollars starting to account with 5 star r4 iceman voodoo sl etc being sold for about 1500.
All if not most top 300 alliances have ghosts in their alliances.
I used to be a huge player in this game doing every arena and event because it was fun now it plain sucks. I've stopped doing arena unless its a champ I like or want. I only play like 30 mins or less daily compared to the 6 hrs and more before when this game was fun. Opening crystals was like opening christmas presents and now even that sucks. Last 3 4 star crystals was kamala khan only.
I have the 5 star tech awakening gem 40+ sig stones 7 t4c tech as well but no 5 star sl even after opening 25 or so 5 star crystals. Kabam literally ruined this game for me.
I’ve had that happen to me ever since the new updates have been coming out. Also, what bothers me the most is that Kabam randomly censors words that aren’t even close to being vulgar. It’s like they don’t want to listen to our feedback and criticism. It really saddens me.
I’ve spent money on this game, and I’d wish that money would be used to better this game.
I'm with you, the game is no longer fun as you are fighting the gameplay and not the opponent. I'm very close to walking away from the game too. Harder content like lol, act 5 and such isn't even an option for me as it is currently unplayable.
I think that having this game is similar to loving an alcoholic/ addict, or a habitual criminal. I love this game/person. I remember the good times we had, and want that back so so bad. I know I should leave her/it, because she/it ain't gonna change until she/it admits there's a problem and wants to change. Probably unlikely that will ever happen. But I love her/it so bad that I can't leave. She/it has to realize they love me and I deserve better and they don't want to lose me. But that'll never happen as long as I keep enabling her/ it. But I can't help it. I've so much invested already.
Polls like this are very useful for the community.. hope you get many more votes. If you are reading this please check my poll on AW that could use more votes as well
Honestly It seems ever since I stopped paying them I’m being punished with **** champs and every bug hits in everything unless you have iceman or stark spidey as it seems there what you need to do anything these days as nothing is about skill anymore
Yup, the bugs and absolutely atrocious customer support have absolutely killed my love of this 'game'.
It used to actually be fun. It used to be challenging. It used to be a game. At this point, it is more like a slot machine which doesn't function as advertised, anyways. The fight mechanics are always broken, and have been since they added in the whole challenger rating and flat rates garbage in version 12. Before version 12, they had a product gaining momentum at an incredible rate, because it was FUN. People loved the gameplay, and striving for those god tier champions. Kabam saw this, and nerfed all the work in game we had done previously, making everything we'd accomplished in a game we loved... worthless. The day that update came out, the fun was sapped from this game. Bugs have been ignored by the game team, instead of fixed, and it is clear it is because these bugs are revenue generators. The evidence for that fact is all over the forums in that any actual bug which may benefit players, is immediately fixed, punished, reverted, or what have you.
Kabam didn't have to send out compensation a lot before, because the game ran fine. When they gave compensation, you actually felt compensated for the time, and especially UNITS/MONEY, that you spent, and the compensation fit the error on their side. Since update 12, however (and slightly before), there has been no compensation for issues that cost players a LOT. Conspiracy theory is against ToS, but there is cold hard EVIDENCE on these forums, and the archived old forums, showing kabams bug fixing history.
Where I once loved this game, I find only mistrust in Kabam's shady business practices that have developed faster than the bug fixes this game sorely needs.
Cry all you want fellas, they don’t give a rats ass as long as the whales keep spending. We post video proof we follow the rules but nothing gets acknowledged. Kabam can go **** themselves I can’t be bothered with this pile of **** anymore.
I remember when getting a good long combo in aq was followed up with a screenshot in chat showing off. Now it's the opposite, guys posting pics of how many hits they are eating from the lag.
There's a lot more frustration than excitement now. There's no urgency in doing anything as you know you're more likely than not to be affected by a bug and it will cost you something. People are just getting frustrated and losing interest, getting kod by AI that interrupts combos or your champ ignoring your input.
Then there is the release of 6* champs and the feeling that content is just going be nothing more than adding more and more attack and health to opponents instead of coming up with a new model to make things interesting. All the champs we have on our wish list now are soon to be obsolete and when we voice our concerns about the future of the game we get a finger in the face and ignored. The **** is being layed down too thick. How long have we been waiting for answers about the detect and pure skill masteries ? We never get straight answers about anything, just the usual "I'll bring it up to the team," and then silence as if that is all the info we need. It's just disheartening that we are so unappreciated and our feedback is ignored.
I don't see myself staying around much longer. The game I enjoyed playing is dead, replaced by something that's as bloated and bugged as Windows XP, and turned into something that many don't want.
Kabam I’m not a whale but I don’t object to spending on a game. I don’t mind a bit of cash for some t4cs, shards, all sorts of the offers I’ll buy, or I would have bought.
What I don’t like, is having to pay for revives to get through AW and AQ because of all of the BUGS! The feeling of choosing between being the one to let your alliance friends down or just swiping my credit card is not one I wish to have again. Every time it feels like blackmail.
If I hear you have sorted them out I’ll be back in a shot but I don’t think you care.
They apparently just turned off block for the first second or aw today. It’s been impossible to land a parry to start. They don’t understand that most people aren’t paying for revives after nonsense. They just stop playing.
those glitches ....i swear many people can't talk on friend global or alliance and some barely even been on global or not at all. Kabam has had so many problems as of late and i am unsure why but something is up. I can't talk on my profile and my other account (that has never been on chat) so idk what is going on. But i am very tired of it and its getting to a point where i just cant enjoy the game.
Once again, I am feeling stuck, and bugs are my main issue. I am not opening 5* crystals. It has been at least a year since I opened my first 4*. I can't get any 4* past 4/40 because I can't get enough T4CC.
I am not a great player, but I think I am good enough to finish some of the tougher event quests if I spend some resources. The problem is I use up my resources too fast to compensate for the bugs. My champs are not tough enough to take the punishment I get when my blocks don't happen fast enough or when my champ stops moving. If I can't finish the events, I can't get what I need to move to the next level. It feels futile a lot of the time. What is the fun of constant grinding to get almost nowhere? I can't believe anyone spend money on this game.
In short, I feel my decision was hastily made. In all fairness I did somewhat enjoy the new "challenges" but I was and still am much against new content being pushed out in lieu of the number of things that needed repair for several months in some cases. IMO, some of those very issues made the challenges lose more credibilty amd excitment than they could have gained. All in all, back to "square one" on what my next decision should be. Truly disheartening because I without a doubt had such a passion for playing MCOC once not too long ago.
What more needs to be said?
I'm seeing tons of 100% LOL accounts being sold for meesly sum of 650 dollars starting to account with 5 star r4 iceman voodoo sl etc being sold for about 1500.
All if not most top 300 alliances have ghosts in their alliances.
I used to be a huge player in this game doing every arena and event because it was fun now it plain sucks. I've stopped doing arena unless its a champ I like or want. I only play like 30 mins or less daily compared to the 6 hrs and more before when this game was fun. Opening crystals was like opening christmas presents and now even that sucks. Last 3 4 star crystals was kamala khan only.
I have the 5 star tech awakening gem 40+ sig stones 7 t4c tech as well but no 5 star sl even after opening 25 or so 5 star crystals. Kabam literally ruined this game for me.
I’ve spent money on this game, and I’d wish that money would be used to better this game.
I'm with you, the game is no longer fun as you are fighting the gameplay and not the opponent. I'm very close to walking away from the game too. Harder content like lol, act 5 and such isn't even an option for me as it is currently unplayable.
It used to actually be fun. It used to be challenging. It used to be a game. At this point, it is more like a slot machine which doesn't function as advertised, anyways. The fight mechanics are always broken, and have been since they added in the whole challenger rating and flat rates garbage in version 12. Before version 12, they had a product gaining momentum at an incredible rate, because it was FUN. People loved the gameplay, and striving for those god tier champions. Kabam saw this, and nerfed all the work in game we had done previously, making everything we'd accomplished in a game we loved... worthless. The day that update came out, the fun was sapped from this game. Bugs have been ignored by the game team, instead of fixed, and it is clear it is because these bugs are revenue generators. The evidence for that fact is all over the forums in that any actual bug which may benefit players, is immediately fixed, punished, reverted, or what have you.
Kabam didn't have to send out compensation a lot before, because the game ran fine. When they gave compensation, you actually felt compensated for the time, and especially UNITS/MONEY, that you spent, and the compensation fit the error on their side. Since update 12, however (and slightly before), there has been no compensation for issues that cost players a LOT. Conspiracy theory is against ToS, but there is cold hard EVIDENCE on these forums, and the archived old forums, showing kabams bug fixing history.
Where I once loved this game, I find only mistrust in Kabam's shady business practices that have developed faster than the bug fixes this game sorely needs.
There's a lot more frustration than excitement now. There's no urgency in doing anything as you know you're more likely than not to be affected by a bug and it will cost you something. People are just getting frustrated and losing interest, getting kod by AI that interrupts combos or your champ ignoring your input.
Then there is the release of 6* champs and the feeling that content is just going be nothing more than adding more and more attack and health to opponents instead of coming up with a new model to make things interesting. All the champs we have on our wish list now are soon to be obsolete and when we voice our concerns about the future of the game we get a finger in the face and ignored. The **** is being layed down too thick. How long have we been waiting for answers about the detect and pure skill masteries ? We never get straight answers about anything, just the usual "I'll bring it up to the team," and then silence as if that is all the info we need. It's just disheartening that we are so unappreciated and our feedback is ignored.
I don't see myself staying around much longer. The game I enjoyed playing is dead, replaced by something that's as bloated and bugged as Windows XP, and turned into something that many don't want.
Loved the game and just wish it played properly.
Kabam I’m not a whale but I don’t object to spending on a game. I don’t mind a bit of cash for some t4cs, shards, all sorts of the offers I’ll buy, or I would have bought.
What I don’t like, is having to pay for revives to get through AW and AQ because of all of the BUGS! The feeling of choosing between being the one to let your alliance friends down or just swiping my credit card is not one I wish to have again. Every time it feels like blackmail.
If I hear you have sorted them out I’ll be back in a shot but I don’t think you care.
I am not a great player, but I think I am good enough to finish some of the tougher event quests if I spend some resources. The problem is I use up my resources too fast to compensate for the bugs. My champs are not tough enough to take the punishment I get when my blocks don't happen fast enough or when my champ stops moving. If I can't finish the events, I can't get what I need to move to the next level. It feels futile a lot of the time. What is the fun of constant grinding to get almost nowhere? I can't believe anyone spend money on this game.