Why you shouldn't vote for Ant Man for Ghost synergy

İt's democracy and everyone's own opinion but ,lf anyone gonna vote to antman just because of his synergy I highly recommend don't do it,because if Ant Man get overhaul Kabam I know for 6 years going to change his synergies,so if you think ant man should get rework for itself not for synergies vote him but if you gonna vote just for synergies don't
Buff Ant-Man
Ant man has glancing, which leads to slightly less block damage. Fatigue and a poison that deals as much damage as a 1*.
Ant mans abilities are 3 lines. What are you going to tune up?
Even if he glanced every hit, applied fatigue on every hit and the poison did nice damage he would still be overwhelmingly mediocre.
I’m not saying Jane only needs a tune up, but ant man could not possible only need a tune up
And again, you’re saying he’s guaranteed to have the synergy removed, which is completely unfounded and simply not confirmed.
Since there's no tech class option, I think AV and Guilly are the best choices. Jane too, but I don't think her kit is as good a base.
AV got that shrug and AAR that everybody likes. I imagine he'd be like a KP/Xbones hybrid.
Guilly has heal reversal, healing, and bleeds. She deffo needs a nullify/fateseal, but an enhanced version of her kit sounds like the most fun to me. Especially if they put her at least in-line with SorcSup/Tigra/etc. Mystic class is a bit too dominated by Doom and SuicideClaire, especially on the suicide end.
Oooohhhh there isn't one.
Sorry Joe fixit.
Other options have some uses
But Antman had literally two lines of ability + glancing mehcnaic which is mostly defensive ability.
I don't think kabam will mess up the core synergy because last time they mess up the core ability of a character (Hood) they had to change it back.
One way or another
My vote is good to Ant-man.
2. Past experience says that champion updates generally work out well for the players. Not only do most champions that are updated become far more playable as attackers, the opposite fear, that they will also become overly potent defenders, tends not to materialize. Consider Hulkbuster, which a lot of people were saying when the update was announced that it would suck for players because as a champion tagged as a "defensive:tank" he wouldn't get a lot of offense, but would instead become an annoying defender. I pointed out that would defeat the purpose of champion updates, which are to make the champions more attractive for players to get and play. Which was in fact how HB was buffed.
I haven't sat down and counted recently, but I would say the devs are batting better than 80% on champion updates making champions substantially more valuable to play on attack. They don't all become top tier champs, but the vast majority become at least somewhat useful if not highly useful.