Can we have Mastery switch button?

For example
Mastery 1 = AW
Mastery 2 = AQ
Mastery 3 = arena or quest
Player can set masteries and save it so they do not have to clear the board every time.
Mastery 1 = AW
Mastery 2 = AQ
Mastery 3 = arena or quest
Player can set masteries and save it so they do not have to clear the board every time.
Server's won't support it for now
Your statement: "the servers won't support it"
is flat out wrong. Yes, they can support it.
The truer statement would be: "The code won't support it."
Subtle, but important distinction
Bottom line: Is it worth it to them to rewrite their code to handle it? Probably not ... *shrug*
But claiming it's the servers is a bit of a misleading statement to those who understand the difference between code vs servers .