Not Gaining Power after Parry Tutorial [Merged Threads]
Just done some uncollected & weekly goldpool fight, neither me or opponent gaining any power when struck/landing hits
Anyone else experiencing this?
Anyone else experiencing this?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
I have never had that bug happen and I farm RoL a ton. That it happened right after I clicked a new feature is suspect.
I took a break from potion farming in RoL to check out the new practice area. When I returned to RoL neither champ would ever gain power, at all. I restarted the quest twice, no luck, so restart the game, and that worked.
I have never had that bug happen and I farm RoL a ton. That it happened right after I clicked a new feature is suspect.
Did this happen AFTER completing the new Parry Tutorial? Or has this affected anybody that didn't do it?
Lol this bug should be good for arena grinding, I thought it was part of it.