Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Cletus Kasady (Erde-616)
    (Dark Carnage )
    (Schwarzes Gemetzel)

    Powers and Abilities

    Power Grid[136]Intelligence2Strength*56Speed3Durability5Energy Projection4Fighting Skills2* When bonded with Grendel


    Prior to its death, the Carnage symbiote provided Cletus Kasady with a broad array of powers, some of which stemmed from its progenitor having been bonded to Spider-Man. Even without the symbiote, Cletus is still considered very dangerous, as his Antisocial Personality Disorder and obsession with chaos make him impossible to reason with and he has no trouble with killing with no motive. As a result of his symbiote and sociopathy, he is also immune to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare.[97]
    Primordial Symbiotic Costume: After the death of the original Carnage symbiote, Cletus Kasady was bonded to an offshoot of the primordial Grendel symbiote by a cult dedicated to worshipping the dark elder god Knull. While initially transforming the Grendel symbiote offshoot to match the original Carnage symbiote's appearance,[7] after absorbing more codices and strengthening his connection to Knull, Carnage manifested the elder god's spiral sigil on his forehead.[5] After absorbing numerous other codices and the Mania symbiote, he manifested a dragon/spider emblem on his chest and a pair of protrusions on his upper back.[14] Even in this incomplete state, Dark Carnage's connections to Chthon through the curse of the Darkhold and Knull through the Carnageized Grendel symbiote effectively made him a demigod possessing power far beyond what a regular symbiote bestows its host.[5][12] After assimilating even more codices and the Venom symbiote, Cletus restored the symbiote's full godly power and manifested black draconic horns, black pauldrons and arm-wraps resembling Knull's, and became able to transform his now-pointed back-protrusions into draconic wings. Being bonded to the Carnageized Grendel symbiote grants Cletus the following powers:

    Superhuman Strength: As Dark Carnage, Cletus' strength surpasses even that of the Hulk and Juggernaut;[1][115] letting him easily manhandle Venom and the symbiote-augmented Norman Osborn. Dark Carnage was even capable of overpowering the Hulk while the latter was augmented by the Venom symbiote, and after absorbing the Venom symbiote to become even stronger he fought and effortlessly defeated Captain America, Wolverine, and the Thing simultaneously.[108]

    Superhuman Durability: Dark Carnage was capable of effortlessly shrugging off blows from Venom and Spider-Man.[1] While the Savage Hulk was able to hit Dark Carnage hard enough for him to feel it while augmented by the Venom symbiote,[107] he was unable to actually injure him during their brawl. He was also durable enough to withstand blows from Captain America, Wolverine, and the Thing attacking him simultaneously.[108]

    Superhuman Stamina

    Superhuman Speed

    Superhuman Agility

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Regenerative Healing Factor


    Hive Mind Connection: The Carnageized Grendel symbiote possesses a psychic link to Knull, and if this link is strengthened by absorbing enough codices and symbiotes then it can be used to awaken him and free him from his prison.[7]

    Fangs and Claws

    Constituent-Matter Generation: Kasady can generate tentacle-like appendages from various parts of his body, which he often uses either in combat situations or to restrain someone.

    Shapeshifting: Carnage is capable of altering his appearance at will, using this to assume his non-undead appearance, as well as to impersonate Eddie Brock in order to kill Lee Price.[14] After absorbing the Venom symbiote he became able to manifest draconic wings.[17]

    Symbiotic Expansion and Psychic Control: Carnage is able to infect and enslave others with symbiote-infected maggots he calls "brain worms";[89] and can bond people and animals to offshoots of the Grendel symbiote both in order to create more codices to harvest and to turn them into minions he can control.[89][90][1]

    Symbiote and Codex Absorbtion/Augmentation: By consuming the codices of other symbiotes and even entire symbiotes,[14] Dark Carnage is able to strengthen the Grendel symbiote's connection to the symbiote hive-mind and Knull, incrementally making him more powerful with every codex assimilated.[7] By consuming the codices of superpowered hosts, the symbiote is temporarily imbued with whatever unique powers they possessed.[97] If Dark Carnage absorbs enough codices and symbiotes, he will strengthen his symbiote to the point where he effectively becomes a god himself.[5][108]

    Darkhold Augmentation: After the Darkhold was exposed to his blood, Cletus Kasady was connected to the eldritch god Chthon. As a result of being empowered by it, the Carnage symbiote became immune to fire and sonics,[13][7] an immunity passed down to the Dark Carnage symbiote after it bonded to Kasady.[5][107]

    Red-and-Black Symbiotic Costume: Kasady possessed various superhuman attributes as a result of bonding with the Carnage symbiote, which covers his body in red and black biomass formed from a combination of his blood and living abyss. Most of his powers are similar to those possessed by Spider-Man and Venom, although it possesses several unique abilities variously attributed to its gestation on Earth and to Kasady's insatiable bloodlust, which the symbiote imprinted upon when it bonded to him.[116] However, the portion of the Carnage symbiote bonded to Cletus was ultimately destroyed when it tried to shield him from atmospheric re-entry.[7]

    Superhuman Strength: Carnage is superhumanly strong. He has shown himself to be stronger than Spider-Man and Venom combined and can lift about 80 tons;[117] this is not his true limit, as his strength increases with his size and variable muscle mass. Kasady himself, however, has the strength of a regular human being.

    Superhuman Speed: Carnage can run and move at speeds superior to those of any normal human being.

    Superhuman Stamina: Kasady's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his bloodstream begins to impair his function.

    Superhuman Agility: Kasady's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Kasady's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete, and even superior to those of Spider-Man.

    Superhuman Durability: The tissue the symbiote is composed of renders Kasady's body much harder and more resistant to physical injury than the body of an ordinary human. Kasady can withstand high caliber bullets, great impact forces, powerful energy blasts, and falls from great heights without sustaining significant physical injury.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: While it is possible to injure Kasady through the symbiote, he is able to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. He can fully regenerate severed limbs or missing internal organs; and appears to have regrown the lower half of his body,[62][109] and regrown his head completely in a matter of seconds after having it blown off by Alice Gleason.[70] In the Microverse, Carnage was able to regrow his entire body from his severed head after being decapitated by Venom.[60] Kasady is also immune to the effects of all Earthly diseases and infections as long as he remains bonded with the symbiote.

    Wall Crawling: Much like Spider-Man, Kasady has the ability to cling to virtually any surface. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slickened surfaces.

    Webbing: Kasady can project a powerful, organic web-like substance similar to the webbing Spider-Man has. He typically uses this webbing to swing from building to building or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is exceptionally strong, much more than even the finest human athlete can break.

    Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote possesses limited shape-shifting abilities in the sense that it can immediately change itself to appear as any type of clothing or garment that Kasady wishes.

    Constituent Matter Generation: Kasady can generate tentacle-like appendages from various parts of his body, which he often uses either in combat situations or to restrain someone.

    Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Kasady can morph sections of his body, such as his hands or feet, into bladed weaponry such as spikes, blades, or axes. Kasady can also detach this bladed weaponry if he chooses to. For example, he often forms spikes that he expels from his body. The weaponry, however, disintegrates after being separated from his body after a period of about 30 seconds.

    Full Body Perception: In lieu of a Spider-Sense, Carnage is able to see and sense oncoming threats out of any part of the symbiote.

    Symbiotic Expansion and Psychic Control: Kasady has been shown to be capable of expanding his symbiote's mass by feeding it nutrients and mass from, for example, piles of dead animals. This allows him to move his symbiote through an entire town and take control over the civilians, and even some of the Avengers.[118] While he seemingly lost this power after the symbiote was chemically neutered by Spider-Man,[16] he regained a modified version of it via exposure to the Darkhold.[13]

    Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense: Due to the Carnage symbiote being a child of the Venom symbiote, Carnage can't be detected by Spider-Man's Spider-Sense.

    Darkhold Augmentation: After his symbiote-infused blood came into contact with the Darkhold, Carnage regained the ability to spread his symbiote to other people and control them.[13] He additionally lost his vulnerability to sonic attacks and gained the ability to sense the eldritch tome's location.[119]

    Black-and-Red Symbiotic Costume: Upon discovering that Kasady no longer possessed the Carnage symbiote, Poison Doctor Doom forcibly bonded him to a symbiote that had been stolen from the planet Klyntar and genetically altered to reduce the time required for it to bond to a host, make it more difficult to remove from its host, and render it resilient to heat and sonics. The remnants of his original symbiote in Kasady's blood unsuccessfully attempted to reject the new symbiote, as did Kasady himself, to no avail.[84] Upon bonding to him, the new symbiote granted Kasady all the powers the original Carnage symbiote had possessed, covering his body in black biomass with red eyespots and markings. Outraged, Cletus intended to hunt down and reclaim the original Carnage symbiote, who he referred to as his "true self." However, this symbiote was consumed by a Poison, giving rise to Poison Carnage.[34] For the brief period he was bonded to it, the symbiote grants Cletus the following powers:

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Durability

    Superhuman Stamina

    Superhuman Speed

    Superhuman Agility

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Regenerative Healing Factor


    Genetic Memory

    Empathic Empowerment

    Constituent-Matter Generation


    Poison Physiology: Since Cletus Kasady's body was assimilated by a Poison but his consciousness persisted, Carnage possesses all of its abilities. Poisons obtain the powers of the beings they assimilate, so Kasady's powers remained presumably mostly unchanged, though he was far more powerful as a Poison than he was with just a symbiote:

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Durability

    Superhuman Stamina

    Superhuman Speed

    Superhuman Agility

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Regenerative Healing Factor


    Genetic Memory

    Constituent-Matter Generation


    Spirit of Vengeance: After consuming Alejandra Jones' spine, Carnage was temporarily imbued with the power of her Spirit of Vengeance, granting him all of the powers and abilities of a Ghost Rider.[97]

    Ghost Rider Transformation

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Stamina

    Superhuman Durability

    Regenerative Healing Factor

    Empathic Reading

    Identity Detection

    Sin Manipulation

    Hellfire Manipulation

    Mystical Chain Projection

    Penance Stare

    Hell Cycle Manifestation


    Though he has had no formal training, the natural abilities granted to Kasady by the symbiote makes him a formidable combatant capable of holding his own against the likes of Spider-Man and Deadpool. However, even with the symbiote, his fighting skill is less refined than that of the experienced superheroes.[120][121][122] Even Eddie Brock and Patrick Mulligan have had more practice.[123][124]

    Physical Strength

    Carnage's strength is greater than Venom and Spider-Man combined. Carnage is able to press lift up to 80 tons.[117] This is not his true limit, however, as his strength increases with his size and variable muscle mass.


    Insanity: Even without the symbiote, Cletus is a diagnosed psychopath, and is obsessed with chaos. His mental pathologies can also be exploited, allowing people to manipulate his actions.[25]
    Electricity: The Grendel symbiote is immensely vulnerable to high voltages of electricity, which easily incapacitates it.[1]
    Sonics: The Grendel symbiote is vulnerable to loud noises, which incapacitate it and its offshoots.[99]

    Heat: The Carnage symbiote, like all others of its kind, is extremely vulnerable to heat and sonic based attacks. They can cause the symbiote physical pain and discomfort, whereas "more powerful" attacks might be completely ineffective. After being empowered by the Darkhold,[125] Carnage was no longer vulnerable to sonic attacks and his weakness towards heat was diminished - being roasted on a stone slab caused him excruciating pain, and the Carnage symbiote was killed by atmospheric re-entry.[119][7]. When bonded to the Grendel symbiote as Dark Carnage, Kasady was completely immune to heat-based attacks, being capable of withstanding Hellfire without injury. Kasady ascribed this to him being cursed by the power of the Darkhold and his connection to the dark elder god Knull.[5][126]



    Carnage has fangs and claws courtesy of the symbiote, and can shape his limbs into various weapons.


  • Hail_Fire147Hail_Fire147 Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2021

    Adam Warlock

    Cloak and Dagger (would be a “dual champion” like Mole Man and Giganto)

    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)

    Hobgoblin (would have a flaming sword)

  • Hail_Fire147Hail_Fire147 Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2021
    I would really like to see more Venomized characters (like what they did with the Symbiote Supreme or Venom the Duck). Most of the pictures below are of Funko Pops, but they will still give a general idea as to what these characters could look like with a symbiote.

    Iron Man





    Captain Marvel

    Groot (could potentially be a “dual champion” with a Venomized Rocket, similarly to Mole Man and Giganto)

    Here are some other characters that are currently in the game that I’d like to see Venomized, but I don’t have pictures for:

    Black Panther (MCU)
    Nick Fury
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Spider Man(Ai Apaec)
    Class: Mystic

    Bio: Ai Apaec the Decapitator is a spider like god from the ancient incan empire, a bloodthirsty deity who gained reputation through sacrifice, when he heard about Norman Osborn creating his Dark Avengers he was chosen to be Spider Man.

    Special attacks

    SP1: Armed And Dangerous
    Spider Man thrusts forwards punching with all 6 arms, dealing stunning blows

    SP2: Along Came A Spider
    Spider Man swipes with razor sharp claws, breaking his foe's block before pouncing and slashing with his claws and dropkicking to finish

    SP3: Wrath Of The Spider God
    Ai Apaec is the one true spider god, bow to him or face the consequences

    Awakened Ability: Power Through Sacrifice
    Whenever one of Apaec's teammates fall in battle, he gains a fury, armour up and a power gain buff
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Scorpion
    Class: Science

    Bio: Mac Gargan was a PI who was working on a Spider Man case when J Jonah Jameson paid for him to be augmented so he could beat Spider Man, the process gave him the powers of a scorpion but at the cost of his sanity, now Scorpion sets out to defeat Spider Man once and for all

    Special attacks

    SP1: Sting In The Tail
    Scorpion swings his tail, whacking his foe with concussive force before injecting a neurotoxin into his foe

    SP2: Prey Piercer
    Scorpion pulls a rock out of the ground, smashing his foe with it like a hammer before flinging it and then fires an acidic shot from his tail

    SP3: Severe Phobia
    Scorpion disorients his foe, pouncing behind them before stabbing them in the back, injecting a hallucinogenic into them causing them to have a mental breakdown from fear

    Awakened Ability: enhanced toxins
    Scorpion now uses more powerful poisons, making the effects last longer
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Vengeance
    Class: Mystic

    Bio: Deputy Kowalski was part of the New Beluah Police Department when he started to investigate frequent car accidents on highway 18, he met a funeral home director, secretly a cannibal who cut his right hand off, after a squabble with Ghost Rider he siphoned Ghost Rider's power by touching his shotgun, he transformed into a more demonic being called Vengeance

    Special attacks

    SP1: Sickle Slash
    Vengeance spins his sickle chain like a helicopter rotor, hacking and slashing at his victim

    SP2: Demonic Destroyer
    Vengeance summons his motorcycle, revving
    its engine before propping a wheelie, trampling his foe with it before jumping off and pounding them into the ground with his fist

    SP3: Repentance
    Vengeance feels the need to make his foe pay, no matter if they are good or evil

    Awakened Ability: Zadkiel's Empowerment
    Power granted from the archangel of mercy and benevolence makes Vengeance more infuriated when his foe strikes him, gaining 5 fury buffs and 2 regeneration buffs
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Absorbing Man
    Class: Science

    Bio: Carl Creel was a professional boxer under the name Rocky Davis but was kicked out of his profession for brutality and blackmail, while in prison, Loki gave him a potion which gave him the power to take on the chemical properties of whatever he chooses to touch, making him a tough foe

    Special attacks
    SP1: Rock Hard Punches
    Absorbing Man absorbs the ground, dealing a bone breaking boxing combo

    SP2: Crystal Laser
    Absorbing Man absorbs a crystal before focusing solar energy into a crystalline beam to burn his foe

    SP3: Punching The Wall
    Absorbing Man becomes solid steel, he taunts his foe as they punch and kick him, hurting themselves in the process before Absorbing Man wrecks his foe with ironclad punches before performing a spine shattering punch to end them

    Awakened Ability: Absorb To Heal
    Carl Creel's power to absorb also heals him, saving his life while bombarding his foe with powerful attacks
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Razor Fist
    Class: Skill

    Bio: Douglas Scott is a brilliant martial artist turned mercenary and assassin working with his brother William, the brothers fought Shang Chi many times but lost, now with 2 blades on both hands he wants to make Shang Chi and anyone else who stands in his way pay

    Special attacks

    SP1:Bladed Scissor Kick
    Razor Fist Cross slashes before performing a dazing scissor kick

    SP2: Windmill Slice
    Razor Fist does a 720 degree spin, slashing his foe before stabbing and dislodging his blades from his foe

    SP3: Razor Sharp Finisher
    Razor Fist ends his foe with a complex combination of punches, kicks, backflip kicks, cross slashes and ends with plunging his blades into his foe

    Awakened Ability: Razor's Edge
    Razor Fist can now strike even faster and deadlier with a blade upgrade
  • AmiteshAmitesh Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2021
    THOR Infinity War (with storm breaker)!!

    I'm a bit late to suggest for this character. But as it is said "it's better late than never". So, we have two impressive champions from infinity war saga i.e., Captain America IW, and IronMan IW. Both characters are really awesome and amazing. But creators didn't go to create Thor IW with his awesome Storm-Breaker. May be they should have.

    I sincerely suggest that creators think about introducing Thor IW with his Storm-Breaker in MCOC.

    I have a few suggestions about his special attacks too.

    His sp2 attack can be inspired from the scene from movie itself when Thor enters Wakanda during battle, background goes all dark, thunder sparkled Thor jumps in air and lands a heavy strike on ground with his weapon to bring enemies down.

    His sp3 attack can be inspired from later part of the movie, the scene where Thor again throws Storm-Breaker from air towards Thanos, into his glowing gauntlet, tearing the energy beam even from all of the six infinity stones.


  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Warwolf (Mystic)

    Sin (Skill)

    Lash (Cosmic)

    Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) (Skill)

    Graviton (Science)

    Kid Omega (Mutant)

    Martyr (Cosmic)

    Hulkling (Cosmic)

    Quasar (Cosmic)
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Prowler
    Class: Cosmic

    Bio: Aaron Davis is the uncle of Miles Morales, after distancing himself from Miles' family he became a costumed vigilante often clashing with his police officer brother while on heists, he's trying to right his wrongs by taking down criminals

    Special attacks

    SP1: Grapple Claw
    Prowler fires his wrist grapple cannon, launching himself into his foe with sharp claws

    SP2: Bring The Boom
    Prowler grapples, places a flashbang, throws a shock grenade to his foe's face before firing his wrist laser cannon to end them

    SP3: Slip To The Shadows
    Prowler activates his cloaking tech before activating a holographic version of himself to beat them up before grappling then closely blasting them with his wrist cannon

    Awakened Ability: Roxxon Upgrades
    Prowler gets an upgrade to his suit and gear so he can now deal kinetic charges and reflective armour
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Venom 2099
    Class: Cosmic

    Bio: Kron Stone is the older half brother of Miguel O'Hara the Spider Man 2099, Kron was always a bully and takes pleasure in other's suffering, he had tried to kill Miguel through their conflict. Stone was the one who ordered Jake Gallows family's murder, leading him to be the Punisher of 2099, he found the Venom Symbiote in a sewer after being badly beat by Punisher 2099 for killing his family, the evolved Symbiote gave him more deadlier powers than Eddie Brock ever had as Venom

    Special attacks

    SP1: Horror Scrape
    Venom 2099 headbutts his enemy before dealing a huge slashing uppercut

    SP2: Acidic Slam
    Venom 2099 elbow slams his enemy then spits caustic acid in their face and finishes with a spring kick

    SP3: Wicked Onslaught
    Venom 2099 unleashes his full fury and hatred, tearing his foe apart

    Awakened Ability: Psychopathic Tendencies
    The sadistic mind of Kron Stone merged with the vengeance of Venom means that Venom 2099 can deal more powerful poisons and bleeds
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Silver Samurai
    Class: Tech

    Bio: Keniuchio Harada was a mutant and the illegitimate son of crime lord Shingen Harada, Head of Clan Yashida, after his father's death Harada sought the leadership of his clan from his half sister Mariko and had to face her lover Wolverine, Yashida then went on to build a mech suit to fight Wolverine and anyone else who he claimed to be unworthy to be called a hero, clashing with many superheroes.

    Special attacks

    SP1: Adamantium Swing
    Using his Adamantium katana, Silver Samurai deals a one-two combo to his foe

    SP2: Silver Smackdown
    Silver Samurai slams his katana into the ground, dealing heavy damage with a 5 move karate combo

    SP3: Adamantium Overcharge
    Silver Samurai overcharges his suit, with the electricity conducting the Adamantium plates, he shocks and beats up his foe with electrical shocks, sword attacks, punches and kicks

    Awakened Ability: Heated Blade
    Silver Samurai's Adamantium Katana will go red hot after a certain number of strikes, incinerating his foe, if they are suffering from a bleed, he will cauterise, dealing a 5 second stun
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Spider Man 2099
    Class: Skill

    Bio: Miguel O'Hara, an engineer of Irish and Mexican descent, worked for Alchemax in 2099, after discovering they were using spider DNA to create weapons, he injected himself with the DNA and gained Spider like powers like his idol Spider Man, now he sets out to defeat villains both future and past

    Special attacks

    SP1: Spin Cyclone
    Spider Man backflip kicks his foe then he teleports and spin slashes his foe with his claws

    SP2: Holo Assault
    Spider Man summons a hologram who attacks from behind, copying Spider Man's attacks for a double beatdown

    SP3: Tactical Explosion
    Spider Man webs up his foe, hitting with high velocity punches and kicks then finishes with attaching sticky mines to his foe and poses as the mines explode

    Awakened Ability: Mini Mine Attack
    Spider Man will have a 25% chance to end a light combo with placing a mini mine on his foe, it will detonate when he finishes with a medium attack
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New Champion: Shocker
    Class: Tech

    Bio: Herman Schultz was a safecracker who was betrayed by his crew, after his sentence he decided to get revenge on them by creating a suit which uses highly pressurised air to create shockwaves, therefore ending up on Spider Man's radar, although he's failed he sets out to be one of Spidey's mainstream foes

    Special attacks

    SP1: Vibro Shock Beatdown
    Shocker fires a concussive blast before charging up his gauntlet and smashing his foe with a shockwave

    SP2 Rapid Shock Attack
    Shocker fires 5 blasts simultaneously before firing a massive shock blast

    SP3: Shock And Awe
    Shocker sets his Vibro Shock Gauntlets to their max setting, creating a massive earthquake then finishing with a bone shattering shock punch

    Awakened Ability: Supercharged Gauntlets
    Shocker's gauntlets are permanently on their highest setting making Shocker deal even more damage
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Scientist Supreme (Science)

    Kaecilius (Mystic)

    Singularity (Cosmic)
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Cyclone
    Class: Science

    Bio: Pierre Fresson was a member of the Maggia's French cell, he was given the original Cyclone's suit by leading members of the Maggia, now Cyclone is a force to be reckoned with

    Special attacks

    SP1: Hurricane Hit
    Cyclone punches before charging at his foe with the force of a hurricane

    SP2: Twister Takedown
    Cyclone blasts his foe with debris filled high speed winds before summoning 4 mini twisters

    SP3: Category 5 Tornado
    Cyclone creates a massive tornado, sucking up his foe as they get hit by cars, trees, debris and a full force body slam by Cyclone

    Awakened Ability: Storm Surge
    Cyclone gains power and armour from the atmosphere, making him more powerful
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Whiplash
    Class: Tech

    Bio: Ivan Vanko is the son of Anton Vanko, AKA Crimson Dynamo, after his father's death by Stark he was obsessed with beating Iron Man, creating his Whiplash armour to beat him

    Special attacks

    SP1: Crack Of The Whip
    Using his electrified whips, Whiplash repeatedly attacks his foe, shocking and beating his foe

    SP2: Ground Shock
    Whiplash sends an electrical shock through the ground, zapping his foe before whipping his foe 3 times

    SP3: Overcharged Whip
    Whiplash overcharges his whip via his Arc Reactor, ensnaring his foe before brutally electricuting his foe into submission then finishes with snaring his foe's feet with his whips then tripping them up and slamming his whips onto them

    Awakened Ability: Arc Energy Conversion
    Whiplash directs more power to his whips or to his suit, costing him either increased protection or increased attack
  • Marvelfan2003Marvelfan2003 Member Posts: 59

    New champion: Prowler
    Class: Tech

    Bio: Aaron Davis is the uncle of Miles Morales, after distancing himself from Miles' family he became a costumed vigilante often clashing with his police officer brother while on heists, he's trying to right his wrongs by taking down criminals

    Special attacks

    SP1: Grapple Claw
    Prowler fires his wrist grapple cannon, launching himself into his foe with sharp claws

    SP2: Bring The Boom
    Prowler grapples, places a flashbang, throws a shock grenade to his foe's face before firing his wrist laser cannon to end them

    SP3: Slip To The Shadows
    Prowler activates his cloaking tech before activating a holographic version of himself to beat them up before grappling then closely blasting them with his wrist cannon

    Awakened Ability: Roxxon Upgrades
    Prowler gets an upgrade to his suit and gear so he can now deal kinetic charges and reflective armour

  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Will Spider-Man Be getting Buffed? If he will be buffed, can he get some web shooters on his wrists? Would be Cool. Spider-Man Classic Buff with Anti-Venom? Anti-Venom takes away Spider-Man's Powers cause it takes the radiation out of his body. Knull? Miles Morales? IDC, I wants some symbiotes or Spider-People.
  • Count_WillisCount_Willis Member Posts: 121 ★★
    The Spot (Tech)

    Tech class needs some serious love
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Jasper Sitwell (Skill)

    Gordon (Cosmic)

    William Stryker (Tech)

    Maverick (Mutant)

    Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine (Skill)

    Phastos (Cosmic)

    Spider-Slayer (Tech)

    Ajak (Cosmic)

    Alexander Pierce (Skill)
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Just read it...

    We need rest of the "CABAL II" members, they are namely -

    1.Maximus the Mad
    2.Black Swan
    3.Maker (the evil Reed Richards from an
    alternate reality)

    'Kabam' , please... please... please... do it & their synergies has to be just mind boggling !!!

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Bedlam (Mutant)

    Bolt (Mutant)

    Druig (Cosmic)
  • Anonymous12Anonymous12 Member Posts: 3
    Speed (mutant)

    About Speed:
    Tommy Shepherd is believed to be a reincarnated version of one of the long-lost twins of the Scarlet Witch.Possessing his supposed uncle’s superhuman speed,Tommy was a troubled child,often having outbursts of violence.After vaporising his school,Tommy was arrested and sent to a correctional facility where the Vision’s failsafe programme tracked him to and where the Young Avengers enlisted his help after Super-skrull captured Hulkling. It was also then that the team saw the near identical resemblance between Speed and Wiccan,the latter believing them to be the sons of the Scarlet Witch. From then on,Tommy joined the Young Avengers and continues to prove himself as one of the fastest heroes alive.

    Speed’s mechanics:
    Tommy is able to reach high speeds with relative ease and uses that to attack at high velocities,making opponents feel his impact with every hit.The further the distance travelled,the more powerful Tommy’s strikes are.Additionally,Speed’s mind and body and been conditioned to keep up with his movements,making the world appear in slow motion to him and prevent him from tiring easily,keeping him sustained where his opponents may begin to falter.

    True strike
    Speed’s true strike allows him to bypass all evade,miss,autoblock and falter mechanics
    High evade chance
    Speed’s high evade chance means that he cannot be hit easily and can easily find openings to attack.
    Unstoppable and unblockable
    Speed’s ability to cross the whole screen and be safe while doing it gives him the farthest reaching attacks of any character and can play from a distance

    Evade counter/Slow
    Evade counters prevents the high chance to evade for Speed from coming into play with Slow also preventing him from having access to his unstoppable buff,removing a lot of the safety that Speed can play around
    Low health pool
    Speed’s low health means that he can easily be defeated should he take a large amount of damage.
    Damage Over Time effects
    Speed’s lack of immunities makes him highly vulnerable to damage over time effects that can make short work of his low amount of health
    Base stats and abilities

    3 Star:
    Health 10090
    Attack 910
    PI 3660
    4 Star:
    Health 14982
    Attack 1300
    PI 4560

    5 Star:
    Health 29820
    Attack 2400
    PI 10600

    6 Star (Rank 3,level 45):
    Health 39125
    Attack 3045
    PI 13765

    Always active
    Speed’s enhanced physiology grants him immunity to fatigue

    Speed is able to take advantage of his speed to predict his opponents’ next movements and grant him the opportunity to counterattack.
    When Speed would be struck,he has a base 15% chance to evade,this chance is increased by 5% each time Speed lands a well-timed block.This chance is decreased by 10% each time Speed evades.Max 75%
    When Speed is blocking,he will not evade
    Speed has a permanent true strike buff
    Every time evade fails to trigger and Speed is struck,he gains an indefinite prowess buff,each increasing special attack damage by 50%,max 10 stacks
    Every 7 seconds,Speed places a falter debuff on the opponent that causes all attacks to miss for 2 seconds,the timer is reset each time Speed is struck.
    Each time Speed evades an attack or an attack misses,he gains a random buff from the following and places a slow debuff on the opponent lasting for 10 seconds
    Power gain:granting him 10% of his max power over 5 seconds
    Fury:Increases attack rating by 1000 for 10 seconds
    Physical resistance:Increasing physical resistance by 1000 for 10 seconds
    Energy resistance:Increasing energy resistance by 1000 for 10 seconds
    Precision:Increasing crit rating by 1000 for 10 seconds
    Cruelty:increasing crit damage by 1000 for 10 seconds

    Speed is able to deal more damage to opponents based on the distance travelled before his attack
    All of Speed's attacks charge him across the screen.
    If Speed starts his attack from near maximum distance,he gains a passive unblockable and unstoppable when he charges in.
    If the attack intercepts the opponent,Speed gains a prowess buff that increases special attack damage by 100% for 10 seconds.This prowess does not stack
    Increase attack damage by up too 100% based on distance travelled

    Heavy attack
    Inflict a slow debuff on the opponent reducing the opponents' ability accuracy of the opponents' unstoppable and evade effects by 100% for 12 seconds.Opponents with a natural class advantage cannot be slowed.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1:Too fast to handle-Speed dashes towards his opponent running circles around them before dealing a devastating blow
    If the opponent is slow,this attack does 75% more damage and the slow debuff is refreshed
    Inflict a concussion debuff on the opponent reducing ability accuracy by 50% for 12 seconds

    Special attack 2:Molecules in phase-Speed hurls rocks at his opponent before disrupting their molecular density and blowing them up
    Inflict a bleed debuff on the opponent dealing 5000 damage over 5 seconds
    If the opponent is bleed immune,inflict an armour break debuff that reduces the opponents' armour rating by 5000 for 12 seconds
    The potency of these debuffs are increased by 100% for each prowess buff Speed has when launching the special attack.
    Inflict a concussion debuff on the opponent reducing ability accuracy by 50% for 12 seconds

    Special Attack 3-Try to keep up-Speed creates multiple whirlwinds around his opponent,keeping them up in the air and simultaneously attacking at supersonic speeds.
    This attack does 20% more damage for each prowess effect Speed has
    Stuns the opponent for 3 seconds.This stun is unaffected by ability accuracy reduction
    Inflict a concussion debuff on the opponent reducing ability accuracy by 50% for 12 seconds

    Signature ability:Untouchable
    Gain phase that lasts for 10 seconds
    Speed starts the fight in phase
    Phase also has a 5% chance to be activated when Speed is struck and is activated when Speed lands 10 hits on his opponent
    When phase is active all opponents' attacks will miss and Speed gains an indefinite prowess buff increasing special attack damage by 10%. Max 10 stacks
    Phase is deactivated when Speed launches or blocks an attack or when the opponent launches a special attack
    When striking an opponent with a concussion debuff,they gain 50% less power from all sources

    Unusual family-unique-with Scarlet Witch,Vision and Wiccan(2* and up)
    Scarlet Witch-increase duration of all debuffs by 10%
    Vision-gain a fury buff increasing attack rating by 2000 each time opponents’ power is drained
    Wiccan-increase ability accuracy of all nullify and stagger effects by 10%
    Speed-Increase duration of all prowess effects by 2 seconds

    Unexpected alliance-with Wiccan and Magneto(3* and up)
    Wiccan,Speed-increases potency of all buffs by 5%
    Magneto-increases duration of all buffs by 10%

    Your best is enough-with Ronin,Hawkeye(3* and up)
    Hawkeye-increase attack rating by 50% for each debuff on the opponent
    Ronin-all critical hits are guaranteed to trigger bleed
    Speed-20% chance to gain an additional prowess buff each time one is gained

    Phasing motion-with Ghost(4* and up)
    When performing a well-timed block in phase,that block is guaranteed to be a perfect block,if this triggers against a special attack,perfect block lasts for the duration of the special attack

    Lost soul-with Mephisto(4* and up)
    Mephisto-For each persistent charge Mephisto has,increase power gain rate by 10% per persistent charge
    Speed-maximum damage from distance travelled increased to 125%

    Failsafe Backup-with Super-skrull (5* and up)
    Super-skrull-potency of all debuffs and buffs increased by 40%
    Speed-If Speed’s true strike buff is nullified for any reason,he regains it after 10 seconds

    Recommended masteries
    Glass Cannon/Recoil
    Speed’s small health pool means the amount he loses from glass cannon or recoil is minimal and can be lost in order to increase the overall damage Speed can output.

    Gaining the unstoppable buff from unfazed when his enemy evades allows Speed to have a moment of safety and regain control over the fight and not disrupt his flow of combat
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Daredevil's Ultimate Form is a Literal Marvel God

    Daredevil's focus and training allowed him to gain the powers of a god during the War of Realms, extending his senses out across the universe.

    Daredevil is widely known to fans as a street-level hero who will do whatever it takes to defend Hell’s Kitchen from any threat, but Matt Murdock’s true potential has a cosmic reach. During one of Marvel Comics’ latest crossover events, War of the Realms, Daredevil received an Asgardian weapon which upgraded his powerset exponentially. Though Murdock’s newfound powers are relatively short-lived in the world of comic book continuity, fans were given the chance to see Daredevil in his ultimate form, which is that of a literal god

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Thena (Cosmic)

    Doc Samson (Science)

    Firefist (Mutant)

    All-Mother Freyja (Cosmic)
  • ilyasmorningstarilyasmorningstar Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2021
    ah if Kabam could change Wolverine costume from yellow to orange or to this version
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Marrow (Mutant)

    Mirage (Mutant)

    Magnitron (Cosmic)
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