Which Champion Buff Would You Choose?

Hello! I wanted to introduce some of my Champion Buffs to a larger audience and see what more of you all would like to see from Champion Buffs. Below are my ideas, let me know what you all like about them and what you would change about them. There is also a poll and it would be greatly appreciated if you all could vote on which one you like best. If you like my ideas, let me know which you all would like to see. I added Screenshots from a Google Doc I made because I heard that It Is better that way. Thank You!

Which Champion Buff Would You Choose? 39 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
But, while it sounds like I just have a bunch of criticism, I really do like the rework. The curse mechanic seems really solid. If the fake buffs could work in tandem with the opponents "can place X amount of furies etc" mechanics, it could be great. He has always been a great counter to someone like Angela that consistently gains a bunch of buffs, and if he can replace her buffs with his own so that she can't gain any actual buffs, he'd be even better. Moreover, if her Aptitude enhances Loki's anti-buffs, you could be in for a wild ride.
So yeah, a lot of solid ideas. Both regarding Loki and the other champions.