How did you get the t5cc for thronebreaker?

Wondering how others got it done? I have alliance mates still waiting on aegon as their act 6, 7 and variant luck hasn't been there yet to get it, so just wondering what the community main route was.
How did you get the t5cc for thronebreaker? 138 votes
But I 100% 7.1, all variants, 6.1 and 6.3.
Did an abyss run.
After all of that I had 1 whole T5cc, in the weakest of the 6 classes.
So then I ended up getting an offer for the 5-25% T5cc selector to finally get it.
I didn’t have a champ to rank up that I would use it on and wasn’t willing to rank a useless champ. Then the thronebreaker requirement came out and all the spenders in my alliance who I was always ahead of in content in the game(outside unit dump content like abyss exploration) who couldnt do content like abyss and barely spent through Act 6 were thronebreaker.
That was when I quit for 4 months out of frustration. Came back because there was more t5CC available and have played low key since. Will never do high level grind again. Completed all that content and waited out a decent rank up option and had to form a second t5CC(Thing who I still regret) with crumbs from the cav quests and any other content that comes out.
I may have gotten a July 4 offer with T5 last year, but I can’t recall. Would be my only purchase for T5.
Dr. Zola
EDIT: Just reread this response. Wasn’t TB before TB—took to early Jan ‘21 for me.
The most common way these days is imo combo of EQ, SEQ, Act 6+7 and Variants. Lot of ppl do Abyss, but I still would say it's minority