Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Strawhat11Strawhat11 Member Posts: 33
    Champions I’d personally would love to see in game:
    Spider-Man 2099, spider-man noir, Sandman, hob goblin, superior spider-man, Beta ray bill, Ghost rider
    (Danny ketch), Devil hulk, green scar hulk, iron man iron heart, Dark avengers, movie thanos, galactus (as a boss), Dr juggernaut, Ghost rider king of hell, Ghost rider (Robby Reyes), ghost rider hulk, symbiote captain America, Evil Hyperion, God doom (as a boss), Adam warlock, Thor (endgame), Daken wolverine, professor x in a wheel chair, gamora requiem, Black cat, Onslaught, Scorpion, shocker, kraven the hunter, and gwenom (spider-Gwen venom) thanks for reading. :)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Donald Pierce (Tech)

    Namorita (Mutant)

    Yondu (Classic) (Cosmic)

    Ragnarok (Science)

    Snowbird (Mystic)

    Living Brain (Tech)

    Lucia von Bardas (Tech)

    Victor Mancha (Tech)

    Spider-Man (Spider-Armor) (Tech)
  • WatertranscendentWatertranscendent Member Posts: 1


    Arabian knight (Qamar)


    Faiza Hussain

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Pixie (Mystic)

    Slingshot (Cosmic)

    Titanium Man (Tech)

    Super Adaptoid (Tech)

    Infamous Iron Man (Mystic)
  • ShieldAgent_70ShieldAgent_70 Member Posts: 3
    I would like to see more champions from The Alpha Flight, Excalibur or The New Mutants, especially the movie just came out.
  • ShieldAgent_70ShieldAgent_70 Member Posts: 3
    PUCK(Alpha Flight)! Who doesn't love Puck?! Just saying. Lol
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Mercedes " Misty " Knight 


    Highly skilled martial artist
    Proficient hand-to-hand combatant
    Near perfect aim
    Via bionic right arm:
    Superhuman strength
    Control over magnetism
    Emit strong concussive blasts

    Powers and abilities

    Misty Knight is a highly skilled combatant who, in addition to her police-combat training, is proficient in martial arts and possesses near-perfect aim with firearms. She is a superb detective, having graduated at the top of her class at the police academy and earned a degree in criminology from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.[51] Her bionic arm is superhumanly strong, and she can punch a target with incredible force, or crush objects as tough as steel in her vise-like grip. Since the rest of her body is not cybernetically enhanced, she cannot lift objects heavier than her back, shoulders, and legs can physically support. Her arm's advantages as a weapon are limited to kinetic crushing and impact forces.
    Her original bionic right arm was constructed from steel, and designed by Stark International. Her new arm was built by Stark Industries and is an alloy of Antarctic vibranium and diamond; at close range it can liquefy all known metals, including adamantium. It is now able to generate a wide anti-gravity repulsor field similar to Iron Man's armor.[52] It can apparently release a concentrated beam of cryogenic energy, which can cover a target in a blanket of ice from a distance. This cold seems to make the target much more fragile, allowing otherwise durable materials to be broken or rended when frozen.[53] Iron Man revealed the arm also displays technopathic capabilities, teaching Misty how to control a horde of robots.[36] Following her "pregnancy", Danny Rand spent money on additional features to the arm, including magnetism and a concussive blast.[54]
    A couple of new upgrades given to her bionics were shown during her hunt across the world for the recently resurrected Wolverine. Showcasing an energy shield to ward off incoming assaults with, a force field which she can expand over a marginal radius to help protect multiple people if need be. It even has a deployed grapple line within the forearm for use as an extension to reach and grab objects a good distance away. Often useful for latching onto and swinging from place to place with or to escape deadly falls from great heights.[55]

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  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Kuan-Yin Xorn

    Sun in his head
    Healing powers
    Electricity and magnetism generation and manipulation
    Teleportation via Time-Space Wormholes
    Gravity manipulation
    Can cause his sun to turn into black hole

    Powers and Abilities

    Xorn was a mutant possessing a miniature star in his brain. This granted him several powers, including:

    Miniature Star: The star in Xorn's head allowed him to emit the same energies a star does. Most notably he gave off electromagnetism. Kuan-Yin's sun was capable of emitting blinding light that could instantly incinerate another being. Xorn was capable of reversing his star's natural state. That is, Kuan-Yin could cause his star to collapse in on itself to form a black hole.
    Gravitational Electromagnetism: Xorn could feel the movement of energy and emotion on many scales. He possessed gravitational senses that allow him to manipulate energy for a variety of purposes, including warping of gravity fields, sensing when a death has occurred in their vicinity, shaking gravitational particles in the air around him which allowed him to speak other languages, and to heal others.
    Self-Sustenance: Given the nature of his mutant abilities, Kuan-Yin Xorn did not need to breathe, nor did he require food or water to survive.
    Healing: Xorn could also heal the wounds and injuries of others.
    Xorn's Helmet: Containment helmet with psi-dampers.
    Magneto's Helmet: Briefly used a duplicate of Magneto's helmet, whilst masquerading as Magneto.
    Image Inducer: He may have used an image inducer to pose as Magneto.

    Shen Zorn

    Black Hole in his head
    Healing powers
    Teleportation (Time-Space Wormholes)
    Gravity manipulation
    Can cause his black hole to turn into sun

    Powers and Abilities

    Like his brother, Shen has a star for a brain. Shen's star manifested as a black hole. He lost them during M-Day, but after the Terrigen Mists hit Earth, Shen has seemingly regained his powers.[4]

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    Miniature Black Hole: The black hole in Xorn's head allowed him to emit the same energies a black hole does. Most notably he gave off gravity. Shen's black hole was capable of sucking up instantly another being. Xorn was capable of reversing his black holes natural state. That is, Shen could cause his star to flare up into a sun.

    Gravitational Electromagnetism: Could feel the movement of energy and emotion on many scales. He possessed gravitational senses that allowed him to manipulate energy for a variety of purposes, including warping of gravity fields, sensing when a death had occurred in his vicinity, shaking gravitational particles in the air around him which allowed him to speak other languages, and to heal others.
    Self-Sustenance: Given the nature of his mutant abilities, Shen Xorn did not need to breathe, nor did he require food or water to survive.
    Telepathy: Ability to read minds.
    Containment helmet similar to his brother's.

  • Bening_OneBening_One Member Posts: 28

    Mary Jane Watson (Iron Spider)

    - maybe a synergy to finally make OG Spidey and Symbiote Spidey a relevant attacker

    Mary Jane Watson (Red Sonja)
    - It'll do if Marvel decided to retake publishing rights.
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178

    Dont remember most the names right now.

    New Mutants
    Demon version of Magik
    Danielle Moonstar

    Alot in the new mutants picture are just extra that i thought would make some really cool champs.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    John Garrett (Tech)
  • KabomSuxd1cksKabomSuxd1cks Member Posts: 2
    You need to fix your RNG...
    So if i dont spend money i cant get decent champion after 4y playing this gam, and i keep watching in my ally everyone gets cgr, cg, doom etc..i keep ending with dr.strage, drax, groot,k.groot,bp cw and rest of ****.
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    When are we getting to see Legion added to the game one of the greatest characters in the MU and one of the most powerful omega lvl mutants in history =D After the great work kabam done with professor X I cant wait to see what they could do for David Haller, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to see him as a playable character in game. Perhaps with some killer heavy hitting specials and those fun power control mechanics. Allot of options that could be taken to create such a cool character from the marvel universe!
    Would you also like to see Legion in the game if so what sort of abilities could he have what sort of mechanics could he use? Please share your ideas under this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • Setanta77Setanta77 Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2021
    My top two picks are Ares (Cosmic) and Lady Deathstrike (Murant).They would be so much fun to use. The SP's would be epic.

    Ares could use a mix of sword, Axe and gun for SP's.

    His sig move would be a bloodlust Fury.

    Synergies with Ægon, Thor Ragnarok, Gladiator Hulk, Hercules.

    I'd also love to see:
    The Wrecker
    Absorbing man

  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    when are we getting to see Harpy added to the game with the massive success from the Immortal Hulk / Abomination added to the game surely it's time to see what Betty Ross can do as a gamma goliath entering into the contest !
    Perhaps with some heavy bleed attacks to show how sharp a harpys claws can be she could potentially have some sort of gamma related mechanics just like Immortal hulk or maestro would be crazy cool and ontop of all that you gotta love a big old set of wings in game =D who better to add than the former wife of the one and only Bruce Banner the daughter of the highly controversial Thaddeus thunderbolt Ross!!
    Would you also like to see Harpy in the contest if so what sort of abilities could she have what sort of mechanics could she use? Please share your ideas under this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    When are we getting The long overdue Lady Death added to the contest of champions! This is LONG overdue as in the original contest of champions comics Death was actually one of the contenders! who would have wone the contest if not for a continuity error xD
    Death is essentially an elder of the universe so she would have to be very powerful also having had relationships with Deadpool & Thanos she makes for a very interesting character in the MU. She definitely deserves a place among champions either as a playable character or perhaps even as the next boss we may have to encounter going forward in book 2 later this year. With the death touch already a mechanic in game to give that mechanic to a character like her would be very apt in my opinion but I'm sure there are allot of fun mechanics that could be designed for such a legendary character
    Would you also like to see Death in the contest if so what sort of abilities could she have what sort of mechanics could she use? Please share your ideas under this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    When are we getting to see the beautiful yet deadly Shiklah queen of the underworld added to the game! She is a fantastic character in the marvel universe with good looks and a killer personality ;) Shiklah had the immense power to transform into Creature of the underworld this is interesting as we have yet to see a character that can transform during combat in game and I think it is something the whole community would love to see! perhaps if one of her mechanics could cause the transformation from a strong spell casting champion into a powerful fury beast mid fight would make for a very diverse character + romance synergy for deadpool ofcourse ;) I think Shiklah would be an amazing addition to the contest! Would you also like to see Shiklah in the contest if so what sort of abilities could she have what sort of mechanics could she use? Please share your ideas under this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2021

    Champions I’d personally would love to see in game:
    Spider-Man 2099, spider-man noir, Sandman, hob goblin, superior spider-man, Beta ray bill, Ghost rider
    (Danny ketch), Devil hulk, green scar hulk, iron man iron heart, Dark avengers, movie thanos, galactus (as a boss), Dr juggernaut, Ghost rider king of hell, Ghost rider (Robby Reyes), ghost rider hulk, symbiote captain America, Evil Hyperion, God doom (as a boss), Adam warlock, Thor (endgame), Daken wolverine, professor x in a wheel chair, gamora requiem, Black cat, Onslaught, Scorpion, shocker, kraven the hunter, and gwenom (spider-Gwen venom) thanks for reading. :)

    Is green scar not just hulk rag and devil hulk we just got a couple months back as immortal hulk tho ?

  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105
    When are we getting to see New wepon + project Man-Slaughter added to the game. With the massive success of Man Thing last year maybe we can step up our game a little and check out the swamp creature with a vengeance and bring man-slaughter into the game! He is an extremely cool character with a brilliant back story that Would make for a super fun power house character to play! By incorporating some of man Things original poison mechanics combined with some big old guns! this could potentially shape up to be a fun rough hous character for the game. Would you also like to see Man-Slaughter in the contest if so what sort of abilities could he have what sort of mechanics could he use? Please share your ideas by quoting on this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 105

    When are we getting to see Aaron Stack The Machine Man and his tech queen Jocasta added to the game. We have had so meny amazing characters in the contest of champions over the years and something me and my alliance have always agreed on is the lack of credible tech champs in the game. Ofcourse recently with new champs being added and old champs undergoing updates there are definitely more options for viable tech champions to use but I still feel personally they are outweighed by the abundance of insane cosmic champs we have ;) or from any of the other classes for that matter. What I think I'm trying to say is we NEED more Tech champs haha! And who better than the King and queen of Tech in the marvel universe Machine Man & Jocasta !!!
    These are two iconic characters in the MU and to not have them in game at this point is just a shame. the possibility and potential for these two characters mechanics are endless from arms that change to wepons for heavy atk damage to power shields and and armour ups for defense purposes. We definitely need to see these two in the future of the contest! Would you also like to see Machine man & Jocasta in the contest if so what sort of abilities could they have what sort of mechanics could they use? Please share your ideas by quoting on this post I would love to hear what the community thinks, Thanks summoners happy hunting!
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Fredzilla (Mystic)

    Wasabi-No Ginger (Skill)

    Baymax (Tech)

    Hiro Takachiho (Tech)

    Honey Lemon (Tech)

    Go-Go Tomago (Tech)
  • zaqataczaqatac Member Posts: 4
    Adam Warlock.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Electro (Ivan Kronov) (Science)

    Venus (Mystic)

    Yellow Claw (Mystic)

    Gorilla-Man (Skill)

    3-D Man (Cosmic)

    Marvel Boy (Cosmic)
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    X-fan here, soo...

    1- Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat, Sprite, and Lockheed
    2- Banshee
    3- Multiple Man
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Namora (Mutant)

    Great Video (Science)

    Jann of the Jungle (Skill)
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Human Robot (Tech)

    Jade Claw (Skill)

    Jimmy Woo (Skill)

    Cold Warrior (Science)

    Skull-Face (Mystic)
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