Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240

    Ares (Cosmic)
    Black Cat (Skill)
    Crystal (Cosmic)
    Prowler (Tech)
    Spider-Man 2099 (Science)
    Steel Serpent (Mystik)
    Spider-Woman (Science)
    Starfire (Mutant)
    Bullseye (Skill)
    Destroyer (Cosmic/Tech)
    Malekith (Cosmic)
    Polaris (Mutant)
    Sandman (Science)
    Sif (Cosmic)
    Pyro (Mutant)
    Whyplash (Tech)
    Shocker (Science)
    Nightmare (Mystik)
    Blazing Skull (Mystik)
    Kurse (Cosmic)
    Fin Fang Foom (Cosmic/Mystik)
    Firebird (Cosmic/Science)
    Hellcat (Science)
    Jessica Jones (Science)
    Hulkling (Cosmic)
    Lightspeed (Cosmic/)
    Moondragon (Cosmic/Mystik)
    Quicksilver (Science/Mutant)
    Red She-Hulk (Science)
    X-Ray (Science/Cosmic)
    White Tiger (Science/Skill)
    Infinity Thanos (Cosmic)
    Stan Lee (Combine)
    Atlas (Cosmic)
    Wonder Man (Mystik/Cosmic)
    Attuma (Mutant/)
    Carnom (Science/Cosmic)
    Clea (Mystik)
    Electro 2099 (Science)
    Goblin 2099 (Science)
    Hobgoblin (Science)
    Hellcow (Mystik)
    Inferno (Mutant)
    Living Totem (Cosmic)
    Living Mummy (Mystik)
    M.O.D.A.M (Science)
    Phantom Rider (Mystik)
    Red Wolf (Skill/Mystik)
    Scorpion (Science)
    Songbird (Mutant/)
    Super Adaptoid (???)
    Surtur (Cosmic)
    The Ancient One (Mystik)
    Venom 2099 (Cosmic)
    Mystique (Mutant)
    Azazel (Mutant)
    Galactus (Cosmic)
    The Fallen One (Cosmic)
    FireLord (Cosmic)
    Nova {Woman-Herald} (Cosmic)
    Morg (Cosmic)
    Red Shift (Cosmic)
    Stardust (Cosmic)

    With Infinity Thanos I Mean a Playable Thanos With The Infinity Stone Phases (Other Special Attacks with red or purple or blue or orange or yellow or green stone lile the nameless Thanos)

    Stan Lee have so many super powers and he can really be a Character with Combine Class like grandmaster , collector , maestro

    Thx For Reading This :)

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Sorcerer Supreme Oberster Zauberer

    Der Titel des größten Zauberkünstlers der Dimension. Von Zeit zu Zeit wird der Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme um den Titel oder die magischen Gegenstände herausgefordert, die ihm der Titel verleiht.

    The title held by the dimension's greatest Magic practitioner. From time to time the Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme will be challenged for the title or the magical objects the title grants him/her.


    The sorcerer supreme of Earth-148 (Ee'rath), Necrom defeated the heroes of his planet and enslaved them as zombies. Necrom also taught Feron and Merlyn, Roma's father, in the ways of magic.

    Powers & Abilities
    Necrom was the Sorcerer Supreme, using a variety of spells; energy blasts and shields, summoning demonic creatures, powerful multi-sensory illusions, clairvoyance, animated large rock creatures and zombies (his favorite). As energy vampire, he drains the life energies of other to add to his own, leaving them as mummified corpse.

    As the host of the Anti-Phoenix he gained the following abilities; flight, telekinesis, manipulating cosmic energies, rearranging molecules structures, survive the rigors of space, travel interplanetary distances, control energy reactions within stars, increased durability, stretching his arms several yards and telekinetically move masses as large as moons and planets. His powers grew as he absorbed more of the Phoenix force.


    Sorcerer Supreme of the Purple Dimension.

    Aggamon can conjure mental visions, open dimensional portals, and perform other magical abilities. He has access to a wide variety of mystic gems, and is served by an army of underlings.

    Amanda Sefton

    Amanda is the former ruler of Limbo. She is also the former girlfriend of Nightcrawler from the X-Men. She has been a member of Excalibur.

    Powers and Abilities
    Supernatural Abilities

    Amanda is a sorceress following the path of the Winding Way. Her power does change in its levels, it waxes and wanes over time, allowing her to summon such powers as teleportation, illusions casting, shape changing, mystical force bolts, hypnotism, and the manipulation of other complex mystical forces

    There's a range of spells Amanda is capable of casting; limited by the amount

    of power available, and her own personal issues with magic and using it when it's not needed. Amanda's magical repository consists of largely defensive spells and illusion casting. The other thing is that the spells she casts reflect the power source, the urban environment; there are elements of the city in the manifestations or processes. The spell-craft she knew, everything taught to her by various people—none of that applies. Spells either fail entirely or have unexpected results, often inconsistently different. Many spells from before—the levitation, the aura stuff, the spirit summoning, the potions and sleep spells are gone irretrievably. Others such as summoning the elements, for example, have been twisted to the point they've actually become more harmful than good.

    Amanda can still heal, that being her family's supernatural legacy, but there are many more limits than she previously had. The first being that healing of any kind takes power directly from living things; the greater the injury the greater the power demand. So healing will require Amanda to have to decide and possibly consult with those around her as to whether they accept that cost. The second is that there are only so many times that Amanda can heal someone before it stops working. The more serious the injury healed, the shorter that time frame is.

    As the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo, Magik wields much more vast magical power inside the pocket dimension she once ruled. However on Earth, Magik's abilities are limited to a different capacity, detecting magical auras, entering the astral plane, and summoning the powerful Soulsword.

    The Soulsword

    The Soulsword
    Magik wields the mystically powerful Soulsword, the physical manifestation of the magical might of Limbo that can disrupt any spell and cause intense damage to any magical creature it strikes. The Soulsword has no physical effect on a non-supernatural creature or object. The Soulsword can come and go as the wielder wishes; when it comes, the wielder is surrounded by parts of mystical armor, when not in use it reappears in Limbo

    Ancient One

    The Ancient One was Sorcerer Supreme before Dr. Strange.


    Astral Projection
    Darkforce Manipulation
    Dimensional Manipulation
    Divine Powers
    Earth Manipulation
    Energy Absorption
    Energy Based Constructs
    Energy Manipulation
    Energy Shield
    Energy-Enhanced Strike
    Fire Control
    Illusion Casting
    Plant Control
    Power Item
    Probability Manipulation
    Reality Manpulation
    Shape Shifter
    Siphon Abilities
    Time Manipulation
    Time Travel
    Unarmed Combat
    Water Control
    Weather Control
    Willpower-Based Constructs
    Wind Bursts


    Clea is the heroic daughter of Umar and the niece of Dormammu. She is also Doctor Strange's estranged wife and was the ruler of The Dark Dimension until her Uncle usurped her throne and regained his.

    Powers & Abilities
    Clea is one of Dormammu's most hated foes as well as his own niece, and often fought him with her sometimes-lover Doctor Strange
    Clea is one of Dormammu's most hated foes as well as his own niece, and often fought him with her sometimes-lover Doctor Strange
    Clea possesses formidable abilities for manipulating mystical forces for various purposes, due to her training by Dr. Strange and her Faltine descent. At this point, Clea is Sorceress Supreme of the Dark Dimension, and her power equals that of Umar at Umar's peak. Clea finally achieved this high level of power in her battle with Umar that led to Clea's becoming ruler of the Dark Dimension. At that point, the "flames of regency," that by Dormammu's spell appears about the head of the ruler of the Dark Dimension, surrounded Clea's head. The flames, which do not harm Clea, will remain about her head as long as she is ruler. It is believed that the flames themselves may have increased Clea's power. Whenever Dormammu has been deposed and Umar succeeded him, the flames appeared about her head , and her power increased. Currently this is not the case.

    Presumably Clea generates great mystical energy within her own body as Dormammu and Umar do, and can draw upon it. It remains to be seen what Clea can do with her newly increased power. While she was a student of Dr. Strange and removed from the Dark Dimension, her magic, like his seemed to be derived from three major sources: personal power of the soul/mind/body (such as mesmerize and thought casting), power gained by tapping the ambient magical energy of the universe she inhabits and employing it for special effects (such as illusion-casting and energy projection), and finally, powers gained through the tapping of mystical energy from other dimensions by invoking entities of objects of power existing in those dimensions. The latter means of power is usually gained by the recitation of spells, either ritualized ones found in various mystical text or original spells invoking extra-dimensional assistance.

    Strange and Clea Share a Tender Moment

    Strange and Clea Share a Tender Moment
    The full range of Clea's mystical abilities have yet to be seen. However, it has been theorized the Clea, at least potentially, can now perform any magical feat that her mentor Dr. Strange or her mother Umar can. Clea's abilities are, however, limited by her amount of training and experience. It is known that Clea can form and hurl magical energy bolts with a high degree of potency and skill. She can use local magical energy for the conjuration of at least physical objects or for unusual luminescent effects. She has an extensive knowledge of sorcerous spells and incantations which were taught her by Dr. Strange and which invoke the names and aspects of various extra-dimensional power sources for very specific effects without taxing her own personal abilities.

    As the daughter of Umar, a member of the extra-dimensional race Faltine race, Clea has a body whose density is somewhat greater than that of an Earth human. As a result, she weighs more than an Earth woman of the same height and build would.

    How Old Are You Now?

    How Old Are You Now?
    The rate at which Clea ages is unknown. Her father has aged very slowly over the centuries, and her mother has apparently not aged at all over this same amount of time. It has been speculated that Clea is thousands of years old; however, physically, she remains a young woman.

    Warren Traveler

    Born in the House of M reality, he's a magician who once worked as the Sorcerer Supreme for the King of England. He's an enemy of Ms. Marvel

    Traveler is a powerful magician, once having been the Sorceror Supreme for the king of England.
    Time Travel - Traveler often uses limited time travel to strike at an opponent several times in one second
    Teleportation - Able to teleport large distances to take enemies by surprise
    Energy blast - Capable of knocking enemies such as Ms Marvel through buildings
    Traveler later gains the Eye and Wand of Watoomb enhancing his powers greatly. This power boost let him face enemy wizards such as Doctor Strange and defeat him. He was also able to jump to alternate realities using these objects. He often summoned energy in the shape of animals such as Dragons, Bears, and Bulls to kill his enemies.

    Kulan Gath

    Kulan Gath was a villainous magician and sorcerer in Earth's Hyborian Era.

    Animal Control
    Astral Projection
    Blast Power
    Danger Sense
    Earth Manipulation
    Emotion Control
    Energy Manipulation
    Energy Shield
    Fire Control
    Force Field
    Genetic Manipulation
    Illusion Casting
    Plant Control
    Probability Manipulation
    Sense Death
    Shape Shifter
    Siphon Abilities
    Water Control
    Weather Control
    Wind Bursts

    No Caption Provided
    Kulan Gath was a villainous magician and sorcerer in Earth's Hyborian Era, the ancient time period in which Conan the Barbarian lived. He has been active up until modern times. Originally a foe of Conan, and Red Sonja. He has later been fully integrated into the Marvel Universe. Kulan Gath had achieved effective immortality by placing his life energy into a magical amulet hanging from a necklace. He was decapitated by Conan, and had his heart cut out by Red Sonja, but still was able to come back. According to Kulan Gath, many years ago during the Hyborian era he held a high position among the sorcerers of Stygia. At some point Kulan Gath was able to obtain the key to the Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath, though it is unrevealed how.

    Margali Szardos

    The self-proclaimed Sorceress Supreme of Earth and Mistress of the Winding Way, she is morally ambiguous, often using black magick for good intent and, although her true origins remain a mystery, Margali is a powerful witch-priestess with a familial heritage of magick and healing. Margali is the foster-mother of Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler as well as mother of Jimaine Szardos, AKA Amanda Sefton, Magicienne

    Powers and Abilities
    Margali is the Guardian of the Winding Way of Power, an ancient mystical path of wisdom and enlightenment that practitioners of the Craft often tread. The Winding Way, of Winding Path, grants its gifts through a cyclic pattern of mystic power followed by periods of weakness; the greater the power actualized, the more significant the corresponding vulnerability. Margali, arguably a powerful sorceress, has experienced times of weakness, homelessness and hunger while involved in the Way.

    Margali has at her disposal a variety of spell-casting capabilities and accroutements that include healing, as her family legacy; probability alteration, the nature of all magick; astral projection; generation of mystic wards or concussive bolts of eldritch energy; glamoury; Witches' Sight, or limited precognition and clairvoyance; levitation; interdimensional teleportation; transmogification; elemental manipulation; mind transmigration enabling her to exchange physical forms; and others. While her power is based in dark magick, Margali on the whole uses her powers with beneficial intent and is considered one of the most accomplished magick practitioners on Earth.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5' 2"

    Weight: 115 lbs

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Gray; formerly black, brown, red, and various shades of blonde

    Blast Power
    Cosmic Awareness
    Divine Powers
    Energy Manipulation
    Energy Shield
    Force Field
    Probability Manipulation
    Reality Manpulation


    Dr Thomas Lightner, a mad scientist, was mutated into 3 different beings. Thomas turnned from Blacksun into Nth Man and at last to Mysterium. Dr Thomas Lightner also threatened several beings

    Powers and abilities
    Mysterium: Possesses great magical abilities and powers, supposedly on a par with Dr Strange.

    Blacksun: Could absorb heat and light energy and could control gravity as well. Blacksun also had immense strength and durability and could control his own molecular structure and the energies in his own body.

    Nth Man: Able to absorb all types of matter and energy. Nth Man was unstoppable. When he absorbed more matter and energy, he grew bigger and stronger until he was large enough to absorb an entire galaxy. He could also create dimensional portals and continue his further growth and absorption.

    Dr Thomas Lightner: Genius-level intellect

    Cosmic Awareness
    Density Control
    Dimensional Manipulation
    Divine Powers
    Energy Absorption
    Energy Manipulation
    Gravity control
    Heat Generation
    Matter Absorption
    Reality Manpulation
    Size Manipulation
    Super Strength

  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 65
    I’ll give my top ten for each class of who I believe should come to the contest.

    1. Titania (Mary MacPherran)
    2. Wonder Man (Simon Williams)
    3. Morbius the Living Vampire (Dr. Micheal Morbius)
    4. Tiger Shark (Todd Arliss)
    5. Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors)
    6. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
    7. Goliath (Bill Foster)
    8. Jessica Jones
    9. Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave)
    10. Red She Hulk (Betty Ross)

    1. White Tiger (Ava Ayala)
    2. Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo)
    3. Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc)
    4. Kraven the Hunter (Sergei
    5. Scorpio (Jacob Fury)
    6. Black Panther (Aja-Adanna)
    7. Triton (Triton Mander-Azur)
    8. Attuma
    9. Coleen Wing
    10. Black Widow (Yelena Belova)

    1. Stingray (Dr. Walter Newell)
    2. Scorpion (Mac Gargan)
    3. Arnim Zola
    4. Misty Knight
    5. Rescue (Pepper Potts)
    6. Madame Masque (Whitney Frost)
    7. Klaw (Ulysses Klaue)
    8. Maximus the Mad (Maximus Boltagon)
    9. Crimson Dynamo (Ivan Vanko)
    10. Whiplash (Marco Scarlotti)

    1. Blink (Clarice Ferguson)
    2. Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)
    3. Pyro (Simon Lasker)
    4. Kid Omega (Quentin Quire)
    5. Honey Badger (Gabrielle Kinney)
    6. Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)
    7. Whirlwind (David Cannon)
    8. Shadowcat (Katherine Pryde)
    9. Cannonball (Sam Guthrie)
    10. Dust (Sooraya Qadir)

    1. Aries
    2. Miss America (America Chavez)
    3. Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon)
    4. Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin)
    5. Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear)
    6. Captain Universe (Developers Choice!)
    7. Knull
    8. Gorr the God Butcher
    9. Molecule Man (Owen Reece)
    10. Photon (Monica Rambeau)

    *NOTE*: didn’t include Hercules cause I’ve seen footage of his character model on Kabam’s youtube channel.

    1. Clea (Clea Strange)
    2. Wong
    3. Nightmare
    4. Absorbing Man (Carl Creel)
    5. Fin Fang Foom
    6. Mandarin
    7. Steel Serpent (Davos)
    8. Malekith the Accursed
    9. Agatha Harkness
    10. Black Talon (Samuel Barone)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 65
    If I were to add 1 more it would be Jack of Hearts to the Cosmic column.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★

    I’ll give my top ten for each class of who I believe should come to the contest.

    1. Titania (Mary MacPherran)
    2. Wonder Man (Simon Williams)
    3. Morbius the Living Vampire (Dr. Micheal Morbius)
    4. Tiger Shark (Todd Arliss)
    5. Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors)
    6. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
    7. Goliath (Bill Foster)
    8. Jessica Jones
    9. Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave)
    10. Red She Hulk (Betty Ross)

    1. White Tiger (Ava Ayala)
    2. Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo)
    3. Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc)
    4. Kraven the Hunter (Sergei
    5. Scorpio (Jacob Fury)
    6. Black Panther (Aja-Adanna)
    7. Triton (Triton Mander-Azur)
    8. Attuma
    9. Coleen Wing
    10. Black Widow (Yelena Belova)

    1. Stingray (Dr. Walter Newell)
    2. Scorpion (Mac Gargan)
    3. Arnim Zola
    4. Misty Knight
    5. Rescue (Pepper Potts)
    6. Madame Masque (Whitney Frost)
    7. Klaw (Ulysses Klaue)
    8. Maximus the Mad (Maximus Boltagon)
    9. Crimson Dynamo (Ivan Vanko)
    10. Whiplash (Marco Scarlotti)

    1. Blink (Clarice Ferguson)
    2. Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)
    3. Pyro (Simon Lasker)
    4. Kid Omega (Quentin Quire)
    5. Honey Badger (Gabrielle Kinney)
    6. Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)
    7. Whirlwind (David Cannon)
    8. Shadowcat (Katherine Pryde)
    9. Cannonball (Sam Guthrie)
    10. Dust (Sooraya Qadir)

    1. Aries
    2. Miss America (America Chavez)
    3. Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon)
    4. Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin)
    5. Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear)
    6. Captain Universe (Developers Choice!)
    7. Knull
    8. Gorr the God Butcher
    9. Molecule Man (Owen Reece)
    10. Photon (Monica Rambeau)

    *NOTE*: didn’t include Hercules cause I’ve seen footage of his character model on Kabam’s youtube channel.

    1. Clea (Clea Strange)
    2. Wong
    3. Nightmare
    4. Absorbing Man (Carl Creel)
    5. Fin Fang Foom
    6. Mandarin
    7. Steel Serpent (Davos)
    8. Malekith the Accursed
    9. Agatha Harkness
    10. Black Talon (Samuel Barone)

    Well you included America Chavez who is coming with Hercules.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Venom Rocket (Cosmic)

    Allene Green (Tech)

    Ultimate Black Widow (Tech)

    Zombie Iron Man (Tech)

    Angel (1602) (Mutant)

    Magneto (Joseph) (Mutant)

    Punisher (Lynn Michaels) (Skill)
  • Nerdsbescared94Nerdsbescared94 Member Posts: 65
    We should definitely have bulleseye in the game along with Jessica Jones. I really would love to see bullseyes specials along with his buffs. He definitely deserves a true strike and one of his specials to be unblockable. Jessica Jones deserves a fury buff along with awesome specials and crits
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Captain America (1602) (Science)

    Headpool (Science)

    Hulk Bunny (Science)

    Loki (Arcadia) (Mystic)

    Dark Starhawk (Cosmic)

    Green Gobbler (Tech)
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I want a mutant Savageland event that has:


    Possibly Moon boy and Devil Dinosaur (like Mole Man and Giganti Jr)

    Or put Kraven in there.
  • RedmonkeyRedmonkey Member Posts: 1


    Vox Supreme

    Jimmy Robotface

    Golden Skull


    Shadow Spider
  • Santa_PsycheSanta_Psyche Member Posts: 150
    White tiger(hector or Ava)
  • Godstriker56Godstriker56 Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2021

  • PoorantPoorant Member Posts: 2
    I was just stuck in Act 4 because Tier catalyst takes more months to upgrade and to level up and is there any possibility to get a free tier catalyst or any chance to get 6 star till now I can't able to get 6star crystals and shards .
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 638 ★★★
    Poorant said:

    I was just stuck in Act 4 because Tier catalyst takes more months to upgrade and to level up and is there any possibility to get a free tier catalyst or any chance to get 6 star till now I can't able to get 6star crystals and shards .

    This isn’t the thread to ask for that and if you’re in Act 4, your not really supposed to get 6 star shards nor do you need them. I’d recommend going to strategy and tips and create your own post asking for help.
  • Godstriker56Godstriker56 Member Posts: 25

  • WheezyBreezyWheezyBreezy Member Posts: 60
    yelena belova, natasha's sister who was also trained to be a black widow
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Adam Brashear (Earth-616) (Erde-616)
    Blue Marvel Klass/Class Wissenschaft/Science

    Powers and Abilities

    Anti-Matter Energy Absorption Physiology: Theoretically, it seems to be the main source of Blue Marvel's power. This source of power is the energy released from anti-matter which derives from the dimension called the Negative Zone.[2] Anti-matter is the same as normal matter except that the sub-atomic particles are the opposite charge. Therefore, anti-matter and normal matter cannot coexist without exploding. CERN was the first to synthesize particles of anti-matter on Earth in 1995, keeping them in a magnetically charged vacuum to keep it from coming in contact with normal matter. Nuclear fission releases energy with 1.5% efficiency; anti-matter releases energy with 100% efficiency. One gram of anti-matter contains the same energy as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. One droplet could power New York City for a full day. Adam Brashear is the first human anti-matter generator and reactor. The experiment he gained his powers from renders his form unaffected from anti-matter. Blue Marvel was considered to be an Alpha Level Threat by Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Tony Stark.[36]

    Superhuman Strength: Blue Marvel possesses vast levels of superhuman strength, capable of lifting excess 100 tons.[37] He was seen as capable of effortlessly lifting the 1960 era's American warship Enterprise [1] which weighs over 93,000 tons.[38] The Blue Marvel is capable of greater feats of strength as when he effortlessly moved a meteor "easily the size of Arkansas."[1] The Watcher states that Adam is capable of splitting the Moon into two with a blow.[4] He was able to directly engage Iron Man, Ares, Wonder Man, and Ms. Marvel in combat at the same time and casually overpower them.[10] He is strong enough to push the Sentry to the limits of his strength and knock him into Earth's orbit with a single punch.[10] He even managed to ultimately defeat in physical combat the powerful King Hyperion, who had slaughtered numerous other incarnations of Blue Marvel as well as heroes of multiple worlds (including Hercules, and Thor of his own Earth,[39] as well as the Sentries, Hulks, Thors, and Eternals of other worlds.[11] When he and the Ultimates confronted their Earth-1610 counterparts he was able to defeat their Hulk with just one punch.[40]
    Nigh Invulnerability: The Blue Marvel has survived a hydrogen bomb blowing up in his hands unfazed.[41] He was capable of withstanding blows from a large collection of superhumans made up of Ms. Marvel, Ares, Iron Man, Wonder Man, and Sentry unharmed. Blue Marvel can also breathe and survive in space.[42] He can also survive in a nuclear explosion without being harmed.[2]
    Anti-Matter Manipulation: Blue Marvel can absorb and generate vast amounts of anti-matter energy for various effects.
    Concussive Force Bolts: Blue Marvel can release anti-matter energy from his hands as bolts of concussive force.
    Stun Bolts: Blue Marvel can project low-energy of anti-matter bolts that render human beings unconscious.
    Energy Pulse: Blue Marvel can release all of his body's anti-matter energy as a massive omnidirectional pulse of devastating power.
    Flight: Blue Marvel flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Blue Marvel can fly far beyond supersonic speeds. He has been seen flying into space unaided under his own power.[4]
    Longevity: Blue Marvel ages much slower and lives much longer than normal human beings.[22]
    Matter Manipulation: Adam can also manipulate material bonds as well as he can control and manipulate anti-material and energy. Able to do so from the molecular to particle levels as he was capable of producing new particles to repair the damages to Spectrum's light form.[14]
    Energy Manipulation: Blue Marvel was able to re-arrange the photons in Spectrum (Monica Rambeau)'s body to stop the anti-photons from destroying her body and made her stronger and more powerful, strong enough to take down a tiny shadow of Shuma-Gorath.[14]
    Enhanced Mental Perception/Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Blue Marvel possesses the ability to sense & comprehend things on levels that far exceed human capabilities. He can perceive different sensory spectra beyond the regular norm. Superior Spider-Man once likened him to being his own Electron Microscope,[14] enabling him to see into Spectrum's damaged energy form in order to repair what Proxima had done. Later he would expand his consciousness further through one of his inventions to find out about the imprisonment of conceptual existence.[25]
    Super-Genius Intelligence: Adam Brashear is a genius in the field of theoretical physics and has made extraordinary strides in the study of antimatter.[2] According to Reed Richards, Adam's intellect matches that of Doctor Doom.[43]

    Trained Combatant: He has been trained by the US Marines in armed and unarmed combat.[1][2]

    Athlete: Brashear is also a highly talented football player though he is out of practice.[1]

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+, Adam is capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons easily. He is stated to be in the same league as the Sentry, Hulk, and Thor.[37] Namor also stated that the only other beings who have hit him as hard as Blue Marvel were Hulk and Thor.[6]

    Neutronium: Blue Marvel appears to be only weak against this substance from the Neutral Zone.[17]

    Conner Sims (Earth-616) (Erde-616)
    Anti-Man Klass/Class Wissenschaft/Science

    Powers and Abilities

    Anti-Matter Energy Absorption: Like the Blue Marvel, Conner's powers are derived from the energy released caused by anti-matter emitting from a ground outside of reality called The Neutral Zone.[15]

    Anti-matter is the same as normal matter except that the sub-atomic particles are the opposite charge therefore, anti-matter and normal matter cannot coexist without exploding. An accident at a lab caused Mr. Sims to be the second human anti-matter generator and reactor. However his matter/anti-matter coherence is unstable, constantly causing him to fade in and out between earth space and neutral space resulting in his mental instability. Nonetheless the processes where he gained his abilities renders his form unaffected by anti-matter.[2]

    He is considered as an Omega-Level.[13]

    Power Cosmic: After having been touched by The Seeder of Worlds, Conner had been remade as his newest herald to serve and protect all life within the caged universe. With it all of his original powers have been vastly augmented beyond their original limits, but to what extent these enhancements reach yet remains to be see.[16]

    Teleportation: Anti-Man could teleport himself and the Ultimates from Earth to the ship of Galactus.[17]
    Force Field: Anti-Man could generate force fields strong enough to trap Blue Marvel and Spectrum.[17]
    Superhuman Strength: Having enough raw physical might to do battle with an entire team of Avengers and decimate the entire roster during their first encounter with him.[2] His physical strength is enough to overpower beings as physically powerful as Sentry, Ares, Wonder Man, She-Hulk and the Blue Marvel himself.[2]

    Nigh Invulnerability: He is capable of withstanding blows from a large collection of top-tier strength superhumans made up of Ms. Marvel, Ares, Iron Man, Wonder Man, She-Hulk and Sentry unharmed.[2]

    Flight: Anti-Man can fly through the manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Anti-Man can fly far beyond supersonic speeds. He has been seen flying into space unaided under his own power.[3]

    Superhuman Stamina: Anti-Man's enhanced musculature is far more efficient than that of a human. As a result his muscles produce no fatigue toxins thereby granting him theoretically unlimited stamina.[2]

    Superhuman Speed: Conner can move and react faster than the finest human athlete, being able to doge Blue Marvel's blows with relative ease.[16]

    Healing Factor: Despite his nigh invulnerability to injury, it is possible to injure Anti-Man. If injured, his body is capable of quickly repairing damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than the normal human body. This is supported in part because Anti-Man's body is capable of state-shifting between matter and energy, allowing him to reconstitute himself even after being dispersed.[2]

    Pan-Dimensional Phasing: Tumultuously caught between here and another end of reality, causing him to shift between dimensions by willing himself into existence.[3] With the Power Cosmic bolstering him, he now has voluntary control over this aspect. Anti Man can now warp to and from different locations across reality as well as other points in universe, having transported multiple people to and from a given area in set space.[16]

    Matter/Anti-Matter Manipulation: As can Adam, Anti-Man is a focal point of Matter and Anti-Matter collation and as such he can generate and manipulate both aspects of natural physics at will.[2]

    Concussive Force: Projected a powerful enough blast of energy to knock out an entire Avengers team.[2]
    Energy Manipulation[4]
    Weather Manipulation: Could openly create torrential storms of immense destructive power made entirely out of Anti-Matter nearly wiping entire cities and countries off the map in the process
    Energy-Matter State: Due to how his powers work or the unstable nature of his being, Conner is not a being made of flesh and bone, when in battle he was revealed to be a flaring mass of sentient Anti-Matter energy.[15]
    Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Conner is capable of experiencing events that happen in his future, such as having flashes of a fight against Blue Marvel one year before it happened.[6] His mind is also capable of grasping the full scope of all of reality,[8] being able to observe the Omniverse in a scale the mind of a regular human wouldn't bear.[7]

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+ Strength[2]

    Former Weaknesses
    Insanity: The source of his very power also made him mentally unstable.[15]

    Dimensional Shift: Because of his unstable powers, Conner would uncontrollably phase in and out between Exo-Space and the Prime Marvel Universe.[15]

  • Bening_OneBening_One Member Posts: 28
    2 words: Lady Loki

    Comic variant (Sif)

    MCU variant
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Azari (Mutant)

    Doctor Doom (1602) (Skill)

    Human Torch (1602) (Science)

    Ultimate Carnage (Science)

    Drax (Classic) (Cosmic)

    Superior Venom (Cosmic)

    Magneto (1602) (Mutant)
  • AzmingAzming Member Posts: 37
    Arcade (Tech) & Warpath (Mutant) ?
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Paladin (Skill)

    Giant Girl (Science)

    Zombie Black Panther (Science)

    Doctor Strange (Punisher) (Mystic)

    Electro (Robot) (Tech)

    Shard (Mutant)

    Big Man (Skill)

    She-Thing (Science)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ducktor Doom (Mystic)

    Wolverine (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    American Son (Tech)

    Rogue (X-Men Forever) (Mutant)
  • TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
    Please add The Blob, Toad and Nimrod!
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Coal Tiger (Skill)

    Francis Barton (Skill)

    Simian Torch (Science)

    Captain America (Carol Danvers) (Cosmic)

    Nebula (Classic) (Cosmic)

    Vindicator (Heather McNeil) (Tech)

    Star-Lord (Kitty Pryde) (Mutant)
  • bigwalt1010bigwalt1010 Member Posts: 1
    Anita Blake, Adam Warlock, Ba'al, Blob, Bullseye, Crystal, Franklin Richards, Isaiah Bradley, Jessica Jones, Legion, Morbius the Living Vampire, Multiple Man, Mystique, Onslaught, Polaris, Powerman, Puck, Pyro, Quasar, Quicksilver, Ricochet, Scorpio, Scream, Sebastián Shaw, Shadow King, Shadow Cat, Skaar, Storm (Uncanny X-Men), Toad, Valkyrie, Vulcan, Warpath, Wiccan, Wild Child, Wraith, Yo-Yo, Zodiac, Zombie, ZZZXX.

    I know it is a big list but most haven't been mentioned.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Captain Americat (Science)

    Zombie Colonel America (Science)

    Angrir (Mystic)

    Cyclops (1602) (Mutant)

    Marvel Girl (Blue Team) (Mutant)

    White Widow (Skill)
  • CTBDYS_T1tansCTBDYS_T1tans Member Posts: 62

    Anita Blake, Adam Warlock, Ba'al, Blob, Bullseye, Crystal, Franklin Richards, Isaiah Bradley, Jessica Jones, Legion, Morbius the Living Vampire, Multiple Man, Mystique, Onslaught, Polaris, Powerman, Puck, Pyro, Quasar, Quicksilver, Ricochet, Scorpio, Scream, Sebastián Shaw, Shadow King, Shadow Cat, Skaar, Storm (Uncanny X-Men), Toad, Valkyrie, Vulcan, Warpath, Wiccan, Wild Child, Wraith, Yo-Yo, Zodiac, Zombie, ZZZXX.

    I know it is a big list but most haven't been mentioned.

    Powerman (Victor Alvarez)

    Jessica Jones

    Reworked Iron Fist
  • TIERA_10203TIERA_10203 Member Posts: 103
    Add dr doom unplayable secret wars ver.
  • TIERA_10203TIERA_10203 Member Posts: 103
    I think adding galactus to the match is gonna be pretty cool
  • TIERA_10203TIERA_10203 Member Posts: 103
    Add a new quest similar to abyss of legends except for its all ‘celestials’.
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