Please remove the help system

The help in arena is worthless, it’s broken and keeps causing my game to crash. It’s more of a head ache then a help.
Shout out for the update to sort/filter how your selection stays for the duration of playing it’s amazing!!
Shout out for the update to sort/filter how your selection stays for the duration of playing it’s amazing!!
Kinda surprised, I was planning on making a thread about the arena help request system itself today, and was planning on making a thread on it.
My desires were:
- Gimme dat 1k Loyalty for checking in
- Remove arena help requests (It's like, 10-20 min saved, total -- yay.)
- Cookies
So yeah, Energy Request is fine. The Arena Requests just cause undue server stress for a pittance of saved time. Time I probably spent anyways by clicking on all the "Request Help"s so I don't have to scroll down.
I talked with my friends at scopely and zynga...they said if their premiere games crashed as many times as I told them mcoc did.. their cto's would've been gone.
What your friends should have told you is that ten seconds with Wireshark would prove that hypothesis wrong. The telemetry to do that doesn't exist (at least, it hasn't any time I looked).
Well, most Zynga games are so simple if they crash at all that's a problem. And isn't one of Scopely's "premiere games" Marvel Strike Force? Yeah, we have issues, no question, but MCOC is a game with a basket of problems, MSF is a basket of problems that occasionally behaves like a game.