Why to improve F2Ps condition

P2ps are 80% better in this game.Every month there's something cool for paid players.
Like i'm stuck on 6.2.2 for like 2 months now, cuz i'm getting no counters.If i was a p2p, i would have bought ton of cavs and crystal shards, and got a counter. I've never got a featured cav. p2ps get extra july 4th deals, and we keep on hoarding units.
We also need to avoid the day when we have to pay to download the game. What if we have to pay to get summoner appreciation and Christmas gift one day?
p2p also have summoner sigil advantage. I mean u can give it for free for a week in a month?
SWS only for p2ps. wow!! These things are becoming the reason people are leaving game and downfall of kabam's revenue.
What are ur thoughts?
Like i'm stuck on 6.2.2 for like 2 months now, cuz i'm getting no counters.If i was a p2p, i would have bought ton of cavs and crystal shards, and got a counter. I've never got a featured cav. p2ps get extra july 4th deals, and we keep on hoarding units.
We also need to avoid the day when we have to pay to download the game. What if we have to pay to get summoner appreciation and Christmas gift one day?
p2p also have summoner sigil advantage. I mean u can give it for free for a week in a month?
SWS only for p2ps. wow!! These things are becoming the reason people are leaving game and downfall of kabam's revenue.
What are ur thoughts?
This game is free. Kabam needs to make money somehow, and they do that with micro transactions. Obviously, players get perks from spending money. That money they spend keeps the game in good shape.
I find your second paragraph absurd. Kabam has had a successful business model with this game for 6 years. In my opinion they would alienate the entire player base by doing any of those things you mentioned. I would love to hear why you believe that will happen.
To the OP, don't use hypothetical situations when trying to make a point. I believe I have gotten 2 months free with the sigil since it has came out. If F2P players are leaving the game, how is that affecting their revenue stream? They lost 0 dollars.
I am not totally free to play. I bought the deadpool deal and I think a parkers wallet when I first started and haven't spent since. But then again I am not in a hurry to complete a game that doesn't seem to have an end.
You want to avoid the day when you have to pay to download the game or benefit from summoner appreciation events? Stop complaining about what the paying players get. They get free stuff in the game. You get an entirely free game. I think that's a fair trade.
Also, people are always leaving the game. And Kabam made more money last year than the year before. And if you're thinking of quoting something to me to assert that their revenue is dropping, I would advise against it. I analyze those numbers every quarter, and compare notes with the person you'd likely be quoting at me.
If you say that it’s a waste then you can’t use that as a valid argument as it is available for you to buy but you choose not
You are just completely wrong
However there are some small issues f2p meet. My biggest trouble is energy. I am comfortable with trying some paths&fights multiple times before actually succeeding, but with the energy costs, refill costs and recharge time, it can become lengthy. For example if you struggle w a fight that's first on lane in story quest, you can try about 4x every 6 hours. Theoretically 16 tries a day, but that's only for the first fight. If you struggle with a boss, you can get to up to 2 tries a day for example (provided that you reach the boss with your team alive, so that you don't spend units), which becomes boring very quickly.
Still, unless you need to be in the high endgame and complete stuff the day it comes out, being f2p is completely fine. There is plenty if time to take your time through the content. And since arena is a units mine, even the premium currency is fully accessable. And this game never runs any ads at all, which earned my deep respect.
At some point we need to acknowledge that people who spend in the game allow the free to play players the opportunity to continue having a game they enjoy as well.
And it seems that they’ve taken many steps to increase interest in the game for paid players.
If revenue keeps going down, we’re going to need a new game at some point.
Saying that revenue fell last quarter isn't surprising when you look at outside influences in the world.
At the same time I do not measure my progress against other players. I just play to have fun. It is a game after all.
1) No ads. I thank every whale for this. Ads in mobile games are a deal breaker for me.
2) You can still do every piece of relevant content for free(I know about golden circle, don't have to tell me). Look at Brian Grant. Sure, he has trouble getting six star sig stones, but from a progression perspective he's at the top of the game, along with all the whales. Maybe not the best comparison, but in Clash of Clans, you can basically never catch up to the top players being f2p. By the time you get to a milestone the highest milestone has already changed.
If you really want to pop Cavs, grind arena and do it. Sure, it's a dumb plan and you'll probably come crying about how Cavs are rigged against f2ps.(it's happened on these forums)