What Should We Get When Pulling a Max Signature 6-Star?

People out there in the Battle Realm have max sig 6-Star Champions and when they pull them from crystals, all they get is ISO.
It's not easy to have max sig 6-Star Champions at the moment so we should be getting something back from it. especially when you have put so many signature stones and 6-Star Shards into getting them to max sig.
Now obviously we can't have 6-Star awakening gems in these crystals like we have the 5-Star awakening gems in the max sig crystals for 5-Stars. So what do we replace them with? Please nobody say 7-Star Shards. Just don't.
I think what would be good in a max sig crystal for 6 Stars would honestly just be more 6-Star Shards, maybe 1k to about 2.5k? as like the base drop, maybe rare chances at t5b and t2a? 6-Star Signature Stones? That would help give back some 6-Star Shards and the sig stones that they put into the Champion into the first place
NOTE: I also think that they should swap out the Tier 5 Iso for Tier 6 Iso when max sigging a 6-Star Champion.
What do you think would and should be in a 6-Star Max Signature Crystal?
Comment and chat with me about it!
- Intensity108
It's not easy to have max sig 6-Star Champions at the moment so we should be getting something back from it. especially when you have put so many signature stones and 6-Star Shards into getting them to max sig.
Now obviously we can't have 6-Star awakening gems in these crystals like we have the 5-Star awakening gems in the max sig crystals for 5-Stars. So what do we replace them with? Please nobody say 7-Star Shards. Just don't.
I think what would be good in a max sig crystal for 6 Stars would honestly just be more 6-Star Shards, maybe 1k to about 2.5k? as like the base drop, maybe rare chances at t5b and t2a? 6-Star Signature Stones? That would help give back some 6-Star Shards and the sig stones that they put into the Champion into the first place
NOTE: I also think that they should swap out the Tier 5 Iso for Tier 6 Iso when max sigging a 6-Star Champion.
What do you think would and should be in a 6-Star Max Signature Crystal?
Comment and chat with me about it!
- Intensity108
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
A sense of pride and accomplishment.
You get 55 3* shards for a max sig 2*
You get 55 4* shards for a max sig 3*
You get 275 5* shards for a max sig 4*
You get 275 6* shards for a max sig 5*
How do you go from 275 all the way to 2.5k shards? If we're following the pattern of 2/3*'s to 4/5*s its a x5 increase. which is 1375 6* shards. Personally, I think that's still too high for a dupe without the max sig crystal. 750 would probably be more balanced. I support a max sig crystal for sure but shouldn't contain anything different than what others have. I've only ever pulled a 5* gem once and I did pull a 5* Immortal Iron Fist once. So if they change max sig 6* dupes it should have
Current Gold amount.
24 T5 iso
750 6* shards
Max Sig crystal.
Don’t think it fair 4 and all the way Giv Tier5 also there can contain few stone 1 mostly so don’t mind. Then Giv stone in the max sig cystal but at this point most likely people just begging for 7 star and I’m honsly tiered of building my roster like that’s know the game need progress but then ben better to have them from the star.
It’s the same star level is the difference in this recommendation. In this example you did just dump 6 star shards for 2500. Even at 2500, unless it was a cav crystal, you’re not goin to be particularly pleased as you just dumped 10-15k shards.
It would still hurt a lot to pull a max sig 6*, but at least it would serve some purpose. And since anybody with a max sig 6* is probably fresh out of that class of sig stones, it would probably be welcome in some instances.
The general rule is, duplication of a max sig champ gets you resources to form the next higher rarity when it exists. If you are one of the fastest progressing players and hit that mark before the next rarity exists, you'll be soft-capped on progression until that next tier appears. You won't be allowed to gain a head start on the next tier of progression, and the game won't bend over backwards to hand you consolation prizes until it does. The game does this to make sure the fastest progressing players don't break the progression curve by lapping the field of players while they wait at the top.
The question of whether this is fair or not is not at issue, because it is necessary to keep the progression ladder manageable. Necessary overrides fairness.