Bishop looks like he will definitely be more fun to play!
When it comes to champ buffs, what we see on paper doesn't always translate to effective reality. In this case however, I think Bishop's buff may end up being the best out of the bunch.
Not going to say that the buff is "perfect" but this is a real good way to buff a champ.
I can't wait to try out my duped 6* though. In the right circumstances he already does monstrous damage so.... I'm just going to be cautiously optimistic.
edit: nevermind, thought you were referring to using him as an attacker against tech, not fighting him in AQ.
Another strong mutant, lol. Welp.
One of my least favorite things about current Bishop was that he’d rather kill himself than put up the big numbers he was clearly designed for. I’ll happily trade the cheese tactics for a usable character.
I'd be shocked if that wasn't changed though seeing as the Synergies themselves got Upgraded.
Throw an SP3 in the first second, giving them permanent Energy Vulnerability; plus having Steady Release running if you're Awakened.
Looking forward to trying it out - they've also made him partially effective against Techs, at least; instead of being completely neutered. Looks good...