Help me understand the complains

Hey guys, I'm from Peru, so my mates on my Ali and Facebook, telegram or asmny social network are pretty much Latin American people.
Also on this forum I read people from everywhere and they all complaining about SoP.
This week most people say that it's just too restrictive, too hard and so on.
These complains come from cavalier players and I just don't understand why are they making such a big deal.
It was stated from the very first annowthat summer of pain was going to be a pain in the a$$, a unit spend quest. So far the three fights we had were actually skill based and yes TB players probably show off solos of these fights using R3 champs, but then again, no one is forced to solo eveey single fight.
I'm TB and I solo all the fights so far, probably I'll keep doing it, but a friend of mine is cavalier and he actually completed this fights using a couple of revives and boosts, THAT'S IT.
As I see this quest, so far, there's no need to complain or nerf any aspect, cavalier players just need to remember when they bet the collector using as many revives and boosts as needed.
So that's my opinion, maybe I'm wrong.
Also on this forum I read people from everywhere and they all complaining about SoP.
This week most people say that it's just too restrictive, too hard and so on.
These complains come from cavalier players and I just don't understand why are they making such a big deal.
It was stated from the very first annowthat summer of pain was going to be a pain in the a$$, a unit spend quest. So far the three fights we had were actually skill based and yes TB players probably show off solos of these fights using R3 champs, but then again, no one is forced to solo eveey single fight.
I'm TB and I solo all the fights so far, probably I'll keep doing it, but a friend of mine is cavalier and he actually completed this fights using a couple of revives and boosts, THAT'S IT.
As I see this quest, so far, there's no need to complain or nerf any aspect, cavalier players just need to remember when they bet the collector using as many revives and boosts as needed.
So that's my opinion, maybe I'm wrong.
Other old saying: Some people are never happier than when they're complaining.
In fact, it's actually a little annoying when they're screamed down by people who solo the fights on day 1. There's ample room for debate regarding the nodes and whether they make the fights fun as well as challenging, while still keeping in mind that they are supposed to be some of the most brutal fights in the game. The insane rewards wouldn't be justified for anything less than that, after all.
I have personal opinions about all three fights, having enjoyed the first the most (just a well-crafted fight) and the second the least (I found the node combination rather annoying, even if it somehow still ended up being the easiest for me). The latest was a fun way to learn how to play my newly-ranked-up Immortal Abomination, even if I really dislike nodes that reduces your damage to near-unusable levels unless you meet certain criteria.
I'm personally really proud to have gotten all three down. It's a huge milestone for me. I generally don't do this type of true endgame content, and especially not when under such time constraints. I suspect that the later fights and objectives will turn out to be too much for me, but until then I'll try to enjoy what I can and give feedback on the fights if I have any.
It’s the “ThIs Is ImPoSsIbLe” crowd that rubs me the wrong way, especially when they are posting that within hours of the content’s release.
I’ve been guilty of that, I said similar things about Carina’s Challenges when they were announced, and I was definitely wrong to do so. But I’ve learned from it and I hope those loudly calling for a nerf to this content learn the same lesson.
So what that translates to is… hold onto your butts for the next six weeks.
It’s possible, but I think they’ll look elsewhere for inspiration.
Besides an Emma Frost and Venom, I really don’t know who I’d expect. Maybe one of the V1 Ultron bosses with limited counters? I remember those guys giving me fits back at the time.
We see the rewards and feel like it's within reach, reality can be painful sometimes but, we all have to face it now and then.
For the record, I haven't beaten him yet and I'm cav, pretty average player.
Because complaining on the forums about fights being impossible and overtuned and hard and tedious and niche, is more emotionally acceptable than admitting they’re not as skilled as they thought they are.
I work in retail. People complain about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
*customer banging on our locked door*
"Sorry I can't let you in, it's 23:05 we're closed"
"But I need milk"
"You've had from 6am till 11pm to come get milk"
"But I didn't need it then, I need it now, let me in"
"I want to speak to your manager, this isn't fair"
Some people also just think they're entitled to the rewards bc they want them, therefore they should be easy to get.