Ranking the First Half of the 2021 Champs

RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
As we are now halfway through the year in terms of champs, it seems like a good time to reflect upon what we’ve had so far this year before we get Hercules’ and America Chavez’s abilities in the next couple of days.

Let me begin by stating that the champs so far this year have been...a bit dire to say the least. There is a clear Top 3 to me then it kind of falls of a bit of a cliff. And then it falls off another cliff.

No. 12:

Surprising no one, No.12 is Super Skrull. The man whose kit doesn’t work, is way too stressful, has too little payoff, and almost all his utility is impossible to upkeep anywhere near the time you need to. I can’t think of anyone situation where this guy is even a half-decent option. Although this bottom spot is a toss-up between him and our next champ

No. 11:

In at No. 11, we have Psycho-Man. He had so much potential, and his mechanics are interesting. But his loop is clunky, the damage is absolutely nonexistent, and the removal of his heavy chaining was the final nail in the coffin for this guy. With a buff that makes his damage loop less stressful, and you know, actually gives him damage, he could be an incredible champ. Although he would also definitely need a damage increase using his utility modes too. Still, actually having some quirky and useful utility saves him from the bottom, even if fights take 15 minutes. In Act 3.

No. 10:

Purgatory. Yes, I know she hasn’t been out that long, but I grinded the 5* myself. And while I love everything about her backstory, design, even the idea for her kit, the execution, as much as it pains me, was woefully flawed. Her utility is situational at best, and highly dependent on the path she’s taking. Even then, it only persists for a few fights afterward. And in a lot of quests, especially Act 7, the paths are built around needing one bit of utility to counter the entire path. Which most of the time she just isn’t able to do. Her damage is thankfully half-decent, although, for an ability called demonic rampage, it does feel more like a toddler attempting to knock over a Jenga tower. Not to mention her regen off the SP1 is just sad.

No. 9:

In the number 9 spot, we have the physical manifestation of the Hatred felt by one angry Squirrel. Mangog had so much promise. On paper, he looked like a utility machine, the kind of thing I love in a champ. And he isn’t absolutely unusable, it’s just that he’s impractical. His pure damage rotation requires you to get hit, and while he might have damage mitigation, it isn’t nearly enough. And if you want to go for an SP1 rotation, his damage absolutely dies. His extra immunities don’t have nearly enough uptime at the start of the fight to be practical. You’re going to have to land at least 30 hits or so before you can actually get the first energy protection up, at which point you’re usually dead.

No. 8:

Frustratingly, Jubilee comes in 8th place. I still think she’s kind of underrated, but her issue is that she doesn’t do anything potently enough to be a real consideration for a lot of fights. That isn’t helped by not being able to gain prowess while under a firework surge, practically forcing you to choose between making her utility actually halfway effective, and having the fight not take 10 minutes. And all of these flaws are amplified by being in the most competitive class in the game

No. 7:

I’ve got to give 7th place to Overseer. He’s very new, so we could very well see him climb or descend the ranks in future, but right now this seems apt for him. Solid damage output, some pretty decent utility, but overall he’s not a champ that particularly stands out at anything in particular unfortunately. He’s a champ that might help progressing players, but once someone has a fairly decently sized roster, I think they’ll be looking elsewhere within their roster to do what he does

No. 6:

I had such high hopes for Jabari. Cleanse looked mental, anti-miss, and evade, coupled with really, really good damage. And she’s a good champ, I won’t deny that. But when push comes to shove, I haven’t seen anything more from her after the first CCP vids. The cleanse is good, but nowhere near as good as I think we all thought it would be. The anti-evade is still great, but we have so many skill champs that do it better and easier she struggles to compete in that department. Hunt takes too long to get into for her to be a viable miss counter. But really her main flaw is that her entire playstyle practically revolves around parries. Sure you can use the SP1 to build your hunt but it’s much slower and more difficult to capitalize upon. And her block proficiency is lower than it needs to be for that playstyle. It’s not quite a Cull situation, but it’s dangerously close

No. 5:

In what has to be one of the greatest comeback stories in recent MCOC memory, number 5 is Odin. His pre-fights are great, essentially making your entire roster mostly resistant to Shock, as well as pumping up damage numbers, especially on champs like Red Goblin. The issue was before his buff was that he was about effective in a quest as a plank of wood. Except a plank of wood would actually work every fight. Odinsleep was possibly the worst mechanic we had ever seen on a champ, maybe bar Diablo’s potions. But after his buff, he became an actually very decent champ on his own, and most importantly, able to work every fight. He’s still a bit light on the utility side of things for my liking, but being able to keep up True Strike for almost the entire fight is very good, using Killmonger for so long taught me that. Plus he’s surprisingly very tanky, this guy that can take blocked hits for days. He’s a bit rubbish for low healthpools, but he’s incredibly good against mid to high healthpools

No. 4:

A placement I was not expecting to make back in April, we have Silver Centurion in at number 4. Bleed immune, Shock immune, no crits, decent slow off the heavy and SP3, able to access a heal block off the SP1 which can go passive, access to shock and incinerate, pretty respectable damage output, and when at a high sig his block proficiency is amazing. Personally, I saw soloes of the first two summer of pain bosses with him, and going forward I really do think we’re going to see a lot more from this guy. Still hate that he’s another carbon copy though.

No. 3:

Time for a controversial placement. Number 3 is Stryfe. Stryfe has been out for 6 months now. And we have seen him do nothing. I haven’t seen him in war, AQ, questing, I’ve rarely heard of him being used in abyss or labyrinth. I think he’s a great champ, don’t get me wrong, he’s a fair bit above Silver Centurion on this list. He can counter unblockable, unstoppable, evade, deals energy damage, can get around passive damage like Thorns, reduces ability accuracy, access to shock, and some tremendous damage once ramped. He can do a lot. He just doesn’t seem to do a lot of it better than other options. He’s like a slightly better Jack of all trades but can do fewer trades overall in exchange for being slightly more potent at some of them. Maybe a piece of content comes out that allows him to shine, but right now it feels like he has no place in the game. I certainly don’t blame anyone for placing him in No. 2, I’ve seen some interesting stuff done with him.


Now, I know placing Mr. Negative above Stryfe must sound like heresy to some of you. But I really think this man is incredible. He absolutely does have a high skill cap, I won’t deny that, and I think his degen resist could be better (although the sig does compensate for some of that). He has the same nullify immunity that Overseer has, which is a nice bit of utility for a champ to have. His healing reversal, especially with Despair off the SP2 is incredible, it’s one of the best in the game, and it has a fairly decent uptime, especially if you’re playing aggressively. In addition, the ability to remove buffs from himself is incredibly handy for nodes like Icarus or champs like Mojo. Unfortunately, it still interacts with Dormammu’s sig for whatever reason. His damage when played well is pretty high. It is all based on debuffs, but so are most science champs and at least not many champs are immune to degen. Being able to access quite a few buffs and debuffs makes him viable for nodes like Diss Track and Buffed Up. But the thing that really elevates Mr. Negative is the evade on heavy. No, he’s not Quake, but this is unbelievably good for getting around mechanics and achieving openings in a fight, and it doesn’t even hamper his playstyle much at all. Is it optimal? Not necessarily. Plus, if you need to regen, he has a surprisingly beefy regen off the SP3

No. 1:

To absolutely no one’s surprise, the best champ this year so far is Shang Chi. Very, very high damage, incredibly easy access to slow, pretty much able to handle any debuffs, can counter autoblock and find openings through his unblockable and stun. And he can do Buffed up as an added bonus. He’s already proving himself and exemplifies why great champs are ones that aren’t trading off utility for damage, or damage for utility, a theme we have unfortunately seen frequently this year

And that is my ranking. As far as I’m concerned, the only champs I expect to leave a lasting impact on the game are the top 5. Even then, Silver Centurion, Stryfe, and Mr. Negative could very well fade into irrelevance. I don’t think they will, I think they’ll gain relevance, but it’s always possible the opposite occurs.

I’m not quite sure what’s going wrong with champs this year. On paper, almost every champ has looked amazing but when push has come to shove around half have fallen into complete irrelevance immediately. Either champs are tuned too low (See Mangog, Purgatory, and Jubilee), or they are set up to require sacrifice within their play style (See Super Skrull, Psycho-Man). Maybe it’s down to the buff program stretching devs too thin. The buffs are a separate conversation in their own right anyway.

There is hope on the horizon though. Hercules, from what we’ve seen, looks kind of stupid good, as much as I hate to say that (#Should’veVotedMorgan). My only reservation with what we’ve seen so far is his Special intercept mechanic, but the infuriate debuff looks like it might be able to offset that somewhat. And here’s hoping America Chavez is also amazing. Who knows whether she’ll be Mystic or Cosmic. The mystic class has a better record but Cosmic’s need help. And 2020 was pretty dire for the first 6 months or so. Maybe this year can be turned around yet.

Feel free to leave your rankings below, or just shout at me for mine. Either works.


  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    America Chavez is confirmed Mystic
    Also, I pretty much agree but swap Jabari and Centurion, and then swap Stryfe and Negative (or maybe make them tied at least)
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★

    America Chavez is confirmed Mystic
    Also, I pretty much agree but swap Jabari and Centurion, and then swap Stryfe and Negative (or maybe make them tied at least)

    Yeah, I wrote that before it was confirmed and forgot to change it😅
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★

    1) Shang-Chi
    2) Stryfe
    3) Mister Negative
    4) Silver Centurion
    5) Jabari
    6) Odin
    7) Jubilee
    8) Overseer
    9) Purgatory
    10) Mangog
    11) Pyscho-man
    12) Super-Skrull

    Purgatory was the biggest disappointment for me this year. Her whole kit is flawed, impractical and underwhelming.

    Absolutely. If there is one champ I wanted to be good this year, it’s purgatory. But her kit is just so inherently flawed. She could either get a tune up to make her situationally ok, but realistically she is the one champ I think need an overhaul this year. The soul mechanic hems her in way too much
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    I pretty much agree with this list, but I will say Stryfe is likely underrepresented in the community at this point. The Featured Champs from the last featured pool was abysmal, first time I've ever skipped a a feature crystal. You may start to see him more now that he's in basic.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Odin is better than Silver Centurion IMO

    Don’t (Odin) Sleep on him
  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    1) Shang-Chi
    2) Stryfe
    3) Mister Negative
    4) Jabari
    5) Odin
    6) Silver Centurion
    7) Jubilee
    8) Overseer
    9) Purgatory
    10) Mangog
    11) Pyscho-man
    12) Super-Skrull

    For me it'd be like this. 1-6 are champs I'd rank up, 7-12 probably wouldn't rank up.

    A couple of thing tho, Mister negative also depends on parry so it's pretty much like jabari, I think these are similar champions since they both are mostly DOT champs, need to parry a lot, damage has to be cycled and they both have some aditional features like shrug off debuffs from jabari.

    The reason I put Silver Centurion as 6 is because he really need to be awakened, otherwise is not that good (I have a 6 stars unawekened version), he can be really really good but in order for the damage to grow up and keep being consistent, he needs to be awakened.
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  • TatteshwarTatteshwar Member Posts: 199 ★★★
    Good post but you heavily undersold Jabari Panther yet, common players do not have access to her yet but she's very very good, has amazing utility with great and non hassle of uptime, has super good damage with deep Wounds and since when did a champ being parry reliant become a flaw ? Parry is the bread and butter of the game and her rotation isn't even stressful

    Her being below odin seems a little disrespectful
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    A very well and thoughtful write up on personal experiences.

    I spent enough on feature 5* crystals to max out my 5* dormammu. He started at sig 60, I got no odin or stryfe. What a horrible crystal that was.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    A very well and thoughtful write up on personal experiences.

    I spent enough on feature 5* crystals to max out my 5* dormammu. He started at sig 60, I got no odin or stryfe. What a horrible crystal that was.

    Ouch. Hopefully the next one is better
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    A very well and thoughtful write up on personal experiences.

    I spent enough on feature 5* crystals to max out my 5* dormammu. He started at sig 60, I got no odin or stryfe. What a horrible crystal that was.

    Ouch. Hopefully the next one is better
    Still 22 days left in this one, keep on trying. I’ve got nothing to lose.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Imagine how different that list would be if Silver Centurion hasn’t gotten his spam mechanic removed
  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    A lil comparison to 2020:
    They had to do 3 tuneups in the first 12 releases of 2020 (moleman terrax nova), hopefully they will do the same and have a re-look at superskrull psychoman and purgatory.

    Also a lot of powerhouses came in the second half of 2020, hopefully the 2nd mutant month of this year will deliver though it will be hard to top profx and big daddy apoc.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    I want to get a mangog, mn, or centurion so bad. I keep hearing mixed things about them all and I want to test them

    Nice list! Psycho Man could've been a bit higher, but it's very solid
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Good post but you heavily undersold Jabari Panther yet, common players do not have access to her yet but she's very very good, has amazing utility with great and non hassle of uptime, has super good damage with deep Wounds and since when did a champ being parry reliant become a flaw ? Parry is the bread and butter of the game and her rotation isn't even stressful

    Her being below odin seems a little disrespectful

    The issue with her being parry reliant to me is that she has significantly below average block proficiency, making her take a fair bit of chip damage to execute her rotation

    While I think Jabari is better on her own than Odin, odins pre fights take him above her simply due to their overall impact on an account. He basically makes any champion you have able to take shock fights. He could even take spot no 4.
    I’d really just suggest the Elsa or Tigra synergy, letting her gain charges on intercepts too. I wish it was part of her base kit but a synergy with two great champions means it’s not dead weight. It honestly transforms her playstyle and gives you so much more flexibility
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Only reason I want Mangog is for the CB synergy
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Crcrcrc said:

    I want to get a mangog, mn, or centurion so bad. I keep hearing mixed things about them all and I want to test them

    Nice list! Psycho Man could've been a bit higher, but it's very solid

    I’ve had a little play with my R2 Mangog and I’m really not impressed. On paper he’s not bad but he’s not practical in reality. The heavy charging damage only really works if you’re baiting melee specials and can get good spacing and frankly it’s still not that special. Other than that his awakened ability numbers are a joke. +4 critical damage/hatred with a max stack of 10 hatred is pathetic for a 6*R2
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    edited July 2021
    It kinda disappoints me that everyone doesn't give Mangog respect. I R3'd mine for defense but have found a lot of fun and viability in his playstyle. I personally am a fan of the 'vengeance' playstyle that revolves around you smartly taking a hit here or there to maximize potential. I was an ace with Aegon, and Mangog fits my aggressive playstyle beautifully. Is he perfect? Absolutely not. His sig is useless, Hatred takes far too long to build with either rotation, the Recoil reduction should be permanent in my opinion, and only Staggering in Rage is disappointing if you're not L1ing. But his useful immunities, ability to always safely fire off an L2, and absolutely monstrous heavy damage make him more than valid over stuff like Jubilee, Overseer, and honestly even Odin at times. Odin gets a pass for his team support, but Mangog should not be slept on.

    Otherwise, you vastly underrate Jabari, whose bleed damage can outclass Nick's even outside of the Hunt, and her Cleanse is FAR better than you're letting on. Name a champ who is not immune to Incinerate OR Poison that isn't Quake or Ghost that can do Hazard Shift reliably. Go on, I'm waiting....
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
    YoMoves said:

    It kinda disappoints me that everyone doesn't give Mangog respect. I R3'd mine for defense but have found a lot of fun and viability in his playstyle. I personally am a fan of the 'vengeance' playstyle that revolves around you smartly taking a hit here or there to maximize potential. I was an ace with Aegon, and Mangog fits my aggressive playstyle beautifully. Is he perfect? Absolutely not. His sig is useless, Hatred takes far too long to build with either rotation, the Recoil reduction should be permanent in my opinion, and only Staggering in Rage is disappointing if you're not L1ing. But his useful immunities, ability to always safely fire off an L2, and absolutely monstrous heavy damage make him more than valid over stuff like Jubilee, Overseer, and honestly even Odin at times. Odin gets a pass for his team support, but Mangog should not be slept on.

    Otherwise, you vastly underrate Jabari, whose bleed damage can outclass Nick's even outside of the Hunt, and her Cleanse is FAR better than you're letting on. Name a champ who is not immune to Incinerate OR Poison that isn't Quake or Ghost that can do Hazard Shift reliably. Go on, I'm waiting....

    I’m certainly interested to hear from a Mangog player. Sounds like you’re getting a lot of use out of him.

    As for someone who can do hazard shift reliably, um, Angela. Reading it back my criticism of Jabari was quite harsh, I do think she’s good champ. I wouldn’t change my placement but I should have highlighted her strengths more
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    It kinda disappoints me that everyone doesn't give Mangog respect. I R3'd mine for defense but have found a lot of fun and viability in his playstyle. I personally am a fan of the 'vengeance' playstyle that revolves around you smartly taking a hit here or there to maximize potential. I was an ace with Aegon, and Mangog fits my aggressive playstyle beautifully. Is he perfect? Absolutely not. His sig is useless, Hatred takes far too long to build with either rotation, the Recoil reduction should be permanent in my opinion, and only Staggering in Rage is disappointing if you're not L1ing. But his useful immunities, ability to always safely fire off an L2, and absolutely monstrous heavy damage make him more than valid over stuff like Jubilee, Overseer, and honestly even Odin at times. Odin gets a pass for his team support, but Mangog should not be slept on.

    Otherwise, you vastly underrate Jabari, whose bleed damage can outclass Nick's even outside of the Hunt, and her Cleanse is FAR better than you're letting on. Name a champ who is not immune to Incinerate OR Poison that isn't Quake or Ghost that can do Hazard Shift reliably. Go on, I'm waiting....

    I’m certainly interested to hear from a Mangog player. Sounds like you’re getting a lot of use out of him.

    As for someone who can do hazard shift reliably, um, Angela. Reading it back my criticism of Jabari was quite harsh, I do think she’s good champ. I wouldn’t change my placement but I should have highlighted her strengths more
    Ah, but one of those champs needs to be at or near sig 200. The other needs no dupe at all.

    Mangog is a flawed champ, but what he does he does really well. I own a Doom, so it's not like I'm trying to use Mangog as a substitute (and I have Longshot and Man-Thing for that anyways). But sometimes it's just a lot of fun to use him when I need a bleed immune or the opponent is quite buff-heavy. MD works well in his favor with the army of staggers he can produce, and he can even handle Buffed Up while Enraged...though that's obviously not ideal. Where he honestly shines is an 8 second Unstoppable is not to be trifled with. Especially since you only need to take one hit to proc a big ol' Fury, it's a lot easier to simply let the opponent chip you and then retaliate for a big chunk of damage. Keep in mind with 10 Hatred he also has a humongous boost to his crit rating...though at 0 his crit rate is sub 5%.

    Could he use a tune-up? Yeah. He has nearly no base armor and his block proficiency is abysmal. His crit damage is poor, which is shameful when his crit rating is as wonky as it is. The big thing for me is offensively he should be able to keep up Hatred more easily. If P2099 basically went to being permanently in Overdrive, Mangog should be able to get into and return to Rage far more easily than he currently does. Perhaps also give him a more reliable Stagger, especially since he gains Hatred from buff nullification, and the only way he can deal with active buffs is to L3.

    Maybe give him a signature ability as well.
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