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What is symbiote Supreme honestly

Killswitch01Killswitch01 Posts: 677 ★★★
I don't know if anyone as noticed but this dude doesn't have a villain hero or a merc tag...

Making him completely useless in v7 and v6.
Is there a reason for this or is he just a watcher in the battlerealm


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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,325 ★★★★★
    Because sym supreme is classed as neither hero or villain or a merc like the children of thanos there not villains
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    ChikelChikel Posts: 2,074 ★★★★
    Mauled said:

    Chikel said:

    Neither does Massacre, G2099 and a lot of other champs

    Massacre is a merc

    But not a hero or villain
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    te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    he isn't the only one: all four members of the Thanos's Army, G2099, The Champion and The Overseer doesn't have a hero/villain/merc tag too. Not sure why, but they have benefits from this, like ganing power on the "Villany" node ^_^
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    SaiyanSaiyan Posts: 727 ★★★★
    Chikel said:

    Mauled said:

    Chikel said:

    Neither does Massacre, G2099 and a lot of other champs

    Massacre is a merc

    But not a hero or villain
    That's cuz they fall into a grey area most of the time. Good and Evil doesn't matter to who pays more is generally how it goes but they work for both sides at times when they want to.
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,250 ★★★★★
    Oh my ..did a mod really remove my comment? lol.
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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    fr was expecting something more philosophical from the title
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    A spider isn’t evil for catching a fly and eating it. A Symbiote isn’t even for taking over a body and/or eating to survive. Thanos army aren’t villains, just misplaced beliefs.
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    ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    A spider isn’t evil for catching a fly and eating it. A Symbiote isn’t even for taking over a body and/or eating to survive. Thanos army aren’t villains, just misplaced beliefs.

    A villain is the hero of the other side.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    Jaded said:

    A spider isn’t evil for catching a fly and eating it. A Symbiote isn’t even for taking over a body and/or eating to survive. Thanos army aren’t villains, just misplaced beliefs.

    A villain is the hero of the other side.
    Exactly. We are all just misguided from the views of the opposite.
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    Raichu626Raichu626 Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Jaded said:

    A spider isn’t evil for catching a fly and eating it. A Symbiote isn’t even for taking over a body and/or eating to survive. Thanos army aren’t villains, just misplaced beliefs.

    Then what is a villain?
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    Raichu626 said:

    Jaded said:

    A spider isn’t evil for catching a fly and eating it. A Symbiote isn’t even for taking over a body and/or eating to survive. Thanos army aren’t villains, just misplaced beliefs.

    Then what is a villain?
    I’m just messing around, but this is the reasoning we got from Kabam/Marvel when thanos’s army was released in the game. I’m merely spitballing it back at people in my own words.
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    Nick0609Nick0609 Posts: 71
    Saiyan said:

    I agree with you, he should be classed as a villain based on that description but sadly he's not.

    I R3d him a few days ago as a 6 star and he's been great going through act 7. He at least was VERY useful for V5 as well since he's both Mystic and Symbiote. Not every champs will be good for everything, even Quake has her limits.

    seems to me kabam has steered away from throwing out villain tags because of my boy blade, just speculation tho
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    Denzel116Denzel116 Posts: 537 ★★★

    He’s a symbiote :smile: and strong af

    This is honestly the best description
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    IKONIKON Posts: 1,343 ★★★★★
    mgj0630 said:

    Kabam plays a little lose with the tags in an effort to make them more difficult defenders.

    Take America Chavez this month. Everything about her screams "dimensional being", from her own base kit, to a synergy with dimensional beings, yes she herself, doesn't have a #dimensionalbeing tag.

    Why? Cause then Blade could shred her on his own vs needing synergies to get danger sense, and those synergies are of different classes that likely won't benefit the class boosts in her quest making the path much more difficult.

    Are we really still trying the "Kabam are anti Blade" argument in 2021? It was a bad argument in 2018, and it's borderline insane in 2021.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    mgj0630 said:

    Kabam plays a little lose with the tags in an effort to make them more difficult defenders.

    Take America Chavez this month. Everything about her screams "dimensional being", from her own base kit, to a synergy with dimensional beings, yes she herself, doesn't have a #dimensionalbeing tag.

    Why? Cause then Blade could shred her on his own vs needing synergies to get danger sense, and those synergies are of different classes that likely won't benefit the class boosts in her quest making the path much more difficult.

    Are we really still trying the "Kabam are anti Blade" argument in 2021? It was a bad argument in 2018, and it's borderline insane in 2021.
    Especially when it’s marvel that has the majority say in the tags 😂
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    Killswitch01Killswitch01 Posts: 677 ★★★

    He’s a symbiote :smile: and strong af

    Welp, can't argue with that
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    GNASTYGNASTY Posts: 348 ★★
    Saiyan said:

    Chikel said:

    Mauled said:

    Chikel said:

    Neither does Massacre, G2099 and a lot of other champs

    Massacre is a merc

    But not a hero or villain
    That's cuz they fall into a grey area most of the time. Good and Evil doesn't matter to who pays more is generally how it goes but they work for both sides at times when they want to.
    Pretty sure there a word for that…… someone who plays both sides depending on the price….
    Was it, mercenary???
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    Killswitch01Killswitch01 Posts: 677 ★★★
    GNASTY said:

    Saiyan said:

    Chikel said:

    Mauled said:

    Chikel said:

    Neither does Massacre, G2099 and a lot of other champs

    Massacre is a merc

    But not a hero or villain
    That's cuz they fall into a grey area most of the time. Good and Evil doesn't matter to who pays more is generally how it goes but they work for both sides at times when they want to.
    Pretty sure there a word for that…… someone who plays both sides depending on the price….
    Was it, mercenary???
    Yep that's the word
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,010 Guardian
    mgj0630 said:

    Kabam plays a little lose with the tags in an effort to make them more difficult defenders.

    Take America Chavez this month. Everything about her screams "dimensional being", from her own base kit, to a synergy with dimensional beings, yes she herself, doesn't have a #dimensionalbeing tag.

    Why? Cause then Blade could shred her on his own vs needing synergies to get danger sense, and those synergies are of different classes that likely won't benefit the class boosts in her quest making the path much more difficult.

    Dimensional beings aren't champions that just have a connection to extra or alternate dimensions. They aren't dimensional travelers, and aren't just visitors from other dimensions. They are beings whose power is sourced from other dimensions. Dormammu, Mephisto, and Ghost Rider are beings not just connected to other dimensions, but whose actual power originates from some other home dimension. Even Magik has power sourced from other dimensions. Although she is a human from Earth and has mutant abilities, her soul sword related abilities come from Limbo, which is to say the power itself taps into Limbo every time she uses them.

    Symbiote Supreme might come from another dimension but that doesn't make him a dimensional being any more than an alternate reality version of Justin Bieber would be a dimensional being. America Chavez might come from another dimension but my understanding is her powers are innate to her, they don't come from other dimensions. She might have gotten them because she was born in another dimension, but they work even if she has no contact with any other dimension. And her ability to open portals to other dimensions also doesn't automatically make her a dimensional being, as the ability to open those portals is itself not a dimensionally sourced power.

    The actual questionable ones are the Juggernaut and Unstoppable Colossus. In the current canon both are avatars of Cyttorak, which means both have power sourced from an extradimensional being. By the logic of the game, they should probably both be dimensional beings.
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