Summoner Event: Badly Designed

@Kabam Miike please, you and your team, watch this short video by Brian Grant:
It’s very, very hard not to agree with it. Forgetting to click this well hidden button is simply too easy, and you only need to miss it once to lose the final milestone.
This event design was not good, and you know it. Please make it right for the players.

It’s very, very hard not to agree with it. Forgetting to click this well hidden button is simply too easy, and you only need to miss it once to lose the final milestone.
This event design was not good, and you know it. Please make it right for the players.
This type of multi-step design—do this to get that, to open this and then claim something else that allows you to eventually acquire the thing you really want—has been a common theme for some of the past year’s events. I don’t think most players I know enjoy it.
But I think another layer is the difficulty the game is having right now generally. If mechanics are running fine, some of this can be overlooked. Since they aren’t, I feel like it simply tilts opinion further against a clunky event design.
Dr. Zola
Or, it's purposefully designed to make it almost guarenteed that people are going to miss a day or 2.
Kabam seem to have mistaken complication for involvement.
On top of AQ, AW and EQ an extra 10 fights a day (which would be more tolerable if the game wasn't acting up!) just don't seem worth it.
Very poor design.
What are your thoughts on this? Asking as you are also one of us players playing the game daily and 500 units would mean something to you too I guess.
Would also like to hear something From Kabam John, as in past he was involved in the players, guiding though incursions and other game modes. This Summoner event is a game mode too..
Dr. Zola
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Porthos
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Lyra
Please make this right for the players. This event was NEEDLESSLY confusing - I even bought the resort plus and I STILL don’t quite understand it. This doesn’t feel like summoner appreciation.
This feels like a way to punish summoners for not being able to find the hidden sunglasses everyday. The fact that it DOESN’T tell you that you to claim the Sunglasses with a notification like ANY OTHER claimed item in the game… it’s inefficient and frustrating fro the player base. I am sickened… there’s a reason why players flirt with quitting this game all the time.. and this is it.
That way you have to remember 1/7th the amount of claiming, you don’t have to scroll through 98 milestones to see what’s on offer, and you’re less likely to forget anything.
Also, there should be a grace week, nobody is benefitted by having stress inducing content for 98 days straight. And the notification for completing the event would be nice to have.
This event is unnecessarily complicated (the core of it is pretty simple; complete objectives->get solo event rewards) but all the added "facade" (the monetisation system, the notification system, etc.) makes it unnecessarily complex. The write-up makes it even worse.
Complications aside, the whole grace day and buying the pass for grace days intentions are really harsh and will frustrate many players. Not a great event.