Alliance Wars Season 28 [Merged Threads]



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,762 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    So this is the new trend we'll see for a while huh.

    Ghost and quake bans or people calling everything a nerf? Need you to be more specific lol
    Yes..... Lol
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 856 ★★★★
    Does true focus effect the dexterity mastery? Losing the ability to dex specials will have a bigger impact than not being able to use a couple of champs
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,945 Guardian

    Does true focus effect the dexterity mastery? Losing the ability to dex specials will have a bigger impact than not being able to use a couple of champs

    it doesnt. Herc Cav Eq boss has true focus.
  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★

    it’s only final boss so i don’t understand guys writing you nerfed quake or mr negative for it. they were already useless in the final boss node. and yeah i don’t have any problems with this tbh. let the people use new different options instead of cheesing something quick. we’ll start to see domino bosses and also officers will try to prevent corvus ramp ups. it’ll be interesting. good luck everyone.

    It’s all of the boss island, not just the final boss
    oh it’s even better 🤩🤩🤩. finally we won’t see quake and ghost cheese everywhere. and trust me this will also harm piloting in high tiers because of the quake situation.
  • MightyDZAMightyDZA Member Posts: 20
    My main problem with this is that I feel like this is somehow the answer to the community asking Kabam to make the rest of our rosters more relevant. Limiting certain champion’s use does not equate to making other champs more relevant. I have no problem using other champs in war, but I do have a problem that the pool of usable champs isn’t as diverse or as large as it should be…and taking away some of the best options rather than figuring out how to make other options viable is the larger issue to me.

  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    I understand that Kabam is "working hard" to get war where they want it to ultimately land. But if these efforts are any indication, each iteration just makes it worse. You can put all the lipstick on a pig that you want....still a pig.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★


    We can’t nerf them outright so we will add nodes to diminish their viability. We know it takes skill to use them at their best and that is unfair to those people who can’t play them.

    There is no reason for this to happen. Those of us who use “those champs” know that we have a “cheat code” to 90% of the game. But to flat out remove our ability to play at our best is asinine, sorry not sorry.

    There goes me having fun in War. So now I have to use champs I don’t like playing.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Reward increase from the obvious increase in difficulty?
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    So now every player on path 2 will have to bring nick fury to counter void and all the debuffs being placed on you. That will be so enjoyable
  • DjmagsDjmags Member Posts: 115
    War should have a set number of exactly the same nodes on each tile. Then the attacker can keep on or turn off as many of these as possible. The more they keep on the more points they get for that tile. That way if people want to quake or ghost they can but they get less points.
  • KriskrizKriskriz Member Posts: 17
    I don't always play monthly quests and stuff
    I only play AQ & AW, got work
    AQ is like a job, boring, need to do
    AW! It's the only mode I enjoy and have fun
    I like using my Ghost in AW
    AW is the only reason, I like MCOC
    Decisions like these will make the situation even worse and will lose interest
    AW already been attached with Defender tatics
    That can counter miss/evade
  • KriskrizKriskriz Member Posts: 17
    Like Stubborn
  • KriskrizKriskriz Member Posts: 17
    We have issues with events, quests, bugs etc..
    Now AW is getting infected

    Slowly we can also see AQ nodes having true strike/true focus

    When comes to AQ, plan to decrease the number of tickets need to join AQ
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    I’d have honestly preferred just a flat out ghost quake can’t take boss island fights gate, other miss and evade champs shouldn’t suffer because of those 2

    I agree with this 100%, there are a lot of other champs that are getting hurt in these soft attempts to remove quake and ghost from aw
  • MightyDZAMightyDZA Member Posts: 20
    Djmags said:

    War should have a set number of exactly the same nodes on each tile. Then the attacker can keep on or turn off as many of these as possible. The more they keep on the more points they get for that tile. That way if people want to quake or ghost they can but they get less points.

    It would bring individual skill into the equation more, as well as a huge risk/reward factor that could potentially create the separation between good and Great War allys. Good idea mate!

  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    theham said:

    Seraphion said:

    Haven't you learned from the massive negative feedback from last month cavalier skill node that had global healblock?

    Noone likes this stuff. If you can't get creative with nodes that you have to slap a healblock on everything then you need to go back to the drawing board. Poor decision making.

    I can kinda understand the Quake ban on mini boss Island bc she plays the game by not playing the game but I don't really understand the the Ghost ban.

    She is strong I know that but I kept using her less and less since you introduced so many general Ghost counters (I don't not argue against that even tho I don't like it)

    I mean half the new champ introductions have some counters to her so I don't think we need to double down on that.

    Btw the tie-breaker is nice 👍🏻

    100%. Everyone hated heal block in EQ so why add it to the most stressful game mode?
    Well bc f you. That's why :D
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    why would you rank ghost specifically for aw though she works almost everywhere

    The fact this statement got disagreed so much shows how ridiculous the forums can be and the toxic that stays here. Ghost is arguably the best 6* in the game and is absolutely amazing in every game mode saying you ranked her for aw minis only either tells me you are lying and are just sour that they try to minimise her there or you actually have no idea how great she is and in that case i pity you.
    I actually have a 6* Ghost who benchwarms 99.99999999% of the time I HATE playing her. I will use her for specific nodes fights and that’s about it. I have more fun playing other champs even if they are less viable.

    Same with Doom, I have a max rank, almost max sig 5* Doom that is played with maybe once or twice a month.

    Just because a champ is “the best on the game” doesn’t mean they are fun to play for everyone. Id rather bring a champ that I enjoy using to 99% of my fights and use Ghost/Doom for those 1-3 fights in AW. So I can see why someone would only rank for a few reasons.
    I wasnt trying to argue whether you find her fun or not and neither was anyone else. She is useful everywhere and a great champ to rank and have whether you enjoy them or not. I dont find much fun in playing magneto but you can bet ill use him if theres anything metal.
    I wasn’t arguing either. And your statement about Magneto was exactly the point I was trying to make. I know she is useful but I only use her as a last resort.

    Tomato tomahto
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    theham said:

    What are the devs trying to achieve by adding more heal block? These changes were intended to reduce problems, not make them worse.

    Every player in tier 1 heals to full or close to it before entering a fight and almost nobody assigns or brings in attackers that have regen in their toolkits just so they can heal and cost Kabam a revive or two.

    All heal block does is hurt suicide users *not* for trying to heal but for trying to stay at equilibrium at best. It's punishment and very petty.

    So don't use them if you take those fights 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Mauled said:

    Use other champs jesus. True focus may or may not be the way to go about it but I agree with Kabam's mentality. This game is all about change and evolution and exploring the breadth of your roster.

    One of the main reasons I took my Ghost to R3 was for AW. The only reason I learned how to Quake was to use her in AW. Targeting nodes to nerf ghost/quake says more about their balancing issues and champion design philosophy than anything else. Seriously though, I’ve spent ~6-8 months investing every 6* sig stone I have into Ghost and her use for me is now significantly reduced if I can’t use her on the two hardest fights in AW.
    You honestly regret your ghost and quake investments because of AW? I honestly find that difficult to believe simply because both still have plenty of use elsewhere.
    I haven’t used Quake outside of AW ever. I pulled her after 100% Act 6 and only learned her for AW. AW is the only part if the game that is remotely competitive, hence the large investment into a meta champ
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,796 ★★★★★

    Mauled said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Mauled said:

    Use other champs jesus. True focus may or may not be the way to go about it but I agree with Kabam's mentality. This game is all about change and evolution and exploring the breadth of your roster.

    One of the main reasons I took my Ghost to R3 was for AW. The only reason I learned how to Quake was to use her in AW. Targeting nodes to nerf ghost/quake says more about their balancing issues and champion design philosophy than anything else. Seriously though, I’ve spent ~6-8 months investing every 6* sig stone I have into Ghost and her use for me is now significantly reduced if I can’t use her on the two hardest fights in AW.
    You honestly regret your ghost and quake investments because of AW? I honestly find that difficult to believe simply because both still have plenty of use elsewhere.
    I haven’t used Quake outside of AW ever. I pulled her after 100% Act 6 and only learned her for AW. AW is the only part if the game that is remotely competitive, hence the large investment into a meta champ
    IDK how large an investment a 5* R5 is anymore. If you made the same argument for a 6* Ghost it would be a little more compelling. I wonder how many people would rank down Quake and Ghost if they gave champion specific rank down tickets.
    i definitely wouldn't rank mine down just because they weren't useful in AW. as always, adapt and onward!
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Mauled said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Mauled said:

    Use other champs jesus. True focus may or may not be the way to go about it but I agree with Kabam's mentality. This game is all about change and evolution and exploring the breadth of your roster.

    One of the main reasons I took my Ghost to R3 was for AW. The only reason I learned how to Quake was to use her in AW. Targeting nodes to nerf ghost/quake says more about their balancing issues and champion design philosophy than anything else. Seriously though, I’ve spent ~6-8 months investing every 6* sig stone I have into Ghost and her use for me is now significantly reduced if I can’t use her on the two hardest fights in AW.
    You honestly regret your ghost and quake investments because of AW? I honestly find that difficult to believe simply because both still have plenty of use elsewhere.
    I haven’t used Quake outside of AW ever. I pulled her after 100% Act 6 and only learned her for AW. AW is the only part if the game that is remotely competitive, hence the large investment into a meta champ
    IDK how large an investment a 5* R5 is anymore. If you made the same argument for a 6* Ghost it would be a little more compelling. I wonder how many people would rank down Quake and Ghost if they gave champion specific rank down tickets.
    I.have a R5 Quake and R3 Ghost. I personally would rather both just get deleted from the game altogether and resource refunds issued. I basically never use either bc I think they're incredibly cheap and only have them ranked even in case some ridiculously unbalanced content comes out or if I decide to do a legend run. They're both terrible for game balance and should have been phased out ages ago
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,570 ★★★★★

    Mauled said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Mauled said:

    Use other champs jesus. True focus may or may not be the way to go about it but I agree with Kabam's mentality. This game is all about change and evolution and exploring the breadth of your roster.

    One of the main reasons I took my Ghost to R3 was for AW. The only reason I learned how to Quake was to use her in AW. Targeting nodes to nerf ghost/quake says more about their balancing issues and champion design philosophy than anything else. Seriously though, I’ve spent ~6-8 months investing every 6* sig stone I have into Ghost and her use for me is now significantly reduced if I can’t use her on the two hardest fights in AW.
    You honestly regret your ghost and quake investments because of AW? I honestly find that difficult to believe simply because both still have plenty of use elsewhere.
    I haven’t used Quake outside of AW ever. I pulled her after 100% Act 6 and only learned her for AW. AW is the only part if the game that is remotely competitive, hence the large investment into a meta champ
    IDK how large an investment a 5* R5 is anymore. If you made the same argument for a 6* Ghost it would be a little more compelling. I wonder how many people would rank down Quake and Ghost if they gave champion specific rank down tickets.
    I.have a R5 Quake and R3 Ghost. I personally would rather both just get deleted from the game altogether and resource refunds issued. I basically never use either bc I think they're incredibly cheap and only have them ranked even in case some ridiculously unbalanced content comes out or if I decide to do a legend run. They're both terrible for game balance and should have been phased out ages ago
    Pretty much. How often have you heard the solution of just use quake or ghost for nearly all content. They aren't necessarily broken but it's definitely time to move on to newer things
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