Simple Trick to buff more than 3 champs a month.

Why can't we have a good synergy every month and buff some decent champs that way.
None of the buffed champs next month have any good synergy for other champs.
If suppose you gave a synergy like
Critical bleed to say gwenpool,Blade,Daredevil HK
or If you gave Power Sting Synergy having 20% chance to apply Sting on basic attacks for 30% or attack value to Yellow Jacket,Vulture or Mysterio it would be so cool.
Why can't we have a good synergy every month and buff some decent champs that way.
None of the buffed champs next month have any good synergy for other champs.
If suppose you gave a synergy like
Critical bleed to say gwenpool,Blade,Daredevil HK
or If you gave Power Sting Synergy having 20% chance to apply Sting on basic attacks for 30% or attack value to Yellow Jacket,Vulture or Mysterio it would be so cool.
A cable buff where he gets that synergy ability would have been better than getting the synergy. Same in this scenario, just buff the champs
Also, That would make content like summer of pain with single champ fights..painful.. Buffed champs like Diablo and Kingpin were useful in clearing those fights.. which wouldnt have been possible without actual buffs
Back during 12.0 one of the things players revolted for was Kabam wanted to add a "Gear" system in the game and players said no. Like a BIG no. Now players THINK they won that fight but we lost anyway.
Does anyone realize unique synergies are technically a "gear" system? Now hold on before you spam "DISAGREE" let me explain.
Gear in most games and other Kabam games are things you attach or bring along to make some champs better overall and generally with stats or abilities. Now tell me, does that not sound like how synergies are implemented in game currently?
Now instead of having something like "Body armor: This equipment gives the champ(s) 10% health" we have "this champ gives another champ or the whole team 10% health". Y'all realize that we have to have a WHOLE OTHER CHAMP for the way they actually brought gear to the game yeah? Kabam ain't dumb, they never were, they just did it another way.
Anyway, looking forward to when Relics come to the game lol (that was sarcasm)
Take a look at this screenshot from an old YouTube video (WBangca what a throwback)
I doubt Kabam were like oh, players didn’t like gear, let’s introduce new synergies.
To back this up, that the gear was just a rumour. Take a look at this seatin video from the time, go to 4:05 for the gear conversation. Just after the 12.0 update essentially, these gears rumours started flying around propagated by a guy called RoninNupe, who was a well respected member of the community who did a lot of interesting write ups, but he basically guaranteed gear was coming and a lot of people got riled up.
And here’s a screenshot from a post by a Kabam dev who addressed the gear rumour
What kabam did say was this (Seatin’s video crops some out but you get the idea)
So it confirms kabam were thinking about some sort of customisation, but I heavily, heavily doubt they meant unique synergies. Remember that 12.0 came out in March 2017, and I believe the first unique synergy was July of that same year, a few months after. We all know how much in advance kabam work, I really don’t think they would be talking about something “if we do it some day” while referring to unique synergies that came out a few months later.
So TLDR: I don’t think kabam brought out unique synergies to replace gear, what’s more likely is they were thinking about potentially relics, if that was even a concept at the time 4 years ago
Uhh, have you been playing mcoc for years now? If so then you know Kabam, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda and other game companies do a ton of things in game that players don't like. You think Kabam are the exception to that?
They didn't do it cuz players somehow got Disney excs involved during 12.0, that was by far the biggest boycott players had in MCOC history and it did work in some ways but not all.
Here's the thing, so far Kabam have really put in the effort to make the game better aside from the bugs that happen all the time. Buffing champs as much as they do makes the game feel so much better because unlike say 2020 or 2019, you're not struggling to find counters or the right champs for things anymore cuz you may already had said right champ who just got buffed.
Don't you or anyone however go thinking Kabam are your friends or that they like us. It's about making money at the end of the day it's a FTP game so they gotta do what they can. The develops who make the game aren't in charge of big decisions, that's the people in suits who don't even play games (probably in this case) and only care about the bottom line (Cyberpunk 2099 is the most recent example of this).
So before you jump to the defense of any game company remember they WILL do things to make more money. They do however at times do really good things for players so I can't say no there. How many people are truly excited for Relics for example? Yeah some are but from what I've seen, most aren't and Kabam are gonna do it anyway. Hopefully it's done in a way to make the game more fun and NOT more RNG, more grinding, more spending.
In that post, the kabam dev also said that the changes weren’t forced on by management
They had no reason to lie in this post, they’ve literally admitted being wrong and messing it up, if they thought about bringing gear in and the community didn’t like it they would have said that’s the reason. Whether you want to believe that or not is up to you, but this is all sounding a little tin foil hat to me.
Just to clarify, I’m not “defending kabam”, just what actually happened. It seems like you’re suiting the facts to your opinion that gear was coming, and unique synergies replaced that.
Rather than the deriving an opinion from the facts, which are as follows.
- Kabam didn’t want to bring gear from the Chinese game, and have confirmed that.
- Unique synergies occurred months after 12.0, which is far too quick a turnaround considering we know they create champs and content up to a year in advance.
- kabam confirmed that management (I assume you’re referring to Disney execs) didn’t tell them to do 12.0
That's not true, no one in their right mind would rank up their Cable 🤣
Plus, even if unique synergies came up because people didn't like gear, their implementation and style of monetisation are totally different. Synergies are basically just getting a champion as fast as you can so that you can pair him up with other champions. Gear on the other hand if implemented in it's traditional sense which was done in MROC, involves acquiring the champion itself and then different gear separately.
The reason we didn't get gear ported from the Chinese version of MCOC is almost certainly because of what gear's purpose in that game was. Although this is an oversimplification, Asian F2P games are generally monetized completely differently from western F2P games because there are gigantic cultural differences in how players accept monetization. In western games, "pay to win" is a derogatory description of a game. It implies money is more important than gameplay, and the western gaming culture holds gameplay excellence in much higher regard than spending.
Again, oversimplifying to a degree, in Asian gaming culture pay to win is not generally derogatory. Instead, spending in a game is seen as just an extension of spending in the rest of your life. If you spend a lot of money to buy a good house, you should be proud of your house. If you spend a lot of money on a nice car, you should feel proud to show off your expensive car. And if you spend a lot of money on your online game account, you should feel proud to show off your online game account. Players thus tend to gravitate towards games where this is possible: where spending has a large visible impact. Here in the west, gameplay is how you build an account. In Asia, gameplay is what you do inside your expensive decked out account.
If money doesn't buy you a lot of value, games in Asia simply tend not to do well. They have to be more pay to win than in the west, because that's what players want. Gear in the Chinese MCOC was intended to serve that function, at least as far as I could see at the time. And the problem was it didn't do it well enough. My understanding is that one of the things that hurt the Chinese version of MCOC is that it wasn't pay to win enough. Money didn't translate into enough value. You could get all that stuff just by playing, which is a plus in the west but in Asia it means spenders can't show off spending as well. You can show off your expensive stuff, and someone else can basically laugh at you and show you the exact same stuff earned in the game for no money. Which means all that money spent on the game was actually worthless.
Basically, the gear in the Chinese MCOC was too pay to win for the western MCOC, but not pay to win enough in China. It didn't get ported back here because it was intended to serve a purpose there that doesn't exist here.
Kabam said they didn’t want to add gear into the global version in the same post as they admitted to a royal mess up, they had no reason to lie.
It is important that gear be a "thing" because in general when we talk about gear we aren't talking about individual pieces of gear in isolation, but rather gear systems. Gear generally operates within a set of systems involving how players acquire it, how they use it, how they improve it, trade it, repair and dispose of it. Situational improvements that are not "things" in the context of the game are typically not considered gear because none of those systems generally applies to character improvements that are not "things" in the game. For example, if I'm playing a buffer in an MMO and I apply a buff to a team mate, that is not gear. The buff might do all the things a piece of gear might do, but it is not a thing. It is not something that character owns, equips, or in any way could participate in the kinds of systems that surround actual gear.
Synergies in MCOC function more like player to player buffs in a multiplayer MMO than they do gear. They are situational buffs that exist simply because two different characters are on the same team. The fact that we control both characters doesn't change that situation. If I multibox an MMO, that doesn't turn the characters I control into gear.
It is an interesting idea, but I don't think synergies fit the concept of gear in enough ways to make the idea workable in practice. Unless you want to conceptualize MCOC in terms of the "character" you control as the actual team, and the individual champions as gear slotted into that single entity. Which is weird, and I'm not sure in what way it would be a useful conceptualization.