[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Member Posts: 114

    Another thing is it’s not fair fair your AO can go fast as it wants when ever it wants but it’s ok for to lag and not be able to keep up with your system. Then you guys want to say it’s our connection or our phones. I guess phones suck in general kabam but that’s why you don’t want us using a computer. Then it would not lag nowhere as bad. We’d be able keep up with AI. Can’t have that now can we? Get this fix before you lose a lot more paying customers. You have already lost whales players over this and some other things you refuse to fix. We as a community would really appreciate the game getting fixed.
  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67


    Another thing is it’s not fair fair your AO can go fast as it wants when ever it wants but it’s ok for to lag and not be able to keep up with your system. Then you guys want to say it’s our connection or our phones. I guess phones suck in general kabam but that’s why you don’t want us using a computer. Then it would not lag nowhere as bad. We’d be able keep up with AI. Can’t have that now can we? Get this fix before you lose a lot more paying customers. You have already lost whales players over this and some other things you refuse to fix. We as a community would really appreciate the game getting fixed.

    My iPhone XR get same issues with lags and crashes, that’s really fun playing this game with 10 FPS. My alliance and some friends have same problems with laggy gameplay. I don’t think kabam fix this, because I don’t hear any word from them about lags and crashes, about parry- yes, but parry fix isn’t main issue for most people
  • chaos12996chaos12996 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    IGN : C H A O S
    Device and model: ipad 6th gen
    Software version : 14.4
    Cellular or wifi: wifi
    Game version : latest
    Game mode : quest,aq,aw,arena

    The game crashes every 5 min. I play aw and aq it crashes. I did a run in monthly cav quest it crashed 4 times during one path. It crashes every two rounds in arena . How the f am i supposed to play the game. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling but did not work. If anyone knows a way to fix let me know. Btw it works perfectly fine on my android device
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  • WingflyerWingflyer Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name. Wingflyer
    Device and Model: (Example, iPhone 7) IPad 6
    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.” IOS 14.6
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier? Only use WIFI
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. 32.0.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. All, including managing inventory.
    Description of the Issue: Crashes in the middle of combat, maneuvering through the map, etc.
  • WingflyerWingflyer Member Posts: 3
    Also, when there is a crash during a fight, there is a good chance that the opponent regains all their life, and my champion doesn't.
  • chaos12996chaos12996 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    Guys i updated my ipad to 14.7 and the game is pretty stable after that. No more crashes
  • WingflyerWingflyer Member Posts: 3
    Good advice. Everything's stable since I updated my iPad too.
  • Beeboybeyonder19Beeboybeyonder19 Member Posts: 4
    I been using way more revives than we get and I don’t usually have to. I kno there is an issue but plz fix it quickly..: I am a 1 pay check for the family guy. Can’t be spending loads of money in this game and it’s forcing me to spend to complete AQ I’m gonna have to ask my alli to assist on completing and that’s a serious pain as they are experiencing the same thing. We need the issues fix d
  • The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Member Posts: 114

    Guys i updated my ipad to 14.7 and the game is pretty stable after that. No more crashes

    Crashing really wasn’t the issue tho. It’s the lag and control issues. My iPhone is up to date and still lags horribly. So bad that during a fight I’ll be in mid combo and the opponent can start hitting me. This is total BS and the developers should be ashamed of themselves letting this go this long! A lot of pay good money to play this game and it feels like we are getting **** on!

    *********** Attention Developers**************
    Fix your programming and AI so we can play play a fair game. Right now it’s totally unfair we can’t control our champs the way we command them to.
  • rcrawfordbrcrawfordb Member Posts: 15
    In-Game Name: rcrawfordb

    Device and Model: iPad, 6th Gen

    Device Operating System: iOS, 14.6

    Cellular or WiFi: The tablet is WiFi only

    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0

    Game Mode: Alliance War Defense Tactic selector

    Description of the Issue: I cannot set the Alliance War Defense Tactics, see video attached

  • Jackson1167Jackson1167 Member Posts: 69
    iPhone 7+
    Game version 32.0
    Version 14.6
    Game constantly lagging parry dex issues the game is constantly loading every time I log in even after 30 sec white boxes appear on the screen then the game crashes during story event and arena if it doesn’t crash completely it freezes for a few seconds then keeps going but the biggest problem is during long fights example act 5 ultranationalist boss my game has crashed several times during this fight it’s costing revives when there not needed also double the fight time it’s annoying I love this game and am currently in lockdown with not a lot else to do I’m trying to finish content that I usually don’t have time to do so please look into and fix this issue
  • Jackson1167Jackson1167 Member Posts: 69
    It’s on WiFi and cellular thanks
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    As well as the noted inability to dex with normal timing (or parry reliably) dropping inputs mid combo, the specials inputs are a mess as well, seems there are dead spots after attacks when you can no longer fire you’re special, there is also a lag between specials, doom can no longer reliably l1 into an l2 without having a chance at being hit by a special in between
    iPhone 8 14.6 and downloaded today’s update of game, playing over wifi
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I’m embarrassed at the state of the game right now, third restart on the eq darkhawk level, it’s really hard to bait l2 then use parry technique when parry isn’t working half the time, that’s 40 minutes of my day gone, zero fun right now, just grind and annoyance, plus half the time I steal his unstoppable he still has it
  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2021
    Copied from my now locked thread..

    There are carryovers from last month, including:
    Animations jarring on start of’Fight’ all the way to the first parry. But only at the start.
    The parry occasionally still bugging out (oddly not in arena issue for me).

    Now I’ve found this:
    Wasp’s movement is slow. If left to glide toward opponents this movement is very slow, it’s weird to watch.
    Human Torch, against Spiked Armour his S1 gets reflected damage. But this is all non-contact right?

    iOS 14.6 ifone 8
    No boosts, home WiFi.
  • Isaias11perezIsaias11perez Member Posts: 3
    Isaias11perez my game is not working at all… can’t login … I deleted the game and reinstalled still not working… I’m on a iPad Pro new update on both the game and my iPad… i was playing yesterday and then the game crashed and wouldn’t come back on
  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    Update. Hyp is getting reflected S1 damage v Spiked also. These are crits, but ranged. It’s making A5 a grim walk..
  • WoowerinnWoowerinn Member Posts: 55
    Hi guys
    Now we get every week compensation because of the issues, i appreciate thanks but…why we get map chrystal, and why just AQ potion??The issues apply all gameplay so if I lose War fight mostly i use units to recover my team.So we should get war potion too..or unit.And what will happen with the war season delay?That mean we should get war season reward but there is no war season etc…so dont be ridiculous this compensation we should get more or something other than map chrystal;D

  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    I appreciate the items given out following the (seemingly getting worse) parry issue, I am getting picked apart in A5.4!
    My 6* Domino never got a single hit in and is now KO. I’ll have to start from scratch and hope for the best, or inhale most of the creds Kabam have given out. So frustrating
  • Mj3lnirMj3lnir Member Posts: 16
    IGN: Mj3lnir
    Device: iPad (6th Gen)
    iOS: 14.7.1
    Game Version: 32.1.0

    The game is right now nearly unplayable. It keeps crashing every couple of minutes.
    Super frustrating
  • EoD_BawsEoD_Baws Member Posts: 21

    Hi Summoners!

    Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.

    As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.

    If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the iOS version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.

    This thread is for iOS users only.

    In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
    Device and Model: (Example, iPhone 7)
    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.”
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number.
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.

    Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.

    iPhone 12 Pro
    Latest iOS
    WiFi/Cellular (Three UK)
    All modes of gameplay

    Fights taking sometimes several minutes to enter and constant disconnection from the game.
  • CoachKCoachK Member Posts: 6
    it is great to get the aq/aw compensation. thx. but we also have to finish other content and the parry bug is costing us much more than aq/aw revives and glory. this is costing me alot of units and questing revives and potions. I think compensation needs to happen for that again soon. I know you told us not to take on challenging content, but it has been a month and a half now, are we not supposed to play anymore? I like this game too much not to play and I hope you will give us a healthy amount of compensation for
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  • The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2021
    iPhone 6s
    ISO 14.7.1
    Game version 32.1.0
    All game modes.

    Description: I’m experiencing dex issues, and control issues with the block button. In my video I posted you can see in the begin of the fight using guillotine 2099 in AQ i dashes forward then back hit block and my champ swings her swords instead, Or at the end of that fight I hit block again to block a sp2 and she dashes back instead and takes that sp2 and dies. Then with sun spot I have the opponent against the wall after my last hit I hit block and he dashes for forward with a light attack right into my opponents sp2. Block and dex are the issues I see the biggest problem and the hardest thing I’m personally experiencing. It’s happening in in all content. So… my recap. When ever I hit block my champs are dashing forward or backwards, throwing an attack at the air when I hit block, And the dex(it literally will not not me dex. a lot of the time, my guy will just stand there or just stay in the block position).
    Well I can’t add the video but those are the issues i am having alot.
    It’s funny you guys need us to do this. Why can’t you guys do this on your phones? Im sure we aren’t the only one dealing with this. Anyways I said my peace. This update has made things worse then the last. It seems like each new update the game is glitching more and more
  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    5.4.4 Rage Kang’s S1 is silent… curious.
  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67
    Device: iPhone XR
    iOS: 14.6
    WLAN 100 mbit
    Game Version: 32.1.0

    Still randomly lagging and crashing. Very unplayable right now. In fights I have like 30 frames, and I get some random drops like from 30 to 10-15. I tested two iPhones XR, I asked some people from my alliance with iPhones 10-11, all of them have same issue - not stable performance, and ofc I monitor this forum (so many people have same). I created few tickets to kabam support and didn’t get any answers or help, even this month update didn’t give any fix, it’s come worst.
    Pls fix this!! How many months need to wait??
  • The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Member Posts: 114
    Ok we’ll thanks for the efforts but I’m on an IPhone 6s and nothing has change is slightest! In AQ it’s still lagging horribly. In mid combo my champs are getting intercepted and hit back! Parry is still not working right. I run map 4 and it never used to be a problem for nor did I ever die. I can’t get even make past 4 opponents without dying now because of these control issues! And it’s the same in all content. My nick fury was able to parry and dex with ease now I can’t dex a special to save my life without taking the full effect of the opponents special. So now I have to take block damage. Like I said A for effort but nothing has changed with this new up date. We’ll that’s for an iPhone 6S. I will not spend another dime on this game til it gets fix right.
  • Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Member Posts: 13
    In game name: Razor fin
    IOS : 14.7.1
    Phone : iPhone 7

    Using data

    Phone seems to lagging and heating up at first I thought it was other factors but then I checked this forum

    Evidence of the lag in arena
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