What’s the general consensus on Venompool one month in?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
So how are folks feeling about Venompool now that we are close to a month in on the buff?

I managed to pull him as a 6* a couple of weeks back, but haven’t been able to really put him through his paces yet as I was wrapping up Chapter 6 on my TB run. So far he seems much improved, just trying to gauge if he is good enough for a rank up. I had read some early initial reviews that were positive - particularly for longer fights and if he was awakened.

I very much enjoy my 5* R5 Venom, so that’s my benchmark for him.

What do folks think?

What’s the general consensus on Venompool one month in? 118 votes

Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
MasterSmokeMavRCK_Whiskey_PoetChadhoganWorld EaterRaganatorheruheru511SpeedbumpTerrathanks4playingJcobra25ThatGuyYouSaw235ThunderGodyuwKerneasTheHoodedDormammuLiquidkoldMigginsly10or_StrongGrootman1294 54 votes
Better than Venom, but only if awakened.
Texas_11Cr7ms7rs7EtherionGodRavenKeeperOrthoCresolch33es3 6 votes
Better than Venom hands down.
Hera1d_of_Ga1actusPuttPuttPaul4 3 votes
About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
JadedDarkrider05ShadowstrikeMasterduxTotal_Domin01RasiloverpseudosaneAckbar67rcm2017MoosetiptronicScopeotoe987RockyshockyDenzel116PikoluDjinSidDDragonSbkruebMobile_P0tat0Iron_Patriot_is_litFieryWater 55 votes


  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Better than Venom hands down.
    I just really like Venompool but honestly it’s probably the 4th option is the most right. I have a R4 Venom and have just never used him but I love using my Venompool
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    He’s fun. A very solid buff by Kabam, definitely one of the better ones
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
    His prefight is silly… why isn’t it a guarantee? Makes him so unreliable and **** version of venom.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,298 Guardian
    About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
    I would actually put Venompool above venom for a couple of reasons: better synergies, works way better on bleed immune than venom, remove 1 of each kind of debuff with om nom, hits harder, is half Deadpool. I got r5 5* Venom and he was my first r5, now I got my Venompool to r3 6* and I love using him, he is a lot of fun to play. Hopefully they fix his sp2 intercepts to work the way hercs do because it is practically impossible for me to intercept their dash with sp2 lol.
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
    Terra said:

    Better than before.
    Fun to play.
    They hit the mark on him, unlike some other buffs *cough*mawnovaronin*cough*.

    and gamora lol
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
    Venompool’s nullify is worse than Venom’s but still good
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
    MavRCK_ said:

    His prefight is silly… why isn’t it a guarantee? Makes him so unreliable and **** version of venom.

    Because you'll get all of the buffs fairly quickly, I can get them in about 50 punches
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
    Venom still has the upper hand for me. More reliable utility, consistent damage. Only in bleed immune match-ups he might get passed by Venompool. If you already have a R5 5* Venom like me, Venompool adds nothing to your roster.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
    My 5* maxed out venom does not hit as hard as my 6* r3 venompool.
    Utilities they are basically the same. Venompool has better synergies.

    Pre fight abilities for venompool do add potency to the selected favourite food as well. Sig 20 it’s 20% increase potency, so it’s definitely helpful. Venompool’s build up is easier and more reliable then venom. Venom tends to get a lot of “physical resistance” buffs, and once you pop a sp2 for more damage it only lasts for a couple combos. Venompool doesn’t have that issue. Venom’s Klyntar Mutation can be nullified easier since it’s always refreshing, once venompool earns his buffs they are permanent. Making buffet easier to handle with venompool if needed.

    I think people that see venom as better are just holding onto the past. They are at least equal now. Both are very good.
  • yuwyuw Member Posts: 316 ★★
    edited August 2021
    Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
    venompoool needs cable synergy(or bishop) to be better than venom damagewise, r2 6star can finish winter soldier in 100 hits, and needs deadpool syneegy to have reliable regen, His damage mostly come from pausing bleed/degen.but venom is better when you need a champ to counter spiderverse evade.
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    About on par - Venom better for short fights, Venompool better for longer ones.
    One utility that vp has that is often overlooked is that his om noms don't count as a nullify. This allows him to eat the buffs on champs like thing and won't trigger nodes such as return policy. I love this guy and he's such a blast to play, hopefully they fix his sp2 stun soon.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Walmart brand Venom. Still 100x more viable than he used to be
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
    Thanks everyone - this was really helpful. Probably going to hold off on ranking him a bit given all this - at least until his SP2 stun is fixed or I dupe him. Then we shall see.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    Venompool is much improved, but still no Venom.
    I will only add that Venom has a very potent regen, unlike VP. I'd say they are close, but the regen gives Venom the upperhand in my eyes
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