What are some of your mcoc goals?

What are some of your short and long term goals and have you achieved any of them yet?
My short term goals: finish 100% act 4, 100% act 5, stop buying the $5 class deals
Long term goals: complete act 6 and lol
My short term goals: finish 100% act 4, 100% act 5, stop buying the $5 class deals
Long term goals: complete act 6 and lol
*Apoc, *Omega, AA, ProfX
*Kingpin, Shang
*Claire, Doom
Apoc is the one I'm most desperate for, as it'd make my 6* roster a lot better lol. Naturally I've been pulling duals for months. Naturally it's been mostly dupes.
Eventually beat Abyss
Buy an Odin 😂
To get CGR and shang-chi
Then proceeds to do the same with act 8 final boss
Short term: Explore Abyss this year after the bugs are ironed out.
Yes, I'm taking things REAL slow these days.
In terms of champions to get…5* Magik is the only 5* I’m after.
6* I’d like to awaken CG, IBom, Havok and NF. Beyond that I’m just chilling.
Maybe I’ll explore V1 but probably won’t bother until I pull Magik for the 2015 rank up gems tbh.
Also Aegon for obvious reasons
100% act 7.
7.1 & 7.2 100%
Eagerly waiting on 7.3
I swear if you complain 1 more time that you have no Iso or Gold in chat I'm gonna link this to you 😂
Then it'll be Act 7 completion.
After that I'll take time to think about my next milestone
this has not been successful