Compensation is really nice .... If you are Thronebreaker

Dear Kabam,
Im a cavalier player who has 7.2 done , yet Rng decided to have 39k of 2 t5cc frags and 10 20k from others so I can't get TB. Why do you hate Cavs so much ??
Im a cavalier player who has 7.2 done , yet Rng decided to have 39k of 2 t5cc frags and 10 20k from others so I can't get TB. Why do you hate Cavs so much ??
All these have 25% selectors and combined, they amount to more than an entire t5cc formed through selectors alone. That's ignoring other places like Abyss, Act 6 100%, Act 7, Cav EQ, etc.
Plus Compensation is still decent for cavs. Revives and stuff are a bit less though across the board.
That being said. They should of gave us a couple of 10% T5CC selectors for the last 2 events at least, because I havent even tried Cavalier quest this month because last month it was a nightmare to do the completion much less explore.
How does the compensation package help us do that, exactly? I'm fairly certain that we got the same amount of t5cc as you (we were just able to select our class) which is basically small change for a TB player. 6K glory is nice but buys you maybe 30K t5b shards, which is (*quick head-math*) about 1/6 of the t5b cost you need to r3 a single champ. It's nothing, in the grand scheme of things of TB goals.
You can be disappointed if you will, I don't care. I have my own feelings on the rewards that I don't feel like repeating in yet another thread. However, what you can't do is whine about Thronebreakers living in some kind of magical wonderland where the riches are infinite and the rewards splendid and overabundant. I'm sorry if these rewards didn't allow you to become TB, but I can assure you that they didn't push any TB'er closer to whatever the next title is either.
You aren’t unlucky you haven’t formed one yet. You’re extremely lucky you aren’t still three away.
Get 7 25% t5cc without doing exploration for 7.1 or 2.
From any place such as the following:
Act 6 completion
Act 6.1 exploration
Variant 5
Variant 6
Variant 7
7.1 completion
7.2 completion
And then you have guaranteed yourself thronebreaker. You’ll have opened 7 25%, leaving you guaranteed to have 50% in at least one class. Remember at worst case you’ll open 6 and have 1 of each class. So the 7th is guaranteed to be a class you already have. After that, go and explore 7.1 and 7.2 and select that class. Boom, 0 RNG thronebreaker.
And that’s ignoring the massive flashing “Free Thronebreaker rank ups! Get your rank 3s here!” Sign that was Summer of Pain.
How does Kabam hate Cavs?
I have an ally mate and personal friend who has been grinding for units and farming pots like crazy to make his first GM run next month. He’s hit one or two quests a week in 6.3 and 6.4 over the last month plus. He got all 9 SoP points he could get (mainly by watching Buddy Lee use his iHulk and trying to replicate the fights).
His last ~15 T5 frag pulls have not been mutant, and he’s been less than 2% from a mutant T5 for more than two months.
His solution: keep at it. T5c frag from the relief package finally gave him mutant and he R3’d his Sunspot, leaving just the GM between him and TB.
Lucky at last? Sure—but lucky and putting himself in the right position.
Dr. Zola
The Sovjet Guardian wouldn’t start such a whining forum post
I had 30-35k of each type before I got one of them to cross over the limit and get a fully formed t5cc.
It seems harsh but it is what it is and tbh the compensation is probably not that different between CAV and TB.
Cav and TB titles have a lot of disparity when it comes to content but compensation ain't it.
TB compensation isn't that much better aside from that. If you look at it from the SOP perspective, since TB have objectives to complete, they are theoretically fighting each week 2-4 fights to get objectives and completion point, compared to 1 fight the Cavs would need to do to get a completion point. Of course it varies by player skill and roster options, but logically? More fights -> more chances to encounter bugs.
If someone faces more bugs, they should logically be compensated more. Compensation compensates for what was lost - units, potions, items. The shards/nexus are just a bonus to the compensation itself. And yet, the compensation, while 'better', is not truly better.
I also agree that with SoP around, there s no excuse to not be a TB already, since you already completed Act 6, and you only had to make a catalyst. The only players that didn't get the TB title after SoP, are the ones that were stuck in a quest in Act 6 before the bugs, and couldn't get past that point because of them. Personally I have two complete t5cc, but not using them yet, because I was stuck in bleed me Medusa. I did tried and finished this, with 25 single revives last week, but I don't try to progress even further because of the bugs still there, and especially the lags in every fight, and AI hitting me after 3rd hit of my combo with a special. So, no TB for me yet, but you, have no excuse.
I had similar issues end of last year trying to pull mutant. Nothing went my way, and it feels like the last hurdle is insurmountable.
Then some people pull all one class and get there with little struggle. It is what it is. Only thing you can do is keep giving yourself chances.
Dr. Zola