If SOP was extended 1-2 weeks, I would feel _______ ....

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
Assuming that they dispersed rewards to those who had 100% explored it and could do no more, and then released the rest of rewards at the end of the new time frame.

If SOP was extended 1-2 weeks, I would feel _______ .... 113 votes

Happy. The nature of the quest means that getting through a 500 hit fight and dexing 50 of the GM's sp1 attacks means that I lost a lot of revives to parry/dex bugs. I'm not made of units.
Erza_ScarletGK_23Scopeotoe987NapaHeroThatOneMasterGamerWozzy101MiStaLovaSchmittonyou2HipocerosNimordeepblack12J0eySn0wYsFrivetGrieferMadnessMCOCHazzaHamezImmortal_DakshVictorVonDoom568Scrubhan 25 votes
Ehh, ambivalent. I get why it is ending and I'll get the rewards I get.
DrZolaWorld EaterSymbioticVen9M16wegnerkAgentDoom9naikavonsilentagPastorAmericaIronGladiator22Steel_Ball_RunLpooBollandDarkKnight646Ace2319Duffman98_wasabi_MarvelFan352SteelerX_Factor 19 votes
Wish it would last longer, but it makes more sense to end it here.
WoozieLegionnaireSkyLord7000BrobosTheBoogyMan 5 votes
Why would they extend it?
Crys23heruheru511zuffyMonk1rockykostonTexas_11JMORG1111PikoluMobile_P0tat0No_oneukFieryWaterHera1d_of_Ga1actusWedgemonsterTimeGenesisGarrettNH3t3rMauledRenaxqqWill3808Godliek 21 votes
Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
danielmathRaganatorxNigubiquitousWindF4k3_GaM3rcausticThecrusher_9756Panchulon21Warlord5386CupidSidDDragonPulyamanBugmat78Mother_FlerkenFenicoChriissRSoulOfDarknessTheSupremeFit_Fun9329AATT 30 votes
Don't care, I'm uncollected or lower
Shadowstrikegggg00 2 votes
Excited because I'm just a scrub and throw units at challenges. The extra time would totally allow me to take advantage and buy, I mean farm more units to get better rewards.
yuwBocksaroxDetective_Pikachu 3 votes
Other (explain)....
TerraRaichu626RebarkawesomesauceHoitadoHilbert_unbeatable2Thanks_D19ThePredator1001 8 votes


  • Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
    It would have been better for the general population to have more time to tackle this content. Since they've just dropped the compensation I feel that some people might be able to explore given a little extra time.

    Personally it never bothered me as I had 100% explored the quest and spent around 40-50 revives in total to explore the whole quest. Grinded around 500 units from the arenas and got like a 400-500 from battleships.
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Other (explain)....
    If they released the rewards when they were supposed to to those that chose to "cash out" or has 100%, but still allowed others more time to complete, or heck even complete for lesser rewards I would be fine with that.

    I'm good with them getting the full rewards, but I know there may be some people upset, so the logical move would be maybe 5% less rewards per day you don't cash out your peak milestone.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    GarrettN said:

    It’s pretty clearly advertised that SoP was to test your 6R3’s (or higher if you’re one of the lucky people with a R4) and that fight was absolutely NOT a 500 hit fight. You can look through my post history and see I’m not a kabam apologist by any means but they’ve given us ample time to do it and now you have an extra stack of revives and potions to help you.

    Plus, from the looks of it, I highly doubt they’ll have the bugs fixed in two weeks anyway so extending it won’t change anything.

    With how restrictive some of the boss combinations on the final week were, coupled with the nature of the objectives, I would be very surprised if many people did this with only 6* rank 3 champs. There are also still champs that to be effective require high sig, which is still super tough to get even a couple champs at for F2P or mostly F2P players. Thats where 5/65 champs still have to pull their weight.

    Was I slightly exaggerating with 500 hit fights? Yes. Could it have taken some champs that many? Definitely. With nodes like acid wash, or champs like Emma with armor break immunity and extra armor, and 700k+ health pools, they are still super lengthy fights with fairly specific playstyles and very little room for error.

    For the time it has been available, lots of players have been working hard to grind out revives/units because they will inevitably miss a few inputs on each path, and parry dex issues will cause a number of KO's as well. Unless you had a solid stash of units/revives before, or could spend the whole last two weeks playing arena, it will have taken a lot of effort to save up the proper resources to take it through. You also use the compensation as a reason that the quest should end on time, but it came out less than two days from the end. That may be enough time to help people with no plans, but if someone was waiting for revives for Kabam, even a good player would have to dedicate a lot of time over the next two days to explore based on compensation. An extra week could mean enough revives for one or two more paths for some people. It makes a difference, even with continued bugs.

    I appreciate the viewpoint and your willingness to express it.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Other (explain)....
    I feel nothing. Because I'm not gonna attempt it 🤣
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
    I don’t want them to extend it. It’ll mean a longer wait for rewards. 😂
  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    edited August 2021
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
    I don’t care, but also don’t see a reason to extend it. If you’re at the level to be doing that kind of content, you could of done it even if there was a parry issues like the rest of us. I used maybe 1-4 revives per path, and a few more for the collector. His sp1 dex issue only got me a few times
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
    I am done with the quest…it doesnt impact me much whether they extend it or not and i would be happy for those who can get the rewards in case they do decide to extend it by a week or so but having said so, those who wanted to finish this quest have already done so or are in the process of doing so in the specified time frame after farming stuff thats needed plus some more to accommodate for the parry and dex issues
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,320 Guardian
    Why would they extend it?
    No point in extending it, the game will still be just as broken for the next week or 2 as it has always been for the challenge. The smarter thing would be to have it reopen at a later date when the contest is back to normal, just like what they're doing with the Grandmasters gauntlet
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    Why would they extend it?
    People who have finished now deserve rewards. No waiting!

    This was one time event, can’t finish it then better luck next time around. I never finished the maze content years ago cause it did not have the right team/items/units… moved on and was ready this time!
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  • king_ov_scrubsking_ov_scrubs Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
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  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,159 ★★★★★
    Cant at least have it reoccur? The lag issues are barely getting better for me and i did 2 runs yday, but i have work today and probably wont finish
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Other (explain)....
    I would be pissed because I need those rewards ASAP and I can’t wait another 2 weeks because scrubs didn’t think 2 weeks was enough
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Other (explain)....
    Don’t care and I’m ThroneBreaker
  • OptiOpti Member Posts: 3
    Happy. The nature of the quest means that getting through a 500 hit fight and dexing 50 of the GM's sp1 attacks means that I lost a lot of revives to parry/dex bugs. I'm not made of units.
    They have to. I'm throwing an extra 10 revives each path because the game performance sucks
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Why would they extend it?
    I explored it. Not sure what it cost me. I got through all of the paths (excluding the GM) itemless with the exception of Rogue.

    The GM himself cost me a lot because I played badly more than game issues affecting me to be honest. Outside of the first phase I wasn’t parrying and I’m honest enough to not use the game issues as a crutch. There were times that there were definitely missed inputs but maybe only enough to cost an extra revive or two across each path.
  • ubiquitousWindubiquitousWind Member Posts: 121
    Don't care, already 100% explored. (if so, how many units/revives/pots?)
    xNig said:

    I don’t want them to extend it. It’ll mean a longer wait for rewards. 😂

    This person gets it. I just finished the last path today. They should let it end when it is supposed to end.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    edited August 2021
    Why would they extend it?
    If they'd extend it 2weeks, there'd be others who would say "If I only had 1 more week". And so on, and so on. It be a never ending cycle.
    This was temporary content that we knew when it was going to end way in advance
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