If SOP was extended 1-2 weeks, I would feel _______ ....

Assuming that they dispersed rewards to those who had 100% explored it and could do no more, and then released the rest of rewards at the end of the new time frame.
If SOP was extended 1-2 weeks, I would feel _______ .... 113 votes
Happy. The nature of the quest means that getting through a 500 hit fight and dexing 50 of the GM's sp1 attacks means that I lost a lot of revives to parry/dex bugs. I'm not made of units.
Excited because I'm just a scrub and throw units at challenges. The extra time would totally allow me to take advantage and buy, I mean farm more units to get better rewards.
Like this if you would have voted, because it won't let me edit the voting options, just the discussion.
Personally it never bothered me as I had 100% explored the quest and spent around 40-50 revives in total to explore the whole quest. Grinded around 500 units from the arenas and got like a 400-500 from battleships.
I'm good with them getting the full rewards, but I know there may be some people upset, so the logical move would be maybe 5% less rewards per day you don't cash out your peak milestone.
Was I slightly exaggerating with 500 hit fights? Yes. Could it have taken some champs that many? Definitely. With nodes like acid wash, or champs like Emma with armor break immunity and extra armor, and 700k+ health pools, they are still super lengthy fights with fairly specific playstyles and very little room for error.
For the time it has been available, lots of players have been working hard to grind out revives/units because they will inevitably miss a few inputs on each path, and parry dex issues will cause a number of KO's as well. Unless you had a solid stash of units/revives before, or could spend the whole last two weeks playing arena, it will have taken a lot of effort to save up the proper resources to take it through. You also use the compensation as a reason that the quest should end on time, but it came out less than two days from the end. That may be enough time to help people with no plans, but if someone was waiting for revives for Kabam, even a good player would have to dedicate a lot of time over the next two days to explore based on compensation. An extra week could mean enough revives for one or two more paths for some people. It makes a difference, even with continued bugs.
I appreciate the viewpoint and your willingness to express it.
Let it end, it's miserable to see it there everyday, just staring me in the face.
This was one time event, can’t finish it then better luck next time around. I never finished the maze content years ago cause it did not have the right team/items/units… moved on and was ready this time!
The GM himself cost me a lot because I played badly more than game issues affecting me to be honest. Outside of the first phase I wasn’t parrying and I’m honest enough to not use the game issues as a crutch. There were times that there were definitely missed inputs but maybe only enough to cost an extra revive or two across each path.
This was temporary content that we knew when it was going to end way in advance