Kitty Pryde- A meta defining champ?

Here's my early take on her.
I think Kitty Pryde has the potential to be on the same level as some of the meta defining champs we have in game as people learn to play her.
I'm talking about the Nick Fury's, The Dooms, the humans torches.
The thing about Kitty is that she has free openings, with almost 100% uptime on said free openings. You get the three prowess at the beginning of the fight, and from then on, from what I've seen of her, it's HARD to get hit in any way.
The tigra synergy makes her unblockable almost the entire fight if you wanted to. (Nick fury/ aegon 999). Being unblockable is just busted. It's what makes NF really take over that top skill spot, that easy access to being fully unblockable.
Kitty has an even faster access to unblockable basic attacks. No throwing sp1 two times like Nick fury, she gets her unblockable abilities after what...10 hits? Then every time you dash in, you're unblockable. You can't light hit and be unblockable, but if you play her right there's no need to.
I mean just that alone, getting access to being unblockable even easier than Nick Fury makes her uh... something.
Then she has her damage which is not cosmic ghost rider level, but it is still at the very top. She has high burst damage, and getting her damge is so free with her unblockable openings.
Miss an intercept? Doesn't matter. Like, it's hard to imagine taking any type of damage using her.
Then of course she benefits from true focus which I'm not the biggest fan of personally, but it means *nothing* counters her phase at all.
She also takes no damage when phasing when awakened...
You see where I'm building up with this?
Almost 100% uptime on phase+ taking no damage when phased from any source means she will be close to being immortal when playing her.
If she stays in the game as is, I think we have a new meta defining champ. And possibly the best mutant as well.
... IMO
I think Kitty Pryde has the potential to be on the same level as some of the meta defining champs we have in game as people learn to play her.
I'm talking about the Nick Fury's, The Dooms, the humans torches.
The thing about Kitty is that she has free openings, with almost 100% uptime on said free openings. You get the three prowess at the beginning of the fight, and from then on, from what I've seen of her, it's HARD to get hit in any way.
The tigra synergy makes her unblockable almost the entire fight if you wanted to. (Nick fury/ aegon 999). Being unblockable is just busted. It's what makes NF really take over that top skill spot, that easy access to being fully unblockable.
Kitty has an even faster access to unblockable basic attacks. No throwing sp1 two times like Nick fury, she gets her unblockable abilities after what...10 hits? Then every time you dash in, you're unblockable. You can't light hit and be unblockable, but if you play her right there's no need to.
I mean just that alone, getting access to being unblockable even easier than Nick Fury makes her uh... something.
Then she has her damage which is not cosmic ghost rider level, but it is still at the very top. She has high burst damage, and getting her damge is so free with her unblockable openings.
Miss an intercept? Doesn't matter. Like, it's hard to imagine taking any type of damage using her.
Then of course she benefits from true focus which I'm not the biggest fan of personally, but it means *nothing* counters her phase at all.
She also takes no damage when phasing when awakened...
You see where I'm building up with this?
Almost 100% uptime on phase+ taking no damage when phased from any source means she will be close to being immortal when playing her.
If she stays in the game as is, I think we have a new meta defining champ. And possibly the best mutant as well.
... IMO
We have Mag's,Apocalypse and AA
Top 7 Yes
I hate giving definitive placements to champs before they've landed but top 7 feels like downplaying her.
One thing not mentioned is her stun immunity during phase which along with ignoring damage from all sources makes there very little that actually stops her. Fully expecting nodes that inflict cowardice to make an appearance in the future.
I think to make the best out of her you'll want to take tigra everywhere and potentially ghost but those are hardly the worst champs to carry around
I agree with both of you too
She's busted along with Hercules, and they're both going to be meta-defining champs
As much as I’d like to have her in my lineup (and I’m a long time fan of the character from comics), I have no confidence she will continue in the same form as she’s been advertised. She feels too good, too meta to be left as she seems to be right now.
Dr. Zola
They make the Mutant Class so good.
They make Quake (Broken OP) and Ghost (Very Close to Quake Level)
But then they introduce True Focus. True Focus not only makes Quake and Ghost pretty useless but it makes these champions like Tigra and Silver Surfer and Masacre and other champs uselss
We all speculate that they added True Focus in order to Nerf Ghost and Quake’s Cheese Ability but in the process they took down other champions
Then Comes Kitty Pryde (Mutant Class)
Mutants are Op to begin with. I mean Half the Class is kinda cracked. So with Kitty Pryde she has Phasing abilities. But the Node they used to Break Down the old OP Characters doesn’t PHASE (pun intended) her.
She is by all means a meta defining Character. I just think it’s bogus that Kabam nerfs the “old meta champions” and the immediately adds a character that not only isn’t affected by the node but actually benefits from it.
It's more like meta-shuffling at this point, similar to Peni. Create problems, sell solutions. Sell problems, create solutions.
If she’s high sig a combo is gonna give her about 2 and a half bars of power. My sig 20 took a combo from hit monkey in the Shang chi challenge and she got a bar and a half
I've tested it just now with my DDHK, he works well as a staying alive counter, but at the cost of doing no damage for 80% of the fight. After 2 mins, I had taken 20% health. And the only time I managed to do any damage was a lucky moment when she used an Sp1 on my block, taking a bunch of my health, but it meant she lost her prowess and allowed me to use my special while she wasn't phasing.
I think you're missing the point that you can't do damage while she is phased.
You're better off using non crit champs and playing her stun immune/blocking sp1s to reset prowess.
And kitty as an attacker uses DD for free power gain like any other miss counter
we all play differently guys. the power gain was never a problem for me and i solo'd her with DDHK every time. it was the fact that i could play her like i normally do that was the most important thing to ME. her power gain never came into play.
(1) the top mutants like OR, Stryfe, Apocalyose and Magneto actually battle 10+ x-men at a time in the comics. And AA, Professor X, Iceman, etc are all very powerful mutants. But kitty is more like a jubilee or a rogue. Ridiculous to make her a top choice in terms of mutants
(2) the mutant class is way to powerful as it is. Having another powerful one is not a big help. Making cosmic Phoenix beyond god tier would be much better for the balance of the game and true to the comics
(3) kabam is starting to nerf ghost and quake with the new node. I’m ok with it, but not if they now introduce a new champ who is not only immune to that but actually BENEFITS from that new node. It reeks of self-interest.