MD; still worth using these days?

Pretty much just wondering if people still find MD worth the points currently, and if so what level you run it at. Relatively speaking I'm fairly mystic heavy in my top champs, I have 3 r3 mystics out of 10 and I use em pretty frequently.
Currently I have level 3 MD. But I'm pretty heavily debating on putting the points elsewhere, or pulling one point from elsewhere and going 4/5 MD.
Do you run MD? At what level? And do you find it's worthwhile on offence?
Currently I have level 3 MD. But I'm pretty heavily debating on putting the points elsewhere, or pulling one point from elsewhere and going 4/5 MD.
Do you run MD? At what level? And do you find it's worthwhile on offence?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I find fault with that, honestly. I feel MD has shackled the development of mystic champions. It'd probably be better for the game if MD got yeet'd and every mystic champ got a boost to power per buff falloff that simulated a reasonable level of MD as per that champion's kit.
I do agree with @TrashyPanda, though. Since MD is the only class mastery that's really relevant to the game (I run collar tech as well, but it's not nearly the same), you have this weird situation where a whole class of champions can become significantly weaker if you decide to turn on suicides for example. I did it a while back and had to switch off MD in order to afford them, and that significantly nerfed every single mystic I have. Switching off collar tech hurt my Punisher 2099 but it didn't really affect any other tech champion in my roster to any significant degree.
I think it's a weird design to have one class relying on a mastery so much, while no other class does. So like Panda said, maybe it would be better to remove MD and just give mystics a general power gain boost that's equivalent to it. Either that or revamp the mastery setup completely. I know that they are working on a new mastery system but I do not know if that includes a "fix" to the MD situation.