October buffs announced !!

It's confirmed now Gully is getting buffed next month . Keeping high expectations only because of the fact that she was people's choice and Hercules too and he turned out to be broken OP . Thor Rags is a nice surprise .
What are your thoughts ?
Also, @The_Sentry06 you were wrong once again.
Like phoenix or even silver surfer
Some tweaks in his numbers would make him a lot more useful
Kabam the ball is in your court now plz don't give him a nova level buff
Dr. Zola
Hope the buff's good.
My fear with Guilly is they may remove her insane SP3 damage after the buff. I really hope they keep that Sp3 as is or just add to it.
On the screenshot it’s CGR. But why?
How it shows for me:
Dr. Zola